Russo Origin Pt 4

Russo was looking at his hand and let what he learn sink in, while Steiner Jane was checking on one of his wounds on his back. The one she checked was a bullet wound as it was healed as it left a scar.

"Well, this does make some sense. Many guys have told me that I've always been stronger, faster and more athletic than them." Said Russo.

"I cannot pinpoint what ability you have. But from the looks of it. It is safe to say that you are somewhat of a superhuman. Your durability from all those bullet wound was astonishing." Said Steiner.

"How many times was I shot?" Russo asked.

"Twenty times." Jane replied.

"S-Seriously!?" Russo responded, shocked.

"Yes. I'm sure your adrenaline was a key factor of you making it here." Said Jane, taking off some of his bandages.

"Russo, please. May I have more samples of your DNA. I will be most grateful to you, my friend. It will vastly help my research." Steiner begged.

"I don't mind really." Said Russo.

"No, blood samples, Wilhelm! He still recovering." Said Jane.

"Of course, of course! Thank you, Russo. With this, I can start an experiment to see if it can evolve anymore." Said Steiner.

"No problem, Steiner. But do you think you're able to enhance me?" Russo asked.

"Pardon?" Steiner asked.

"Hold on! Steiner, don't be tempted. You know if you were to do that, you'll be putting Giovanni's life at risk." Said Jane.

"My life is already at risk, Jane. Wilhelm, is there a way you can do that?" Russo asked.

"Wilhelm, don't!" Said Jane.

"Sh-She's right, Russo. It would be dangerous and a great risk to your health. The results may cause death. And if not, you could cause long term damage or affect your mental state of mind. I would never, no, I refuse to let that happen to you." Steiner replied.

"Thank you, Wilhelm." Said Jane.

"What if I wait for you to make something? Something that's safe. Is that possible?" Said Russo as he looked at Jane.

"Hmm, I could make something that could probably boost your ability even more. But for a limited time. But I'll need help." Said Steiner.

"Alright. We'll help." Said Russo.

"Uh, excuse me. I have class." Said Jane.

"Whatever. It'll be us guys." Said Russo.

"But do help us, Jane. I may need you expertise for this to work." Said Steiner.

"(Sighs) Very well. But I'm doing it for Wilhelm. Not you." Said Jane as she looked at Russo.

"Stop lying. You tolerate me." Said Russo.

"I…Anyway, you both behave. I'll be back soon. Russo, rest. That's an order." Said Jane.

"Okay~." Russo replied.

She left as Russo watched her as he chuckled and turned to Wilhelm. He had already started as Russo was impressed. Meanwhile, we see Donny arrive at a mobster hangout in search of information about what's been going. He sat down at the bar and placed down a bill for the bartender as he slid it to him. He took the bill as he looked at both of his sides.

"What do you want to know?" The bartender asked.

"What's really going? Why were the Russo's killed?" Donny asked.

"The Russo's were a dying family. They were losing power among the other families. Angelo was felling into debt to the government and were given a choice. Give up everything they know of the families and their debt will be wiped away. Angelo thought he was safe, but we have connections everywhere. All of the other families all agreed to off them. But luckily, your boy, Russo. He went ahead and killed them. I heard they were planning on letting off the hook, but he broke rules. We can't let that slide. As well as that he's Angelo's son. Angelo in his prime was a beast and cunning young man. But he got sloppy from not taking care of himself. Your boy has become a huge threat." Said the bartender as he nodded to someone else.

Donny noticed, until he was suddenly surrounded by his own men. Donny sighed as he reached behind the bar and grabbed a bottle. He opened it and took a long drink from it.

"After all the years I put into this family. Is this the way I'm going to go out? Just because the kid became a big threat. Funny how they're afraid of one guy. I wonder how he's going to react to this." Said Donny.

Donny then broke the bottle into one of the men's head as he tried fighting but was then shot in stomach. He was shot by the bartender as he fell to the ground.

"Sorry, Donny. Truly. But we got orders from the higher ups." Said the bartender.

Meanwhile, Russo and Steiner were working on a serum as Russo watched Steiner. He had a chemistry station set up in his lab as he was working on an boost enhancement pill for Russo.

"You must be a genius to be able to know how all of this works." Said Russo.

"Thank you. But you don't need to be a genius to know how to use this. Just how you don't necessary need to be a genius to be smart." Said Steiner.

"That's a different way of putting it." Said Russo.

"But let us talk. I frankly do not know much about you, Russo. Is there a particular hobby or sport you like?" Steiner asked.

"Not much of a sport kind of guy. And I don't have an hobbies." Said Russo.

"So what do you do for fun?" Steiner asked.

"I actually don't do anything." Said Russo.

"Why is that?" Said Steiner.

"Because I owe Donny, my friend who came in here to punch me. I owe him my life. He's the reason I'm not starving in the streets. He's the first man to ever give a crap about me. That and I've always been working for the Adamo family. But all of that's changed because of what happened." Said Russo.

"I see. Then how about us three, You, Jane and I go out into the city have fun. Well, that's if all of this gets settled." Said Steiner.

"What would we do?" Russo asked.

"Uh, I do not know. I have never had fun with others. I'm usual studying or working on my research. Ha, it seems you and I have something in common." Said Steiner.

"Yeah, I guess so." Russo replied.

"Russo…" Said a man as he walked in.

Russo and Steiner looked up and saw a man dress up as a hitman as he had black gloves, fedora, shades. Russo stood up as Steiner became nervous and afraid.

"I can't believe they sent you after me." Said Russo.

"W-Who is he?" Steiner asked.

"No one knows his first name, only his last. Hitman Falcone, the best of the entire city." Said Russo as he was on guard.

"I don't want innocents involved. If I were you, get out. I just want Russo." Said Falcone.

"Do as he says, Steiner." Said Russo.

"But you're not healed, Russo." Said Steiner.

"Doesn't matter. Just get out." Said Russo.

Steiner approach Russo as he placed his hand on his shoulder, while Russo looked surprised as he looked at Steiner.

"Good luck." Said Steiner.

Steiner left as he kept his distance from Falcone, while his sights were only on Russo. They both stood still for a long second as the tension between was heavy. Suddenly, Falcone drew out a pistol that had a suppressor attached to it and opened fired on Russo. Russo rolled out of the way, but his arm was grazed by the bullets. Russo hid behind a table as Falcone quickly reloaded his gun. Russo then looked at his gun as he quickly flashed back to when Steiner touched his shoulder. Steiner had snuck a pill onto Russo's hand as he took the pill. Falcone slowly approached Russo's position as Russo paused for a second, until he felt a surge of energy within him as Falcone aimed his gun at Russo's head. Falcone fired, but Russo leaned his head forward as the bullet missed, shocking Falcone. Falcone then continue to fire, but Russo evaded around Falcone as he dodged all bullets. He then grabbed onto Falcone's gun and quickly jabbed at Falcone's face, knocking him across the room. He crashed into a desk, breaking it as Russo was panting heavily and surprised at how his strength and speed. At the door, Steiner peaked his head as he was afraid and shaking.

"R-Russo? A-Are you alright?" Steiner asked.

"Y…Yeah. Steiner, what the hell is in that pill?" Russo asked.

"Oh! My goodness. Are you alright? And how are you feeling?" Steiner asked as he quickly pulled out a notepad and pen as it clicked.

"I'm fine. And I'm full of energy. A bit tingly. What was that?" Russo asked.

"It's the pill we've been working on. This is an earlier stage pill that I've already made. It's meant to temporary boost one's ability to its maximum peak for only about a minute. But if I were you, I would sit down. The affects go away quick and you're going to feel a massive amounts of fatigue." Said Steiner.

Russo felt it hit him as he fell to the ground as Steiner tried catching him. But they both feel to the ground as Steiner chuckled and Russo moaned from the affects.

"Sorry, I thought strong enough to catch you. But it turns out you are very heavy." Said Steiner.

"My body feels so heavy. But first, tie him up. I have questions for this guy." Said Russo.

It would be later as Jane was walking back to the lab as saw the door was closed. She approached the door and tried opening it, but it was locked.

"Um, Wilhelm? Giovanni?" Said Jane as she knocked on the door.

Jane saw Steiner look through the blinds of the door and quickly opened the door. Jane was about to ask what's going on, but Steiner pulled her in quickly.

"W-Wilhelm! What are you—W-Who is that!?" Jane asked loudly as she saw Falcone tied up on chair as Russo was sitting on a chair and spun towards Jane.

"He's a hitman that was sent to kill me." Said Russo.

"I leave for just one class and trouble already happened? Did you promise this wouldn't happen again!? I mean, Wilhelm could've gotten hurt. Did you get hurt?" Jane asked.

"No, I am fine, Jane." Said Steiner.

"(grunts) What the hell…?" Said Falcone.

"Rise and shine, Falcone." Said Russo.

"Damn…I can't remember the last time I was tied up like this. What do you plan on doing to me?" Falcone asked, casually.

"How did you find me?" Russo asked.

"Are seriously going to do this here?" Jane asked.

"Give me a second." Said Russo as he pulled Jane to the side.

"Sure. I know how having a ball in chain is." Said Falcone.

"We're not married or dating for information!" Jane yelled.

"You are married?" Steiner asked.

"Yep, got four kids." Said Falcone.

"Oh, that's nice." Steiner replied.

"Jane, listen to me—" Said Russo.

"No, you listen to me! I do not want this happening here! I do not want anyone getting hurt! You promise this wasn't going to happen again! The only reason I helped you is because of Wilhelm! But you're putting his life in danger! You owe me for nurse you ass back to health! So do this quickly and get the hell out!" Jane yelled.

"I understand. But I've got nowhere to go." Said Russo.

"Not my problem. That's yours since you chose this life." Said Jane.

"Then why did even bother helping me?" Russo asked.

"Because I can't help it. When I see someone hurt or in trouble, I want to help." Said Jane.

"Then let me stay just a bit longer and I swear I'll be gone." Said Russo.

"(Sighs) Fine. But you better keep to your word." Jane replied.

"Thank you. You won't regret it. But back to you, Falcone. How did you find me?" Russo asked.