Chapter 28

Mina stood in shock as Malone stood across from her. He chuckled as he walked over to her as he towered over her.

"Yeah, I don't know if you remember or if you were there. But before I became a Capo, I used to kill enhances who escaped. And I killed them. Luckily for me it was an easy kill since they're abilities never manifested." Said Malone.

Mina stood frozen as she remembered hearing noise from a dark room. She a couple of years younger as she had her ears covered, until she heard muffled gunshots. She shook in fear as she waited for someone to come in and tell her everything was alright. But it would be minutes later as Mina got up and walked over to the train's sliding door and peeked through a crack and saw that Malone and his men were in their cars and drove off. Mina waited for them to leave as she entered the train car that her parents were in. Once she opened the car's door, she saw her parents shot dead on the ground as she was shocked and froze. She started to cry as she ran over to them and shook them to get up, but nothing happened. Mina cried out more and loudly as present-day Mina snapped out of he memory. She clenched her hands as she started to steam up as intense heat emitted off her. Her eyes then lighted up as they shine through her goggles as she ran to Malone. She let out a yell that was as loud as train horn, while her speed and power increased as she kept on move. Malone stood ready to take the hit. But Mina hurled her fist into his stomach, faster and more powerful than he anticipated. She yelled out with rage as she launched him into a train. He crashed against the train as it titled and fell on its side. Johnny arrived at the top of building that near them as he quickly aimed his sniper and saw Malone on the train as he left a crater shape of himself on it. But as he was getting up, Mina was already above him and slammed her fist down onto Malone and the train, flatting the train and knocking Malone onto the train more. But Mina then stood above him and started to threw multiple powerful punches down on Malone as it made the ground shake to the point that Johnny could feel the ground shake a little.

"This girl…how strong is she?" Johnny asked.

Mina kept going and going, until she clenched her fist far back and hurled one last punch down on Malone as it made a shock wave that shock everything and the trains around them. Mina was breathing heavily as her steam became less intense, while her light up eyes faded. But she was then punched in the face as she flew back. She tumbled on across the ground but recovered as Malone got back up as his clothes were torn up, while having a couple scratches and marks on his body from the hits.

"I've never fought anyone with your kind of power. And you're just a little girl. Imagine what you can do as a full-grown woman? That's something I can't let happened." Said Malone.

But Johnny then shot Malone in the head as it left a red mark on his head. Malone was mad as Johnny quickly cocked his gun as he remembered that he shot Malone before and it only bounced off his head. Malone then grabbed a nearby steel I-beam and hurled it at Johnny's position as he quickly jumped down to the ground.

"Mina! Keep hitting with everything you got! His ability has a limit! I'll give you cover fire!" Johnny shouted.

Malone grabbed another steel beam and hurled it Johnny. He dodged, but the edge of the steel beam hit him as it knocked the gun out of his hand. He turned to Mina, who just got her shovel and charged at Malone. She swung it him with all of her might, but Malone took the hit. The wooden handle of her shovel shattered into pieces as Malone grabbed Mina from her neck and held her up.

"Huh, that was weak. I'm guessing you've never unleashed that kind of power before, huh? You have a limit as well. Stupid girl." Said Malone.

He tightened his grip on her neck, choking her. But he was shot in the head, shoulder and then wrist by Johnny as he had a pistol in his hand. He then switched to his sniper as Malone walked towards him, annoyed. Until Malone froze and gave very painful look on his face. Johnny's face cringed as Mina had kicked Malone in nether regions. He fell on one knee as Mina vaulted over him and grabbed him from the shoulder with her left hand. She clenched her fist and started whaling on Malone as she was fighting like D. Malone then uppercut at her, but she back stepped as she dodged. She then stepped forwards and threw a haymaker at Malone's face. It made him stumble backwards as Johnny fired on him again as the bullets were starting to hurt him but didn't pierce through his skin.

"Keep going! We're wearing him down!" Said Johnny.

"Like hell!" Malone yelled.

Malone then charged at Johnny, but Mina jumped on his back and started punching him in the back of his head. Malone then grabbed Mina and hurled her at Johnny. He caught her in his hands, until Malone punched Johnny across the face. Johnny was knocked back a few feet as Malone reached for his gun and aimed it at Johnny. But Mina got in the way and took the bullets head on. They didn't pierce her skin, but they hit her hard as her body jerked with every bullet Malone shot. His sniper ran out of bullets as Malone grabbed the gun from the barrel and whacked Mina across the face with it. The gun broke apart, while Mina fell back hard as Malone stomped on her body as she screamed out in pain. Johnny aimed his pistol, but Malone put pressure on his feet as Mina cried out in pain.

"Stand down. Unless you want me to get rid of this girl. Lower it and toss your gun to me." Said Malone.

Johnny did so as he lowered his gun and tossed it to Malone's side. He grabbed it and aimed it at Johnny and shot him in the chest. Johnny fell to the ground, while Malone then stomped on Mina again. He then continued to stomp on her again and again and again, until he Mina stopped making noise.

"You thought you could've taken me out? Hmph, the cojones on you two." Said Malone.

He approached Johnny as he noticed he was still alive as he aimed the gun to his head.

"You idiots should've thought twice about fighting me." Said Malone.

But Mina then slammed her hand on the ground and forced herself back as that startled Malone. He quickly turned and aimed his gun at her, until Johnny pulled out the gun Steiner made for his letters and shot Malone in his back. Malone froze as he felt his ability weakened and going away as he noticed Mina was back on her feet. She took one step as in her hand was the shovel's blade and tossed it at Malone. Mina then bolted at Malone a full speed as she hurled her fist, while the blade's flat side aligned with her knuckles and connected. She then hurled her fist and the blade into Malone's face as she yelled out as steam burst out of her and her mouth as well as her eyes lighted up intensity. Malone was knocked across the station as he flew and crashed into a building as everything fell on Malone. Mina was panting heavily as she was steam and her eyes were back to normal. The blade of the shovel had bent as her fist had busted through as Mina looked at it.

"Sorry, mama…sorry, papa…I broke my shovel you gave…me…" Said Mina as she passed out.

But Johnny slid in and caught her before she could fall, but he fell on his back. He was hurt by the bullet as he showed he had a bulletproof vest on.

"You did really good, kid. Just rest up." Said Johnny.

Meanwhile, the letters were fight the capos as they were giving them a hard time. Victor shot ice blast at C, but they would melt before hitting her. She hot heat wave at Victor, but he put up ice walls that quickly shielded him and melted. Valentina tossed cars anything made of metal at E, but he used his electricity to change their charge as they avoided him. He bolted to her, but she was making distance between them. She knew not to let him close to her, while Claudia was making the concrete of the ground, fly at F as she would turn to fog and dodge the rubble. She then swung her bat Claudia, but she blocked with her arm covered in concrete. She then trapped F within a concrete dome as it was hard for her to get out. B was being blown away by Ursula as she used her fans to send gales at B. But he used his blood, hardening it to latch onto the ground with his feet. B made a run to her, but she would launch herself up and stay at a distance as B made a blood dagger and tossed it at her. She swung her fan as it was easily blown away as he knew had to think. Meanwhile, the others were trying to push through and trying getting into the tower. Carlos and Beverly took cover behind a car as they were being shot at.

"Damn. We need to get in there with the charges." Said Beverly.

"Where's Allen and Mary?" Carlos asked.

Suddenly, Allen zipped in and knocked a bunch of men out as the fire stopped.

"Keep going!" Allen shouted.

He then ran in as Beverly and Carlos ran to push through. Allen ran in as Ricci and Caputo were waiting for him as they were standing by.

"Told you he was coming back." Said Caputo.

"Yeah, yeah. I thought he was going to be smart and run. But it turns out he's not a coward. But he is dumb." Said Ricci.

"Yeah, maybe. But I'm going to beat you both within 2 minutes. Do you think I can do that?" Allen asked.

"You must be stupid. Get him Ricci." Said Caputo.

"You don't have to tell me twice." Said Ricci as he stood ready.

Allen stood ready to run as he took a deep breath.

"In truth, I've never really pushed my abilities to their limits. Since I was always fast enough to be on time. There were a few moments here and there. Stacy did tell us not use our full power or avoid using it at all. Since we would've caught Russo's attention. But right now, I have to go all out." Allen through to himself.

Allen then started to shake as if he was vibrating, until he bolted to Ricci. Ricci smirked as he slowed down Allen, but Allen moved at a new and greater speed. He then punched Ricci across the face, knocking him to a nearby wall and crashed against it. He was unconscious as Caputo was shocked, but Allen zipped over to him. But he switched places with an object nearby as Allen only punched a chair. Allen zipped after him as Caputo kept on switching with a plant, desk, broom, pen or paper. Caputo then switched with something in the next floor as he sighed.

"The hell…that kid is fast as hell." Said Caputo.

But suddenly, Allen zipped before him as his fist was already swinging at him. Allen punched Caputo across the face and knocked him into a desks as he was knocked unconscious. Allen was panting and sweating as he stopped vibrating.

"Whoa, now that worked up a sweat." Said Allen.

Allen then ran back down to the first floor but was slower than his normal speed. He leaned against a wall once he gets to the lobby as Beverly and Carlos run in.

"Allen, are you alright?" Beverly asked as she ran to him.

"Y…Yeah. I just need a breather. Go on ahead. I'll catch up." Said Allen.

"Are you sure?" Beverly asked.

"Yeah, go." Said Allen.

Beverly grabbed a chair for him and handed him a gun.

"Just in case." Said Beverly.

"Oh, thanks. I didn't get you anything." Said Allen.

"(Chuckles) Let's go, Carlos." Said Beverly.

"Yeah. Stay safe, Allen." Said Carlos as they left.

They both left and started to putting charges on the pillars of the building, while going down the elevator was Pamela with shotgun in hands with a serious face.