Beverly and Carlos were setting up the charges as quickly as they could, while Allen was slowly passing out on the chair. Pamela waited patiently on the elevator and cocked her shotgun as it was moments earlier as she was looking at Mr. Russo's security cameras. She saw how Allen took care of Ricci and Caputo, which made her upset. She then saw Beverly and Carlos with the charges as she sighs from frustration.
"Ugh, those incompetent idiots! I guess I have to do everything myself." Said Pamela.
Suddenly, the elevator door dings as she walks out of it with the gun ready to shoot. She looked around for Allen, but he was hiding underneath a desk. He was tired as he was forcing himself to stay awake as Pamela then walked off to find Beverly and Carlos.
"No…I need to warn them." Said Allen.
He tried moving but passed out as Beverly and Carlos had set up most of the charges on the buildings structure pillars.
"You almost done, Bev?" Carlos asked.
"Almost." Said Beverly.
Suddenly, the shotgun was fired as it missed Beverly. But she quickly got down and took cover as she readied her shotgun.
"You aim sucks!" Said Beverly.
"I didn't know this damn thing had a lot of kick!" Said Pamela.
"It's a gun. What did you expect? Do you need a strong man to shoot it for you?" Said Beverly.
"Actually, yes. But not a man specifically. I could use you." Said Pamela as she took a deep breath.
She then held her hand close to her mouth as if she was going to give a kiss. She then let out her breath as a pink gas came out of her mouth and spread out quickly. Beverly smelled an aroma but froze as her vision blurred and looked as if she was under a spell or hypnosis. But she showed signs of struggle as Pamela giggled.
"Come close, Beverly." Said Pamela.
Beverly then stood up as she struggled to not move, but her body moved on her own.
"Wha…What the hell is this!?" Beverly asked.
"You like it? It's my ability. I can release a gas from my lung that spreads through the air. I don't know the specifics, but once someone breathes it in. It causes anyone to listen to what I say. It does something to the brain. I wasn't paying attention to the doctor. Now, I want you to drop the gun and…and stand there as I shoot." Said Pamela with an evil smile.
Beverly dropped her gun as Pamela giggled and aimed her gun at Beverly. She then pulled the trigger, but nothing happened as she looked down in shock. Until Carlos rushed in and swung the butt of his shotgun into Pamela's face, knocking her out. Beverly snapped out of her daze as she looked at Carlos as he was panting heavily.
"Jeez, that was so close! I ran over as soon as I could. Are you okay?" Carlos asked.
"Y-Yeah. But why didn't it fire?" Beverly asked.
"You didn't notice? She didn't cock her shotgun to reload the round. I'm so glad she's dumb." Said Carlos.
"Holy crap, I almost died to this bitch!" Said Beverly as she kicked Pamela.
"Hey, easy. She's down. I'm just glad that your safe." Said Carlos.
"Yeah. It was all thanks to you." Said Beverly.
"I've got your back. Never forget." Said Carlos as he was about to walk away.
"Carlos…" Said Beverly as she grabbed his hand.
Carlos turned towards her as she stepped forward and kissed him on the lips. They kissed for a long second, until we see James and Sylvester bust through the walls. James had tackled Sylvester, until he grabbed him and hurled him away. Sylvester flew out of the building as James ran after him. Beverly and Carlos were startled and holding onto each other with wide eyes.
"Right, we're in the middle of a battle." Said Carlos.
"Yeah. I'll finish up. Get Allen." Said Beverly.
"Will do!" Said Carlos as he ran.
Meanwhile, we see C shoot a wide range blast of heat at Victor. It hit him hard as his clothes caught on fire, until his body started to freeze up and cover up in frost. C noticed the temperature was lowering as everything around her was frosting up. Even her suit was freezing up, until Victor took in a deep breath and exhaled. He his skin turned pure white as his eyes were blue like ice. He then started walking over to C as she noticed the temperature was going down fast as it was slowly reaching subzero. She reached for her button on her suit to let out her heat, but she froze up as Victor approached and stood in front of her.
"I hate using this power. It reminds me of my days up north. When I was the bastard son of one of the family heads. I don't know why, but I always hated the cold. The feeling you get once the cold air touches your skin and how it can freeze you to the core. But I can't be too picky. I was given this ability by Russo for a reason since I was like him. Well, all of us. The Capos. We were all were wronged by the past family heads. Besides Sylvester. They either forced us into poverty (Valentina). They took away power that belonged to us (Ursula). They treated us like dogs because of their authority (Malone). Framed because our loyalty was questioned, but never rewarded (Claudia). Or cast away, just because he was ashamed of me. Shunned and hated by everyone. Being called a son of a whore (Victor). Don't think we're doing this because we're sadistic or evil people. Russo was there for us when no one was." Said Victor as he held his hand at C's head.
Her helmet was freezing up, until Lie Yan blazed through the subzero air as she pushed away Victor's hand and pressed C's suit's button. Her suit opened up as a large wave of heat hit them both as they both slid back. Lie Yan's hand had been frozen up from touching Victors hand, but she used her fire to warm herself back up. Victor felt C's heat as Lie Yan had opened up her entire suit, while she took off her helmet. She had short hair and glowing ember eyes and her skin was covered in cinders, giving her skin that was pure black color. Her right arm then glowed intensely with heat as she shot a blast of heat at Victor as he countered with an ice blast. Lie Yan stood at a distance, because of their abilities effect on the temperature. They both ran to each other and clashed as C's heat and Victor's ice was countering each other. They created a small space that had regular temperature like the eye of a hurricane. They both looked normal as C hurled her fist at Victor as he leaned out of her fists way. He then swung at her, but she shoulder rolled his fist out of the way. She then uppercut Victor on his chin as he stumbled back. C then stepped forward with her fist cocked back and she hurled it as hard as she could into his upper stomach and knocked him far back. He crashed into a wall of crates landed against a brick wall, while C was panting. She then noticed the wind blow as she saw that her heat and Victor's ice stopped affecting the temperature.
"What happened?" Lie Yan asked.
"My ability is to turn anything I touch or anything with a 2-meter range into cinders or nothing. But I could never control it well at all. Steiner made me this suit that could withhold my touch. But the less I use my ability, the more it builds up in me. I just spent years' worth of heat within me. I'm sure he's wasted most of his ability as well." Said C as she held her gun at him.
But C shot Victor as it hit him, but they both saw that he made a layer of ice on him to stop the round from piercing his skin. C and Lie Yan were shocked as Victor slammed his hand on the ground and froze up the floor. Suddenly ice spikes rose out of the ground as Lie Yan dodged or hit the ones that thrust at her. While C held her hands out to her side and turned spikes into water.
"That wasn't all that I had in me. You think Russo didn't have a backup plan if you guys went rogue? He specifically gave us these abilities to combat all of you. And he got Amari to boost us up more than before." Said Victor.
Victor then held his hands out as ice shard appeared around him and they all fired at once. C stood ready as her hand let out smoke like heat, until Lie Yan stood in front of her. Her hands ignited as she knocked the shards away and then kicked the last one.
"Your ability…it's in a weaken state. But so is he from the looks of it. If he really had more power. He would be doing far worse. The only way to defeat him is to fight together. I will take care of his ice, while you make sure that round hits him. Then we will deliver the final blow and end this." Said Lie Yan as C looked at Lie Yan's wounded hand.
"I'll follow your lead." Said C.
Victor then fired an ice beam as Lie Yan threw a punch that shot a large spray of fire. It countered his beam, melting the ice and leaving a trail on the ground as Lie Yan walked forward to Victor. He then made his hand into an ice spear, charged at them and thrust at Lie Yan. But she kicked the spear upwards, forcing it to go up diagonally. She then spun around to crouch down as she conjured up massive amounts of fire and swung her fist. She shot out a stream of fire that took the shape of Chinese dragon as it consumed Victor, melting his ice that protected his body. C then fired the gun as it hit Victor in the chest, weakening his ability. But Victor mustered all of his last strength and charged at them both to get one last hit. But Lie Yan easily, who was still low to the ground, tripped Victor as C stepped in and hurled down a haymaker into his face, smashing him onto the ground. He lied down unconscious as C and Lie Yan stood together, while C was panting.
"He's been iced." Said C.
Meanwhile, James and Sylvester clashed with hands pushing each other back as they stared at each other's eyes.
"Who was that man?" Sylvester asked.
"Like I'm going to answer to you!" Said James.
He then pushed Sylvester to the side as he rolled back onto his face. James jumped at Sylvester as he swung his claws at him. Sylvester dodged his attacks, until James landed a hit. But his claws did nothing to his skin, until Sylvester grabbed James from his wrist and quickly got him into a headlock.
"Who is he!?" Sylvester yelled.
"Screw you!" Said James.
But suddenly, Irons charged in and rammed his fist into Sylvester's face and knocked him across the street as he crashed into a store.
"James, let me fight him." Said Irons.
"Why?" James asked.
"Just let me. That way, you can help out Stacy and D with Russo. I think I can beat him without fighting him." Said Irons.
"Ugh, alright. But you better make sure this guy doesn't bite us in the ass later on." Said James.
He then left as Irons looked at Sylvester as he looked back as if he's seen a ghost.
"Why did you call me that? Sarge…Is that short for Sergeant?" Irons asked.
"Yeah. Can I see your face? I swear to you on my fallen brothers, I won't attack you." Said Sylvester with his hands up.
Irons took a long second to think as he then took off his helmet and showed Sylvester his. Sylvester got a clear look at him and gave a painful emotion look as if he was about to let out tears, but he clenched his hands.
"Yeah…it's you. Sergeant Dustin Cobalt of the Marine Corp." Said Sylvester.