Chapter 30

We see Irons stand face to face with Sylvester as he reaches for something. Irons quickly aims his arm as it has a machine gun inside as Sylvester stops.

"Whoa, whoa. I'm just want to show you something." Said Sylvester.

Sylvester then pulls out a dog tag from his necklace that he tucked in. He then takes one off and tosses it at Irons as he catches it with his free hand. Irons looks at the tag and sees the name, Sergeant Dustin Cobalt, as Irons looks back at Sylvester, tossing back the tag.

"I was one of the many who were enlisted for the war. I wanted to serve my nation, but once I got on the battlefield. That was a different story. I was such a damn coward. A soldier who hid behind cover and shook every time guns fired. But I had a good squad that had my back. And you were my sergeant. You were the ideal soldier. Brave, showing no fear to Charlie. You lead us through some tough times. But I dragged you down. And because of that, I got you all killed. The enemy had us pinned and we set up a defensive line in a house. I saw the enemy carrying a rocket launcher and my voice gave out from fear. I did what I could and tries shooting the bastard down, but…I missed and he got us. Everything went black and the moment I woke up. Everyone was dead. All of them. But you…threw yourself onto me, but you lost most of your limbs and took most of the damage. But you survived. And once you came to. You lost your fighting spirit you had. And I felt responsible. But you grabbed me with your only arm and told me to shut the hell up. Do not let my sacrifice or their deaths be in vain. I can't fight anymore. But you can. Fight on for them. Keep fight for them! And those words changed me and I kept on fighting. I kept going and going. As if I inherited your fighting spirit. But the war soon ended and I came back home. I never learned what happened to you. I thought you died, because I can't imagine a man going on life the way you were. But me…I tried working, but war never left my mind. No one would hire me, because of my temper. And that's when I met Russo. He gave me job and the rest I'm sure you can fill in." Said Sylvester.

"I can see why you did what you did. It's…logical. But…at the cost of other lives and suffering. I'm not the man I once was. I am this…machine. But a machine with its own conscious. I let myself think like a machine, but sometimes I speak from a part I didn't think I had. My heart. Please, Sylvester. Walk away from all of this. You can have a life. Even soldiers can have that. Though, it may be difficult. That's what we do. We fight. No enemy will defeat us, until we die." Said Irons.

"Well said, sarge. I owe Russo a lot. But I owe you my life. I'll turn myself. And do try to live a life. For you. I owe you that, sir. Goodbye, Sergeant." Said Sylvester as he saluted him.

Irons saluted back as Sylvester walked away and left as Irons watched him. Irons then turned towards the battle and runs off, while we see B and Ursula fighting. B tossed blood blade at Ursula as she swung her a strong wind that forced the blades to fly elsewhere. B made a whip made of blood and swung it at Ursula, but she swung her fan and forced the whip to fly backwards. B stopped for a second as Ursula stood ready as she was panting.

"This is going nowhere. She keeps pushing me back. I need to take off my suit." Said B.

He the presses the button his suit as all of it opens up and Ursula sees his face and body. B was all red and had not face as he was made up of pure blood. His back container opens up as well as the liquid and his blood mix together, increasing the amount of blood. He then moved towards Ursula at a fast speed as he turned into a spike and thrust himself at her. Ursula used her wind to slid off to her side as B missed her. B then split into multiple stream that had hardened spearheads and surrounded her. Ursula then spun around and made a small twister of wind to blew away all of the streams and spearheads away. B collected himself as Ursula spun around as she made a twister around her wrist as it kept her up at a distance. She then swung her right fan and released a strong gale wind that blew B back away.

"Damn, no matter what I do, I can't get to her. But that doesn't matter. I need more time for the trap to be ready." B thought to himself.

"I grow tired of this game." Said Ursula.

She then then started spinning around like a dance as she blew strong gales of winds at B as he was being pushed back and being cut into pieces, until Emilia dove and landed in front B and made a wind barrier the shape of a dome. Ursula stopped and chuckled at Emilia as she only stared back.

"Well, well, well. I never thought I see the girl who my abilities came from. How's it feel to see someone as myself to use your ability so gracefully and better." Said Ursula.

"That's debatable. Since this ability is originally mine. Let me show you want I can do with it." Said Emilia.

"Emilia, I need your help." Said B.

"Ah, what is that!" Emilia responded at the sight of B.

"Unsettling isn't it?" Said Ursula as she readied her fan.

She then swung a strong gale of wind at them both as Emilia flew out of the way, while B split himself into one large portion of himself and a small amount that moved and landed on Emilia's shoulder.

"I need you to help me get her in place of my trap." Said B.

"H-How are you talking to me?" Emilia asked.

"It doesn't matter." Said B.

"It kind of does." Said Emilia.

"I've been setting a trap for Ursula. But I need you to help me to immobilize her." Said B as Emilia was dodging.

"Alright, I think I got something that'll literally blow her away. Listen up, carefully…" Said Emilia.

Ursula then stopped as everything became calm, while Emilia and B stopped for a second. But suddenly, the wind started to blow strongly. B flew into the wind as he was flying around, while Emilia jumped and flew around, while she quickly made a small ring of wind flow around her arm. She kept it going but focused on the fight as Ursula laughed.

"Still think it's debatable?" Ursula asked.

Emilia then tried flying to Ursula, but the current of the wind was strong as she would keep fly around Ursula instead of reaching her. Everyone else was feeling the wind as it looked like a hurricane was in the city. But Emilia quickly flew away as Ursula laughed, thinking she was being a cowards. But Emilia made some distance, while Ursula spread the radius of her hurricane wind outwards.

"Alright, we have one shot at this. This a move I just made up." Said Emilia.

Emilia then adjusted her goggles as she was powering up her wind energy. She then flew high up into the sky as Ursula watched in confusion, until Emilia stopped flying as she was at a high point in the sky. She then fell backwards and dove downwards as she then bolted at fast speed down towards the city within a few seconds. She then passed by Ursula, missing her as she was just a blur. But her speed blew a strong wind that disrupted Ursula's wind. She quickly turned, but Emilia flew passed her again and missed again.

"How is she moving that fast? I need to get away. I'm sure she can't control it since she keeps missing me." Said Ursula as she was about to run.

But Emilia then tackled into Ursula as she knocked her through a street worth's of buildings. A few of them toppled and fell onto the ground as Emilia then flew upwards. Ursula was badly hurt, but still conscious as she pulled out a knife from her fan and thrust it at Emilia. But she let go of Ursula and made the ring of wind spiral around her arm and onto her finger. She shot it like a bullet at Ursula as it knocked the knife and a fan from her hand.

"How did you like my Jet Stream? Also can you fly without those fans?" Emilia asked.

Ursula fell towards the ground as she tried using her other fan but saw that B had move onto that hand. He hardened the blood as she wasn't able to open up the fan. Ursula panicked and screamed as she flew straight down to the ground, until B permeated out of the ground and caught her. His blood hardened as she was trapped as a portion of the blood flew towards his suit as it was stuck on a wall, while Emilia landed next to him. She was panting heavily as B got out of the wall and stood by her.

"Are you well?" B asked.

"Y-Yeah. I've never flown that fast before. It was pretty crazy." Emilia panted.

"You two were just lucky! Because once I get free…I will end both of—" Said Ursula.

But B made some of his blood cover her mouth and harden as she screamed in muffs.

"Enjoy tasting iron." Said B.

"Gross. But a good idea." Said Emilia.

Meanwhile, Claudia made concrete spikes pop out of the ground as F walked towards her as if it was nothing, while spinning the bat around. F then hurled her bat at Claudia's face, but it did nothing as Claudia covered her face with concrete armor. Claudia then made a spiraled dome of concrete that trapped F. She tried slipping through, but she was slowly moving through the concrete as she was pushing herself to get through.

"I think I'm starting to understand your ability. You can turn into fog. Which is tiny droplets of water in that air. Water can move through dirt, but it takes a long time for water to erode through concrete. You almost had me there for second. I thought I would've gotten back up." Said Claudia.

F punched the dome as Claudia laughed, until something invisible hit her in the stomach. It felt like she was shot, but it was nothing as it didn't seem it had pierced her skin. She looked up as she saw Jean-Pierre pointing his fingers at her like it was gun.

"WHO THE HELL ARE—" Said Claudia.

But Jean-Pierre opened fired his finger gun as Claudia covered herself in concrete armor. They all were being chipped off little by little as Claudia made a concrete spike slip out of the ground at his left. But Jean-Pierre leaned to his left and stopped as the spike hit an invisible wall. Claudia was shocked, until Jean-Pierre switched his handgun and looked as if he was holding a bigger gun. He then silently fired an invisible machine gun on Claudia. The invisible bullets teared apart her armor, until she made it thicker. She then charged at Jean-Pierre as he dropped his invisible gun and held his hands back as if he was holding a giant hammer. Claudia kept on going as she held her fist back to throw a powerful punch. But Jean-Pierre swung as Claudia's entire body was hit and knocked away by Jean-Pierre's invisible giant hammer. Jean-Pierre quickly ran over to F as he made an invisible drill and drilled through quickly as Claudia snapped. She yelled out in frustration as everything made of concrete was moving towards her, while Jean-Pierre made through the dome. F pointed her bat at him as Jean-Pierre held his hands up, nervous.

"One of Stacy's friends, right?" F asked.

Jean-Pierre nodded, until he saw something from the side of his eye. He then quickly grabbed F and pulled her away as a giant concrete fist had slammed down onto the dome. They both looked as Claudia had become a giant concrete monster. F didn't know how to respond, until Claudia swung her hand down on the both of them. F turned into fog and swiftly moved out of the way, while Jean-Pierre frantically stepped back and slipped through the gap of her fingers. Jean-Pierre sighed from relief as F made her way up Claudia's arm, but Claudia herself came out of the arm tried trapping F again. But Jean-Pierre quickly made an invisible bazooka and fired at the arm. It made an explosion that knocked F away and stunning Claudia and the concrete monster. It roared as Jean-Pierre ran over to check on F.

"Did you shoot a damn explosive thing at me!" F yelled.

"Sorry. But she was going to trap you again. You have to understand. In order for us to win. We must work together." Said jean-Pierre.

"I'm not much of team person. But you might be right." Said F as she put her bat on her shoulder.