Russo Origin Pt 5

Falcone sat quietly as Russo grabbed him from his shirt and pulled him towards him.

"Start talking." Russo demanded.

"I ain't no snitch, Russo. If you want me to talk, you'll have to make me. Or if you got the right price, I could tell you all you want." Said Falcone.

"Wow, no loyalty." Said Jane.

"I'm loyal only to my family. And money. I got to provide for them. And you'll be surprised how the families like screw with each other." Said Falcone.

"What do you want?" Russo asked.

"I'd ask for some cash. And I'm sure your broke. And you two don't seem to have money. Or willing to help Russo here. Not to you, fella. I mean the broad." Said Falcone.

"He's not wrong." Jane replied.

"Then I'll have to beat it out of you." Said Russo.

"Hey, you will not spill blood in this lab!" Said Jane.

"Easy, easy, Russo. I want to know what that thing was you took. I'm interested in that." Said Falcone as he crossed his legs.

"Sorry, but it's not meant for you. Only certain special people can take it." Said Russo.

"Let's not be quick to judge, Russo. I noticed that he was able to graze bullets onto you. I would take a skilled marksman or—" Said Steiner.

"A special person? I've heard about you, Wilhelm Steiner." Said Falcone.

"How?" Jane asked.

"I do research on people I'm trying to kill or those who are around them. That way I can be prepared or not caught off guard. And I read about your research of evolved people. I thought you were a crazy man at first. But when you wrote about others who have special abilities it made me think of myself. For some reason, I've always had great perception with my sight. Every time I wanted to hit something, I always hit it just right. No matter what weapon I use. Even my hands. So I tried out guns and well, look at me now. I think those pills will be a great use for me, just like Russo here. I'll give you the info in exchange for those things. Hell, I'll even forget about this encounter and ignore the family's hit on you, Russo." Said Falcone.

"How can I trust you?" Russo asked.

"It's up to you. And don't give me any fakes or poison. I have connections who can tell if they're real. But I give you my word." Said Falcone.

It was silent between them all as Russo approached Falcone and looked straight into his eyes.

"Double cross me and I will kill you." Said Russo.

"Don't worry, I rarely give my word." Said Falcone.

"Where are they keeping, Donny?" Russo asked.

"You know where. The main Adamo base." Said Falcone.

"Alright. And last thing. I want them safe as well." Said Russo.

"These two? That's going to cost ya extra." Said Falcone.

"Head to my apartment room. One of the loose boards can be taken off and in it is a 1,000 dollars. I want full protection for these two. Understood?" Said Russo.

"Russo…" Said Steiner as he and Jane were shocked.

"What if I don't find it in there?" Falcone asked.

"You will. Do we have a deal?" Russo asked as Falcone smirked.

"Deal. I'd shake, but I'm tied up as you can see." Said Falcone.

It was a couple of minutes later as Falcone was free as Steiner handed him a small pill bottle.

"Do not take too many in the same time period. It will cause damage to your eyes. It could result in permanent blindness. The maximum amount that should be consumed is 5. So use them wisely." Said Steiner.

"Got it. Thanks. I'll head over to your place. Once I find and get the money, our deal is all set. And if you want, I could help you. If you've got the money." Said Falcone.

"No. I'll be fine on my own. Now, about how learn where I was." Said Russo.

"The families got your friend, Donny. They beat the living hell out of the guy and he told them where you were." Said Falcone.

"My goodness." Said Steiner.

"Those bastards…" Said Russo, furious.

"He held on for a long time, but every man has his limits. Right now, they're waiting for me to return with good news. But I'll tell them you got away." Said Falcone.

"Good. I plan on getting Donny out from where he is and kill everyone bastard who's in my way!" Said Russo.

"You know they'll keep hunting you. And we may eventually cross paths again. This won't end, until you're dead, Russo." Said Falcone.

"Thanks for the concern, but I don't care. Because I plan on killing all of the family heads." Said Russo.

"(Chuckles) W-What!?" Falcone replied.

"You heard me. The family's do whatever the hell they want. One killed my mother. And they're putting all the blame on me. That way they can keep their hands clean. There needs to be a change. And I am a Russo, right? Technically, speaking…I'm the new family head." Said Russo.

"Oh, crap, you're right." Said Falcone.

"I am confused. What is going on?" Steiner asked Jane.

"I'm as lost as you are." Jane replied.

"I think I know how to bring down all of the families." Said Russo.

It was later as Falcone was walking away from them as he waved at them goodbye. Steiner gave Russo a pill container that had the boost pills.

"Thanks. I'm heading off as well. Steiner thank you for your help, pal." Said Russo.

"No need to thank me, Russo. It is my pleasure to help a friend." Said Steiner.

"And you don't have to call me Russo. Giovanni is fine." Said Russo.

"Of course, Giovanni!" Steiner replied as Russo turned to Jane.

"Can I ask you something?" Jane asked.

"Go ahead." Russo replied.

"Why did you do that? Paying him to protect us? This won't change my mind about you, Giovanni!" Said Jane.

"Good. And I did it because I owe you my life. I never did thank you for nursing me back to health. Just consider this me paying you back. After the trouble I've caused." Said Russo as he turned away from them.

He started leaving as he Jane and Steiner watched him leave the lab.

"I'm not good at goodbyes. But let's hope I see you both again." Said Russo as he left.

Russo left as Steiner was sadden as he turned towards Jane. She was actually sad as well as Steiner chuckled, while she turned towards him a bit angry.

"What are you laughing at?" Jane asked.

"Nothing. I'm glad to see that you actually did care about him." Said Steiner.

"He may be rude, reckless and obnoxious fool. He's not a bad man. No, I think you find him attractive. That is it isn't it?" Steiner asked, teasingly.

"I do not, Wilhelm!" Jane yelled, blushing from embarrassment.

Wilhelm chuckled as Jane turned away from with a pouty face, but it then turned to a smile as she brushed her hair to the side. Meanwhile, Russo walked down the stair, avoiding the mob family's men who were searching for him. He kept out of sight as he went over to a secret stash spot he and Donny used. Inside had guns, but Russo grabbed some clothes and protective gear as he dressed up for a battle. He grabbed some brass knuckles and a knife as he went off to find Donny. He soon arrived at the main Adamo base, which was a small casino that was exclusive to certain people. A rich couple walked in as they showed an invite as the guards let them pass. Russo was across the entrance as he had his brass knuckles on. Inside, we see Donny tied up to a chair as he was bruised up, beaten and bloodied. We then see some guards enter the room he was in as they were escorting Mr. Adamo. He was dressed up as a boss as he had coat on his shoulders, while he was smoking a cigar in his mouth. He approach Donny as he woke up and looked up at Mr. Adamo, while he gently grabbed his face.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this Donny. But you promised me that you were going to kill him. But you let him go. And I get it. You love the kid. But your loyalty was broken once you acted on your emotions. Now, we'll just have to wait for Falcone. And we both know that he won't fail." Said Mr. Adamo.

Suddenly, the entrance doors were slammed open as the guards crashed through them. Everything was silent as Russo walked in, while taking a pill. All of the other guards opened fired as Russo felt the pill kick in. He then bolted off as the bullets missed him, while the people gambling got down or ran out of the way. Russo ran up to one of the guards, grabbed his gun and punched him into a pillar. He hurled the gun at a nearby guard as it hit him in the face. Russo got close and knocked him out with one punch. Mr. Adamo and Donny heard the commotion as a couple of guards ran off. Mr. Adamo stood and wait as Donny tried setting himself free. Russo took care most of the guards downstairs as he was still being fired from above on the second floor. He then ran up to a pillar and jump on in and launched himself up into the second floor. He hurled his fist to the closest guard and knocked him out as one guard open fired on Russo as all bullets hit him. But the bullets only stung him hard as the guard ran out of bullets. His gun only clicked as Russo was annoyed. He grabbed a table and slide into the guard as he was knocked into a nearby wall. Mr. Adamo was looking nervous as he dropped his cigar onto the ground as the guards were starting to shake. The gun fire lessen as Donny kept on trying to struggle, until Mr. Adamo pointed a gun against his forehead. Russo then kicked the door open as the guards aimed their guns, until he saw Donny and Mr. Adamo.

"Stop right there, Russo! Any further and I'll shoot." Mr. Adamo yelled.

"Let him go. Unless you want things to get really ugly." Said Russo.

"That's my line, kid. Think about the situation you're in. You want him to live? You do as I say." Said Mr. Adamo as he pressed his gun more onto Donny's head.

"Kid…why did you come for me?" Donny asked.

"Don't ask question you already know." Russo replied with a concerned smile.

"Cute. But now's not the time for that crap. So what's it going to be, Russo?" Mr. Adamo.

"You're pathetic, Adamo. Point the gun at me. All of you shoot me! I'm right here, right? Finish the job now!" Russo yelled.

"Kill him!" Mr. Adamo yelled.

The all opened fired as Russo ran towards them as the bullets stung and bounced off him. Russo quickly knocks out the guards as Mr. Adamo aims the gun at Russo. Russo got close to him as Mr. Adamo fired his gun as Russo was about to strike him. But Russo froze as the bullet had went into chest. Russo fell to the ground as Mr. Adamo laughed hysterically as he stomped on Russo's back.

"You little bastard! You had me there! I guess you're not so tough, huh?" Mr. Adamo laughed.

He then aimed his gun at Russo's head, until Donny hit Mr. Adamo with his chair. He knocked him into the wall as Mr. Adamo passed out as Russo was surprised. Donny then showed that he had a ring that had a small blade.

"I love my lucky ring." Said Donny as he kissed it.

He then helps Russo back on his feet as they both looked at Mr. Adamo.

"How the hell did you take all of those bullets?" Donny asked.

"I'll explain later. But right now, we need to get him awake." Said Russo.

"Kid, what do you plan on doing?" Donny asked.

"I'm going to taking down all of the crime families." Russo answered.

"W-Why?" Donny asked.

"Because all of these bastards use their power to do whatever the hell they want. And I plan on changing that." Said Russo.

"But that'll cause others to take over." Said Donny.

"Not unless there's only one in charge. One boss above all families." Said Russo.