It was later as Mr. Adamo woke up to being splashed in the face with water. Donny was the one who did it as Mr. Adamo coughed out the water.
"Alright, Mr. Adamo. Tell what the families plan on doing?" Russo asked.
"You better let me go, boy! My men will be searching for me. And wait until you see what they'll do to you when they find out about what you did here!" Mr. Adamo yelled.
"Well, that's if they find out where we're at." Said Donny.
"Where are we?" Mr. Adamo asked.
Suddenly, the door open as a man with blonde hair and brown eyes walked. He was dressed in officer clothes as he had a file in his hand as placed it down in front of Mr. Adamo.
"Hello, Mr. Adamo. I'm Sergeant Johan Dewitt. And within this file, are warrants for your arrest. Mostly tax evasion, since you boys hate doing taxes. And I got a lot more for your other friends, the family heads. The bad news for you is that you'll be spending most of your life in prison. Good news, we can work something out to lower your sentence. But that's if you are willing to give up information in exchange." Said Officer Dewitt.
"Go screw yourself." Said Adamo.
It was moments later as Dewitt, Donny and Russo walked out of the room and closed the door.
"Yeah, he's not talking." Said Dewitt.
"Yup, that's Mr. Adamo for you. But thanks again for your help, Johan." Said Donny.
"No, problem, Donny. Or should I say, Officer Conte." Said Dewitt.
"O-Officer?" Russo replied.
"Yeah, um, I'm actually an officer who was asked to go undercover into the crime family." Donny replied.
"No way." Said Russo.
"Yeah. Johan, here was my old partner. My job was to get as much dirt on all of the crime families and give the information to the superiors. The law enforcement has been trying to take down the families for a long time. Sorry, that I never told you, kid." Said Donny.
"No, it's fine. It just came as a shock." Said Russo.
"Yeah. But are we going to do, Johan? If they catch me and him, we're dead." Said Donny.
"Well, at least you can start working for us again. But we'll keep you guys here for now. And as of Adamo…I can't' say I know a way to make him talk. These guys never break." Said Dewitt.
"I'll make him talk." Said Russo.
"Easy, kid. Hitting him won't do a damn thing. These guys were made to never break. I don't there's anything we can threaten him with." Said Donny.
"There has to be something." Said Russo.
"Sorry, kid. But we can't do anything." Said Donny.
"Then I'll do it myself." Said Russo as he started walking away.
"Hey, kid! Where are you going?" Donny asked as he followed Russo.
"I'm not going to wait for the law. I'm not going to wait for others to fix this city. If you want something done. You got to do it yourself." Said Russo.
"Hey, stop! Kid, what are you planning on doing?" Donny asked as he stopped Russo.
"I'm going to take down the entire families today. And nothing is going to stop me." Said Russo.
He yanked himself away from Donny as he watched him walk away.
"If you do this…I can't protect you, kid! If you plan on doing what you did at the casino. You'll be breaking laws. I will be forced to take you in. Don't do this, Giovanni." Said Donny.
"You can stop trying to protect me. You should know by now that when I have my mind set on something. I won't stop, until it's done." Said Russo.
"Giovanni, stop! Why are you so obsessed on stopping them? I get the Russo's, but why the rest? Why are you going so far to bring down the other families!?" Donny asked as Russo stopped.
"I actually believe in the families. I thought they maintained true order in these streets. That's why I believed in the rules they had. But when I saw that they would kill others for petty things. Cast away loyal men like you away, just to save their asses. They'll be after me, until I'm dead and I don't plan on dying. And I know for sure they'll be after others who I care about. I'm doing this because I have no other choice. I refuse to run away, because that ain't me! I won't stop, until they are safe. Even you. Even if that means I have to kill every man and be hunted by the law." Said Russo as he left.
Donny stood still as he didn't know how to react as Russo walked out of the police station. He pulled out the pill container as he took a pill. He looked around as there were already men waiting for him. They were everywhere in plain sight as they were as Russo put on his brass knuckles and cracked his fists. And in split second, most of the men drew out their guns and opened fired on Russo as he bolted off to the nearest man.
"Somehow I pulled it off. I made my way to every base that I could find and took them down in a day. And as I did so, the families were having a meeting with all family heads present." Said Russo.
At a fancy hotel, all of the family heads were arriving as security was tight and Falcone had arrived by walking. He was walking casually as he flashed back a couple of minutes ago. He was spinning around his chair as Steiner and Jane were talking as usual.
"Falcone, right?" Jane asked.
"Yes, Ms. Watson." Said Falcone as he stopped.
"Have you heard of any word of, Giovanni?" Jane asked.
"Russo? Not much. Worried, are we?" Falcone asked.
"That's none of your business. I ask for Steiner. He's afraid to ask." Said Jane.
"Well, that's not false." Said Steiner.
"The kid is still being hunted by the families. That's all I know. I haven't heard from him since the last time we spoke." Said Falcone.
"I see…" Jane replied, looking worried.
"Mr. Falcone…?" Said Steiner.
"Yes, doc?" Falcone replied.
"Do you think, Giovanni will succeed?" Steiner asked.
"W-What!?" Falcone chuckled.
"I'm serious. Do you think he has what it takes to take down all of the crime families?" Steiner asked.
"The kid has potential to lead his family, from what I've heard. But taking on the crime families, is just pure suicide. So realistically speak, doc. No, I don't think he can." Said Falcone.
"Ah." Steiner replied.
"But I've seen crazy ass things happen. Before I was a hitman, I was soldier. I served in the last war and I was sniper. All of my men were pinned down and the enemy soldiers were flooding into our position. All we could do was defend out position. We knew we were going to die, but we weren't going down without a fight. The odds were against us and not to brag, but…thanks to my ability. I was able to shot down every man that was in my sight. And thank god reinforcements arrived just in time, before out ammunition ran out. I'm saying it's not likely, but it is possible for the kid to pull this off." Said Falcone.
"Then why not help him?" Jane asked.
"Help is not in my vocabulary. And what's in it for me?" Falcone asked.
"If Russo takes down the crime families, there will be a power vacuum. Russo said he would take charge when they all fall. And imagine the great debt Russo will be into you. Imagine not working another day and your child or even grandchildren won't have to work as well." Said Jane as Falcone was immediately interested.
"Hmm, sounds really nice. But I can't take that chance." Said Falcone.
He soon arrived at a room that had all of the family heads together as they were smoking and drinking on a fancy table. There were guards all around them as Falcone approached them as he took off his hat.
"It seems that Russo wasn't killed. What do you have to say, Falcone?" A family head asked.
"Apologizes, but Russo was far more dangerous than I expected. This man outran my bullets and knocked me out as soon as he got the opportunity. I was only able to give him flesh wounds." Said Falcone.
"This is absurd! How hard is it too kill this son of a bitch!" A family head yelled.
"I agree. I thought you were the best?" Another family head asked.
"I am. Did you all not forget about how he took like twenty bullets from a group of men and survived? While I, one man, faced him alone and got my ass knocked out." Said Falcone.
"I can see what you mean. But do not speak that way in front of us, Falcone." Said one of the family heads.
"Forgive me, Mr. Bruno. But I do have a point, right?" Falcone asked.
"You do. What if we find a way to speak to Russo? Since he is the last of his family." Said Mr. Bruno.
"After what we did? We'd have a better change pissing him more off." Said another family head.
"This is the reason why we should've had him capture in the first place." Said Mr. Bruno.
"You saw what he did to Russo's wife. Our men were scared to death! This kid is far too dangerous and ill-tempered to have around. What happens if we did give him a seat with us? Who's to say he wouldn't have done the same?" A family head asked.
"Why are you all so sure about him turning on all of you" Has this happened before?" Falcone asked as everyone became silent.
"The real reason we killed the Russo's was because of the family curse that falls upon all members of the family. Angelo was once a ruthless man who hungered for power. But we all had to step in and stop his lust for power. But because of that, he turned on all of us. His wife was plan out crazy and don't get me started with their kids. One was a murder; the girl was floozy who loved getting drunk and god know what their youngest one was going to be. This has happened to all of their family dating back to the first Head of the Russo family. This Giovanni, not matter if he is a good kid. He is fated to became a power-hungry man. It's better to put down a sleep beast before it can awaken." Said Mr. Bruno.
"Well, I hate to say this…but I think you all screwed yourselves over." Said Falcone.
"Why is that?" A family head asked.
"Russo rejected become head of his family. He was content of living his life as grunt. But you hurt his father figure. You hunted him down as you put all of the blame on something he didn't cause. And you sent me to kill him and a couple of his friends. I think he was normal, until you guys let your stupid superstition get the better of you." Said Falcone.
Suddenly, the door broke open as a guard flew in and crashed onto the table the family heads were sitting on. Russo walked in as his clothes were battle worn, while the guards aimed their guns at him. But Falcone quickly drew out his pistols and shot all of the guards in the room. The family heads drew out their guns, but Falcone shot their guns out of their hands as Mr. Bruno was the only one who didn't drew his gun out.
"You took your time." Said Falcone.
"I ran all around the city. I took out all of the bases within a few hours. I'm surprise the word didn't reach them. But that wouldn't have mattered. Why are you helping me?" Russo asked.
"Think of it as an investment. A little IOU for helping you out." Said Falcone.
Falcone noticed that Russo's hands were shaking, but he clenched his hand as it stopped. He then approached the family heads as they all stood up and he pulled the body of the guard off the table, making more of a mess on the floor. But he then grabbed another chair and sat down as he looked at the others.
"All of the family heads are here. Let's start this meeting." Said Russo.
"How dare you think you can just waltz in her an—" Said a family head, until he was shot in the ear as he yelled in pain.
"Thanks, Falcone. But don't forget who's running this meeting. Now sit down. I won't say it again." Said Russo.
They all sat down, nervous and afraid as the man who was shot in the ear sat down as well.
"There's going to be a change in power. You all will give yourselves into the police or be killed. You scumbag deserve to serve for the crap you've done. Tell your men to go home since the crime family is no longer in power of this city. There is only the Russo Family head. Give me everything you have. I will make sure your family, those who are innocent, will be taken care of. Until you get out of jail. Then you will be normal families who live in my city. Is that understood?" Mr. Russo asked.