F and Jean-Pierre stood together as Claudia came out of the monster's shoulder and swung her hand as shards of concrete flew at them. F turned into fog, while Jena-Pierre made an invisible wall that blocked the shards.
"Give me an opening and I'll knock her out in one swing." Said F.
Jean-Pierre nodded as F swiftly moved around, grabbing Claudia's attention. Jean-Pierre then quickly made a bazooka again, but the monster swung it's fist at him. He quickly ran and rolled out of the way as the hand was massive, making the ground shake. He then quickly recovered and aimed the bazooka and fired at its chest. It made an explosion, but the concrete monster had thick armor.
"I need something stronger. But I don't know if I can make something stronger." Jean-Pierre thought to himself.
But the monster swung down at him again as Jean-Pierre was caught off guard. He quickly made a box around as he was hit and he flew into a building and crashed inside. F was looking at where he was, while Claudia took this moment to trap F again. Flower like concrete opened up under F as she quickly moved out of the way. Claudia kept going at every spot F would stop as she was forced to move to one spot after the other. But suddenly, one of the traps closed as her left leg was halfway inside. F noticed it as she instinctively stopped for a second, while another trapped almost got her. But it got a portion of her left arm as that made F panic, while there was a trapped underneath. She lost focus as she looked at Claudia, who had an evil smile on her face. Even the monster's hands were at her sides as it was going to grab and crush her. Everything slowed down for F, until something busted out of the building Jean-Pierre was in. It distracted Claudia as a large invisible artillery bullet hit the monster in the chest. It made a large explosion that turned the monster into pieces of concrete as Claudia landed hard on the ground. Jean-Pierre was in the building as he had made an invisible Howitzer artillery cannon. It had made damage to the floor by slid back from the recoil, while Jean-Pierre was leaning against it.
"Do it!" Jean-Pierre shouted as he fell.
The cannon disappeared as F grabbed her bat and flew to Claudia as she was disoriented by the explosion. F materialized only her body, face and right arm as her left arm and leg were still fog. Once she was in front of Claudia, she hurled her bat at her face. To the point that it bent in half, knocking Claudia out cold. All of her traps crumbled as F's missing portions returned to her as they materialized back to her body. F turned to Jean-Pierre as she was surprised by his abilities power. Jean-Pierre was panting and trying to get up as F approached him and held her hand out to him.
"Need a hand?" Said F.
Jean-Pierre then grabbed her hand as she helped him up as they turned towards the city. Russo's men were around as they were watching the fight as they both stood ready.
"You think you can still fight?" F asked.
"Oui." Jean-Pierre replied.
"I'm going to take that as a yes." Said F.
"That is what I said. In French." Said Jean-Pierre.
Meanwhile, we see Valentina Bianco use the metal from the buildings to strike E as he evaded them, dodging them quickly. E quickly fired lightning bolts to Valentina, but she pulled specific metals like copper or silver to her. She made them conduct the lightning bolts and force the lightning to strike away from her. She made those metals float around her, while she threw large pieces of metal at E as he bolts around, trying to land a hit on her.
"For a Capo, you're pretty smart." Said E.
"One needs to know their abilities well to utilize them to their fullest potential. Have you?" Valentina asked.
Suddenly, iron sand flew quickly at E as the small sand particles left cuts all around his suit. E bolted away as Valentina placed her hand on the ground and sensed for every metal she could feel. She then pushed herself as she yelled, while metal from everything started moving towards them and she made it float around her.
"Try hurting me now?" Said Valentina with a smirk.
But E noticed that she struggling to control everything, until a car flew at him. E bolted out of the way as more objects flew at him, until he pressed on his suit. It then opened as E bolted out of his suit and forced conducted his way to Valentina, but she quickly used copper wires to divert him elsewhere. E flew back into his suit as it quickly closed up, but Valentina tossed another car at him. It hit him and made him crash into a building wall. Valentina approached E as she looked at the button and gave a smirk.
"How long can you last outside of your suit, huh?" Valentina asked.
"I'm sure you'd like to know." Said E.
"I do. That way I watch as the electricity you have go wild. Steiner did say all of your bodies are very unstable since you can't maintain a physical form." Said Valentina as she reached out for his button.
But suddenly, one of the sewer lids burst up from water rising. Valentina and E were caught off guard, until more sewer lids popped open as large amounts of water flooded and flowed around the streets as Mizuko surfed her way to Valentina and hurled a karate punch at her. Valentina used a multiple street signs to make a shield, but Mizuko enhanced her punch with her water. She threw a water karate punch at Valentina as it knocked her far back.
"E! Use my water to conduct pass her metal." Said Mizuko.
"It's not that simple. It has to be a specific type of water. It needs to be ionized or—" Said E.
"Water that has salt. Like sea water? Steiner informed me about how I could help you." Said Mizuko as E was impressed.
"Smart thinking, Steiner. Give me an opening and I'll make sure I'll shock her to the point that her magnetic charge is neutralized." Said E.
"Of course!" Mizuko replied.
She then made multiple streams of water flow quickly around Valentina like a maze of pipes. E bolted through the water as Valentina saw what they were doing as she quickly used her conductive metals to stop his movements. But Mizuko would branch out her water as Valentina was forced to throw conductive metals around, frantically. Until Valentina stood on top of sewer lid as Mizuko made E flow into one of the other sewer holes and towards Valentina's position as she looked around in a panic.
"Wh-Where did he—?" Said Valentina.
But the water launched her up in the air as E bolted towards her. Valentina quickly used copper wires to make a dome shield to stop him, but Mizuko shot a water blast at it from where she stood and she started to fall, giving an opening. E then bolted into Valentina and shocked her with massive amounts of electricity as it surged in the sky. Valentina's body fell hard to the ground as E flew back to his suit.it closed up, but he was lied on the ground, weakened.
"You did it!" Said Mizuko as she jumped for joy.
But she looked at E as he was silent. She quickly ran over and saw that his suit's gauge was in the red as he had used most of his energy.
"A-Are you okay?" Mizuko asked.
"C…Car battery." Said E.
Mizuko quickly ran over to the nearest on as she forced the hood open and pulled out the car battery. She ran over and placed it down next to him.
"Wh-What now?" Mizuko asked.
E then slowly placed his hand on it and absorbed the small amounts of electricity it had as it made his suit gauge go up in a safe yellow area.
"Ugh, thank you. I used up most of my charge up electricity in my suit." Said E.
"You risked yourself just to stop her?" Mizuko asked.
"Wouldn't have you?" E asked.
"I can't say I disagree." Said Mizuko with a smile.
"Can you help me up? I just need to drain some more electricity and I should be right as rain." Said as he slowly sat up.
She helped him up, while we see Russo fighting Stacy and D as they both were knocked back at the same time. They both rolled across the ground as Russo jumped at Stacy as he was about to slam his fist down on her. But D jumped and tackled into him, but Russo grabbed D and hurled him into a building. He crashed hard as Russo bolted up to him and threw multiple fast, but powerful blows onto D's body. He then charged up an energy in his hand and then rammed his fist into his face, knocking him through the building as all of it fell on D.
"D!" Stacy shouted as she stood back up.
But Russo bolted up to Stacy and punched her across the face with ease, but she planted her feet and swung a light enhanced fist as she threw a fast punch into Russo's face. But it only made his head slightly turn as he scoffed. He slapped her hand away and then grabbed her from her neck as she slowly chocked her.
"Are you really A? I mean, D's putting up more of a fight than you. And I'm sure it's not because he's a man. I think it's because your lack of experience with your power. Or is it because you're still afraid of me…even after gaining back this power?" Russo asked.
But out of nowhere, James landed next to Russo with raging white eyes. He then grabs his hand that he was holding Stacy with and twisted it, forcing him to let go of her.
"Russo…I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" James yelled.
He then rammed his fist into his face as it knocked him through some buildings.
"What the hell are you doing, Stacy!? We have the chance to kill this son of bitch and you're not going all out!? Quit holding back!" James yelled.
James then bolted off as Russo got back up as James was running at him on all fours.
"Oh, I remember you. You're the one who got angry all of the time. I remember those days when you cried and begged us to stop the experiments. But I'm sure you you've manned up and started yelling than crying." Said Russo.
James yelled as he and Russo fought hand to hand as they threw powerful punches at each other, btu Russo was faster as he James was getting hit. But that didn't stop him as James delivered powerful blows to Russo, while taking hard hits. Stacy looked over and saw D stumbling back to the fight as he had his hands on his ribcage.
"D, are you already?" Stacy asked.
"He broke some of my ribs. This guy's a monster. But I've noticed that you're not giving it your all. You're holding back, Stacy. Why?" D asked as Stacy looked down and placed her forehead on his chest.
"I'm afraid." Said Stacy.
"You shouldn't be! We're fighting together! And for once we have a chance than—" Said D.
"I'm not afraid of him! I'm afraid…for myself." Said Stacy.
"Why?" D asked.
Stacy stood silent as she remembers the moment when she was talking to Steiner about the plan.
"I've been dying this whole time?" Stacy asked.
"Yes. Though, originally this ability is yours from the beginning. Since I forced it out of your body. I didn't know that your ability was linked to your own health. Since you are going to face him, wasting all of that energy could lead to your death." Said Steiner.