Russo kept the pistols to the men's head as Angelo slowly approached them.
"Easy, Giovanni. Cecile, is what he's saying true?" Angelo asked.
Cecile didn't look at Angelo, until she pulled out a gun and shot the men in the chest. They both fell to the ground as Russo was shocked. The rest of the guards surrounded and got close as they all aimed at Russo.
"Cecile, what the hell are you doing!?" Angelo yelled.
"They were worthless. These fools couldn't kill this bastard. And yes. It's true. I ordered them to kill him." Said Cecile.
"Why!?" Angelo asked.
"He sickens me. It reminds me of the whore you cheat with! And I don't care what he says. I know he wants to be the next head of this family! Everyone is always after power. And I worked hard to be where I am now. You just have to get drunk and sleep with the closest pretty face, huh, Angelo!?" Cecile yelled, pointed the gun to him.
"You better put that gun down, Cecile." Said Angelo.
"And why should I? He is a threat to our family! He wants to take over and get rid of all of us! I should've killed him too whenever I killed his mother." Said Cecile.
"What…?" Angelo responded.
Cecile continued to talk, but everything became muffled to Russo. He was in shock as his breathing started to get heavy, his hands clenching and beads of sweat move down his face.
"Why did you do that!?" Angelo yelled.
"Because she had to learn what happens to whores who cross me! The disrespect! The way others spoke about the affair and how I was pitied and laughed at! She deserved to die and I was happy to end her miserable life!" Cecile yelled.
Suddenly, Russo snapped and bolted at Cecile at an unbelievable speed. He grabbed her from the throat and slammed her into the nearest wall. The impact of her hitting the wall caused Russo's hand to crush her throat, instantly killing her. Everyone stood shocked as Russo dropped Cecile's corpse as he turned towards everyone, still enraged and breathing heavy like a beast. Russo took one step as one of the men got scared and opened fire. The bullet hit Russo in the arm, but he let his rage push through the pain as everything went black. Russo had glimpses of him walking in the street. He was avoiding someone as he faded in an out of running, then dodging bullets and even running in the middle of the streets as he was being chased. Until he woke up in a room that had one small window as it was a small room. He tried getting up, but his whole body was in pain. He looked down at his body and saw that he was covered in bandages and had casts on parts of his body.
"Wh…What the hell happened…?" Russo murmured to himself as he heard chatting.
"Has he woken up at all?" Someone asked.
"No, he hasn't. It's been about a week. I'm afraid his body is giving up on him. But he has last longer than I thought he would. You should've seen him when he come. He was all shot up, so much blood loss. He frightened me almost to death." Said a woman.
Russo then sees Jane and Donny walked in as they saw that he was awake and were surprised.
"Hey…" Said Russo.
"Kid! Holy crap, you're alive!" Donny shouted as he ran to him.
"Donny, what…what happened?" Russo asked.
"You don't remember?" Donny asked.
"Do tell him yet. He's still recovering. He needs to rest. Sorry, Giovanni. But I'm going to give you something to help you." Said Jane as he injected sleeping drugs into him.
Did you call him, Giovanni?" Donny asked as his voice echoed.
Russo blacked out as it was later on and Russo woke up to Jane giving him a sponge bath. He moaned from the pain as he tried sitting up.
"Don't push yourself." Said Jane.
"How long…how long was I out?" Russo asked.
"For about a week. You walked in Steiner's personal lab covered in your own blood. What did you do for this to happen, Giovanni?" Jane asked.
"I…screwed up. I found out about something that…mad me so mad. I lost control of myself. Everything is a blur." Said Russo as his stomach growled.
"Give me a minute. I'll bring some food." Said Jane as he stood up.
"Thank you. Um, were you cleaning me?" Russo asked.
"Yes. I wasn't going to let you stuck up the place." Said Jane.
"Did you clean…downstairs?" Russo asked.
"As if I'd touch you there! I got your friend to help clean you there. Now, excuse me!" Said Jane as she walked out, blushing.
Russo chuckled as he tried remembering, but everything wasn't clear. Jane was putting food on a tray as she was in Steiner's lab. Suddenly, Steiner walked in with papers in his hand as Jane looked up.
"Hello, Jane." Said Steiner.
"Wilhelm! Giovanni just woke up!" Said Jane.
"W-What!? He has?" Steiner replied.
They both went into the room as they found him standing up in his boxers. Jane turned red as she turned away, almost dropping the food. Steiner quickly approached Russo as he hugged him with happily and with relief.
"I'm so glad you are alive, my friend!" Said Steiner.
"And can you put on some clothes!? Have some decency!" Jane yelled.
"Tell me, Steiner. Who took off my clothes?" Russo asked as he glanced at Jane with a smirk.
"Well, that was Ms. Watson—" Said Steiner, before being interrupted.
"Wilhelm! Give him clothes!" Jane yelled.
It was later as they were all sitting down as Russo was eating all he could. Steiner and Jane were drinking from a cup as there catching up on what's been going on.
"Your friend, Donny. He said that many families are after you. Angelo Russo and his family were killed the day you arrived. They said he was shot and his men are putting the blame on you. Even Donny's boss, Mr. Adamo, wants you dead." Said Steiner.
"But why? You've been working for him for years. Why wouldn't he protect you?" Jane asked.
"Because I killed someone higher up than me. It's a rule among us. I can only kill those who my boss tells me to. I crossed the line and now…I'm a dead man if I walk on the streets." Said Russo, startling Jane and Steiner.
"Then stay here. Just for now. Maybe there's something your friend Donny can do." Said Jane.
"You don't understand. To all the families, I broke the law. And by doing so, I have to face my punishment. Death." Said Russo.
"My goodness." Said Steiner.
"That's just ridiculous!" Said Jane.
"To you it maybe. But I chose this. I knew the rules and broke them. It's no different from a person committing a crime." Said Russo.
"He's right." Said Donny as he was by the room's door.
Steiner and Jane stood up, nervous as Russo only stared at Donny. Donny stared down at Russo as he walked in and approached him.
"You good, kid?" Donny asked.
"Yeah." Russo replied.
Donny then punched Russo across the face as Jane and Steiner were startled. But Jane stood in front of Russo, protecting him as Steiner held one of his pens at him like it was a knife.
"Stop right there!" Said Steiner, nervously.
"I'm not going to do anything else, doc. So, put down the pen." Said Donny.
"Giovanni, are you okay?" Jane asked.
"Yeah. Did you let everything out?" Russo asked.
"Not all of it. But most of it did get out. (sighs) What the hell got into you, kid!? Please tell me that you didn't kill Angelo and his family! All of the family head's want you dead for what you did. And everyone's looking for you. What were you thinking!?" Donny yelled.
"That bitch killed my mother!" Russo yelled.
"Who?" Donny asked.
"Cecile, Angelo's wife. She killed my mother. That's why I was abandon and left on the streets. She did it just because my father cheat on her with my mother. I went back to their home and things spiraled out of control. When she said all of that, Donny. I just lost it. Something awoke within me and I killed her." Said Russo as everyone was shocked.
"So you did kill him and his family." Said Donny.
"No! I only killed Cecile. Well, from what I can remember." Said Russo.
"Which is it, kid!? Because…" Said Donny.
Donny drew out his pistol as Jane and Steiner froze, but Russo got in front of them. He then pressed his head against the end of the gun's barrel.
"Donny, I didn't kill Angelo or his family." Said Russo.
Everything was quiet in the room as Donny and Russo stared into each other's eyes. Until closed his eyes and sighed as he lowered his gun.
"Swear to god if I wasn't so nice. You'd be dead." Said Donny, holstering his gun.
"You love me too much. What's the plan?" Russo asked.
"From what your telling me. Someone used what happened to set you up. Because you don't use guns. I've never seen you with a gun. You've always used your fist." Said Donny.
"Do you have any leads or an idea who'd do this?" Russo asked.
"Nope. But don't worry. I'll get to the bottom of it. You stay put with these two. Um, sorry about the drama that happened." Said Donny.
"You call that drama!?" Jane yelled.
"Is it alright for me to move?" Steiner asked.
"Is alright guys. I promise this won't happen again." Said Russo.
"You better promise! My heart can't handle this crap. Its beating a mile." Said jane with her hand on her chest.
"Yeah, apologizes. But kid. Adamo told me to personally kill you. Don't make me regret this, alright? Stay here, until we figure something out." Said Donny.
"Of course. You stay safe, old man." Said Russo.
"Again, sorry you two. And thanks for saving this idiot. I'm grateful and in your debt. Excuse me." Said Donny as he left.
"Well, that happened." Said Steiner.
"Yeah, sorry. This is normal for us." Said Russo.
"Well, it better not happen again! (Sighs) Are you okay, Wilhelm?" Jane asked.
"Yes, I will live. But I'm glad to see you are able to get up so early, Russo." Said Steiner.
"Yeah, that's strange. I thought I'd still be in bed." Said Russo.
"Well, get ready to be amazed. Steiner may have the answer for that since he found out something special about you." Said Jane.
"What did you find out, Wilhelm?" Russo asked.
"Give me a minute." Said Steiner.
Steiner quickly wrote on a nearby blackboard as Russo watching and eating. Jane sat patiently as Steiner wrote down the word evolutional gene.
"I have been studying this gene that found in a hand full of people I met back in my home country. This gene showed up on those who had, how you say, enhanced abilities. A little girl I met had the ability to leap like a frog. A man was able to listen for many meters. As if he had the hearing of a dog. An elderly woman was able to see from far away like an eagle. And so, I've spent most of my time researching this gene. And I found it within you, Russo." Said Steiner.
"I'm an enhanced person?" Russo asked.
"Yes. And you have an far evolved gene than any other I've met. Russo, I think you are the key to unlocking the secrets of this gene." Said Steiner.