Chapter 25

It was the next day as we see Beverly, Kimberly, Mina, Ray and Carlos were standing in front of Stacy and D. But Beverly was looking at D as he looked back at her. Kimberly looked at D as Ray and Carlos stood by awkwardly.

"Yeah, I knew we were going to do this soon." Said Stacy.

"Bev, Kim…I—" Said D.

"Did you know?" Beverly asked.

"What?" D replied.

"Did you know you were the one who killed him? It's one thing that you were under Steiner's control. But it's another thing when you knew and never told me. So just answer me honestly. Did you or did you not know?" Said Beverly.

"At first, I didn't. But as my abilities grew back stronger. My memories from being control returned. I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid you'd be upset or furious." Said D.

"Well, you weren't wrong." Said Beverly.

"But it wasn't his fault, Beverly." Said Kimberly.

"Yeah, but he learned about it later. You should have told us!" Said Beverly.

"I'm sorry." D replied.

"Luckily, for you. I've had time to cope with it. And it doesn't change anything or everything we did together. You had my back and I had yours. And I can't imagine the guilt you have from all of that your remember. So, D…it's okay. You don't need to be sorry. I'm sorry for even doubting you as my friend. Kim…?" Said Beverly as she turned towards Kimberly.

"Like Bev said, D. It's okay. You may have done it. But that wasn't you." Said Kimberly.

"But I killed him. Even if I wasn't in control, I still did it." Said D.

"So what? What matters is that you're doing good now. As long as you keep at that, then everything is alright between us. You're a good guy. I know you never meant to do any of that." Said Beverly.

"Mm-hmm." Kimberly nodded.

"Okay. Thank you." Said D with a grateful expression.

Kimberly hugged D as he hugged her back as Beverly stood by. But Kimberly pulled her in as the three of them hugged.

"Alright, is that all out of your system?" Stacy asked.

"Yeah. Let's get started." Said Beverly.

Meanwhile, we see Margret getting ready as Albert and Mina walked in.

"Hey, you look really cute in that. By why you are dressing up?" Mina asked.

"There's something I have to do. And thanks." Said Margret.

"You ready?" Mary asked.

"Y-Yes." Said Margret.

"Then let's go." Said Mary.

"Okay. I'll be back guys." Said Margret.

"I wonder what's that about." Said Mina.

"Yeah." Said Albert.

We then see Stacy, Irons, D and Beverly together as Mary approached with Margret.

"Hey, why is Margert with you?" Stacy asked.

"Didn't this runaway tell you? Tell them." Said Mary.

"My full name is Margret Adamo. I'm the granddaughter of a former head." Said Margret.

"Technically speaking, she's the next in line to be the head since all of her family and relatives were hunted and killed by Russo." Said Mary.

"That's why I ran away and joined the circus." Said Margret.

"That makes since. But why didn't you tell us?" Stacy asked.

"Because I didn't want to say anything. I was afraid of other knowing." Said Margret.

"She needs to come. Your families men are few, but still loyal. Shall we?" Mary asked.

"Let's do this. Stay close to me, Margret." Said Stacy as Margret nodded.

Mary then teleported them all to the meeting as they arrived at an abandoned mansion outside of the city. Mary was panting and catching her breath as there were men and woman, family heads of the mob families.

"Are they here? I heard a weird noise." Said a man blind man.

"They're here, dad." Said a young man.

A blind man in his late fifties approached them with a cane he used as a walking cane. His son had a scarf around his neck that also covered his lower face and had combat clothes with steampunk gear.

"I'm guessing this is the entire crime family. Or what's left of it." Said Stacy.

"Welcome, Ms. Watson, I presume." Said the blind man.

"And you are?" Stacy asked.

"The names Falcone. This is Falcone Jr. He's not that sociable." Said Falcone with his arm around son.

"My name Jonathan Falcone. Just call my Johnny." Said Johnny.

"He takes after his mother a lot. So serious." Said Falcone.

"Falcone…I've heard of your name before. You're the one who helped Russo become as powerful as he is." Said Beverly.

"Yeah, that's me. But you're Ms. Beverly Dewitt. Didn't you father help Russo as well?" Falcone responded as Beverly was silent.

"You know your stuff." Said Stacy.

"Christian Falcone, an assassin for hire in his prime. He was taught how to hunter and shoot a rifle by his father, Salvatore Falcone, at a young age. His father used to be special ops agent that worked for the US government. And Johnny over there, was trained by him, right?" Said Steiner as he arrived them with B.

"Well, well, if it isn't the good ole doctor. Age has not been good to you." Said Falcone.

"Thank you, Falcone. And I see you overused the pills." Said Steiner.

"Yeah, it's funny how you help a guy rise to power. And then sees you as threat and uses your family to get to ya. I had to use them." Said Falcone.

"I do have information to tell you all. But that'll have to wait until the end." Said Johnny.

"Enough! Can we get this started already." Said a young lady in a dress.

There were four other family heads that had their men at their side. The young lady who spoke was a gorgeous girl with long black hair, green eyes and mean looking. Next to her was a teenage boy, 16 as he had brown hair, blue eyes as he looked timid. Next to him was a man in his early twenties with his combed back. He had shades that covered his eyes as he looked like a delinquent. He was also muscular and had a suit on. And the other was a young blonde man with brown eyes and was handsome. He was well dressed and he had a constant smile.

"All families are here…Catalina Costa, Romeo Mancini, Enzo De Luca, Aldo Santoro, Mary Bruno, Margret Adamo and Stacy Watson. Who is technically, the next head of the Russo family. If you wish, you can take a seat." Said Falcone with his hand out.

But he was pointing at the wrong direction as Johnny corrected him. Stacy walked over and sat on the Russo chair as all 7 family heads were together. Beverly, D and Irons stood by Stacy as Falcone walked around and Johnny leaned against a wall. Steiner looked at B as he brought out a foldable chair. Steiner's chair was at a distance as he sat down with B as his side.

"Shall we start this meeting?" Falcone.

"I'll start. I'm sure all of us want the same. Russo dead. I have spoken with Mancini, Santoro, De Luca and Bruno of forming an alliance to fight back. But because of the manpower we lack. We need more help. And you seemed like the right person." Said Catalina.

"After the hell you and your group had caused towards Russo. We knew you were perfect to work with." Said Enzo.

"I just didn't expect the daughter of Russo to be so drop dead gorgeous." Said Aldo as D glared at him.

"Easy, I'm already taken by a real man." Said Stacy.

"Oh~. So harsh and feisty." Said Aldo.

"Can you stop, you idiot." Said Catalina.

"We also noticed that you have allied with Steiner. Though a good thing for our cause. How can we trust him and his…freaks?" Catalina asked.

"If I may, speak?" Said Steiner.

"Go ahead." Said Catalina.

"Russo has done his fair share of evil upon me. And my Letters, who you call freaks. They too have suffered by the hand of Russo. B…" Said Steiner.

B stepped forward pressed a button on his arm as the suit came opened up, only for his left arm. They all saw that B's arm completely turned into pure blood as he tried stabilizing himself by will as he looked in pain.

"Russo force Steiner to make us onto freaks. Since we were born with far advance forms of the evolution gene Steiner found. Me, C, D E and F all want to him dead as well. Because of him…I am a freak who can no longer be normal human." Said B, pressing the button.

The arm of his suit came back together as B's arms return to normal. Everyone else were unsettled by what they saw as Romeo was squeamish as one of his men had a bag ready. But he held his hand out as Steiner stood up and approached the table.

"I helped Russo become the monster he is now! You may not believe me when I say this, but that man was once a man who could've become something great for this city. But because of his fear and desperation. It changed him into the man he is now. But I am willing to take all the responsibility because of all of the lives that were taken. If you wish, kill me now. Even after I died, my Letters will still work with you to make ensure that Russo dies." Said Steiner.

"That will won't be necessary. Right?" Romeo asked as he turned to the others.

"If it helps you not to throwing up." Said Aldo.

"Agreed." Said Enzo.

"Let's leave that aside. We want to speak of something else. We wish to let the family regain control of our territories." Said Catalina.

"W-Why?" Margret asked.

"As if I'm going to let your family heads repeat the same crap again. No, I won't let this happen." Said Stacy.

"We don't plan on controlling anything. We only wish to ensure the peace within the city. If there is trouble, we are the ones who stop it." Said Romeo.

"We need to learn from our family's past. Because of their arrogance and the letting the power get to their head. They all became mad. There will be new rules set. Our power will be limited as family heads. And if anyone crosses them, even a family head. Death will come to them. No exceptions." Said Enzo.

"Sounds good. But if you all don't abide to those rules. I'll find you myself and make sure you change your mind or…you know." Said Stacy.

"Understood." Said Catalina.

"Alright." Said Stacy.

It would be moments later as Margret was sitting at her seat as men of Adamo family approached her and bowed to her.

"Ms. Adamo, we're happy to know that you are still alive and well." Said one of the men.

"Th-Thank you." Said Margret.

"Do you wish to return back home?" The man asked.

"Home…I don't want to come back home. N-Not yet that is. I want to wait." Said Margret.

"Yeah, and how come you didn't tell me that you were a part of the Adamo family, Maggie?" Stacy asked.

"I wanted it to be a secret. Are you mad at me?" Margret asked.

"Why would I?" Stacy asked.

"Because I'm related to bad people." Said Margret, ashamed.

"That doesn't mean your bad. Don't let that determine who you are. I mean, at least your dad isn't Russo, right?" Said Stacy.

"Yeah." Margret replied with a smile.

"C'mon, let's head back. We have a battle to get ready for." Said Stacy.

They all left with Mary teleporting them away as D left with Steiner as they left. Stacy then remembered what Steiner said about Russo once being a better man as she it bothered her.

"Can I…really kill my own father?" Stacy asked.