James was thrown into a car as Russo swung his fist at him, but James pushed his fist away. James then uppercut Russo on the chin and then spartan kicked him back. Russo slid back a few feet as Emilia bolted into him and tackled him across the street. She stopped as Russo crashed into a building as Emilia flew back to James, who spat out blood.
"Whoa, he's kicking your ass." Said Emilia.
"It's just a few drops of blood." Said James.
"You know that's supposed to be inside you, right?" Emilia responded.
Ghigau flew in near them as a falcon and landed next to James, changing back to her normal self.
"The zeppelin is down." Said Ghigau.
Russo bolted in to swing at them, but his fist was stopped by an invisible wall. It was Jean-Pierre as he held his hand out to them. Emilia then blew a strong gale of wind that pushed back, until a blast of water hit Russo in the face as Mizuko surfed right next to them.
"Is everyone okay?" Mizuko asked.
"Yep." Said Ghigau.
"Looks like all of you Capos are all down for the count, Russo! Give up now or we'll let you off lightly. And by lightly, I mean we'll try to refrain from beating you to death." Said James.
"That's a bit violent." Said Mizuko as Russo chuckled.
"You think threats like that scare me? You think me losing my Capos will make me waver? Haven't you noticed that there isn't a scratch on me? Not even a red mark? Your hits ticking me. It's the impact that throws me off balance. But please hit me with your best sh—" Said Russo.
But missile was fired at him as it exploded and smoke clouded his position. The other turn and see Irons walked towards them with his arms up to fire again.
"Yeah, shut up. Keep your guard up! Like he said, we need to hit him with something strong." Said Iron.
Russo swung his hand as that blew the smoke away, until Allen zipped over and punched Russo across the face twice as he stopped next to Irons. Sniper rounds hit Russo in the head as Johnny walked over with a rifle, while Mina was hanging onto his back. Next to them was Lie Yan as her clothes was battle damaged.
"Nice shot!" Said Mina.
"Thanks, train." Said Johnny.
"Looks like everyone's alive. Good." Said Allen.
"So this is Russo. Yes, He's exactly what I expected." Said Lie Yan.
"Yeah, this guy looks evil." Said Mina.
"Well, well. If it isn't the whole gang. But you're missing Beverly and her boyfriend. Her weak sister and her friend. As well as Stacy and D. Speaking of which. Where are the letters?" Russo asked.
"Out taking care of the rest of you men. Give it up Russo! With this many people and the US government heading this way…you're done. There's nothing you can do now." Said Johnny.
Russo stood serious, but he then smile and started to chuckle. He then let out a laugh as he got loud as if he was laughing to a joke.
"There's nothing I can do now. (Scoffs) I was hoping for this to happen." Said Russo.
Suddenly, Russo powered up as his body started glowing as his body was all white. And within a split second, he bolted to everyone, hitting them once as they all flew back. Lie Yan quickly recovered as Russo bolted up to her and threw fast punches. Lie Yan did her best to parry them, but the power and speed of the punches were too much for her. His punches quickly started to land on her as he held his fist back and swung at full strength. He rammed his fist into Lie Yan's face as she flew back and crash landed into a store.
"Lie Yan!" Mizuko shouted.
Russo pointed his finger to Mizuko and fired two a small beam into her shoulders. Mizuko shouted from the pain as she wasn't able to use her arms. Russo dashed to attack her, but James jumped in and took the hit. But Russo dug his fingers into James's chest as he groaned from the pain, while grabbing Russo's arm.
"What was that about beating me to death, kid?" Russo asked.
But Mina charged and rammed her fist into the back of his head. It didn't nothing as Irons tackled Russo, but only forced him to move a few feet. Russo had planted his feet hard on the ground as Irons tried pushing him more.
"Give him everything you have!" Irons yelled.
Mina clenched her arms as it slowly steamed up to build up power. Ghigau appeared behind Russo as she had turned into a bear and swung her claws at him. It made him stumble back as she swung her claws down on him, but he caught her arms. Emilia rolled under Ghigau and released a strong wind to push Russo back. Russo moved, but something latched onto him as he looked down and saw nothing. But Jean-Pierre had made bear traps on the ground, while Johnny open fired his rifle on Russo's head as each bullet hit his head. Iron activated all of his long-range weapons and opened fired as he bombarded Russo.
"Allen!" Irons shouted.
Allen zipped in, while Jean-Pierre removed his traps. Russo was still standing as Allen struck him multiple times across the face as he ran passed him with every punch. But suddenly, Russo dodged the next punch as Allen was surprised. Allen kept on going as Russo dodged all of his punches, until he tripped Allen with his foot. Allen rolled across the ground and into a light pole as he hit his head. Russo bolted into Ghigau, knocked her back into a building wall. He quickly punched Emilia down to the ground as he turned to Jean-Pierre. He swung his fist, but he quickly made an invisible wall. Russo's fist landed, but he then made it shatter into pieces as he grabbed Jean-Pierre from the neck. He slowly choked him, until Irons swung his fist at Russo's head as it only made his head turn. He tossed Jean-Pierre aside as he punched Irons in the chest, badly denting his armor as he started to punch and breaking his armor off. Johnny ran in and swung his rifle at him, but Russo turned his head and fired rays from his eyes as it melted Johnny's rifle into a puddle of liquid metal. Johnny froze as Russo smirked.
"That's right. Stand there and do nothing." Said Russo.
But Mina ran in yelling as she hurled her fist at Russo at full power. But Russo caught her arm as she was shocked as Russo glared down at her. He then gripped her arm tightly to the point that he broke her arm as she screamed in pain. He pushed her back as she landed on the ground, crying out tears.
"Let's see how long my rays can cut through you, Irons." Said Russo.
But Kimberly then scream at Russo as it stunned him, while Ray was in front of her with a shotgun.
"Letters, go!" Ray shouted.
B, C, E and F all ran in as F dashed in and swung her fist into his face. B turned into blood and restrained Russo, while E dashed behind him and shocked him with his electricity. C stood in front of Russo with her hands out, letting out burning heat. But Russo then let out a power burst of light energy, knocking all of them back as everything went black. Back with Stacy and D, they both were still talking as D was holding her hand.
"We know what we signed up for. And I don't want to lose you either. But…this is for the good of everyone. A part of me wants to tell you to go and leave. But I can't. As much as I love you, we can't let every who's died and everything we're sacrifice be in vain. You can do this, Stacy." Said D, sadden.
Stacy was still unconvinced, until they heard someone running towards them. They stood ready as it was Beverly and Carlos as he was startled, while he aimed his gun at them.
"Hey, hey! Easy." Said D.
"Sorry. We didn't know it was you guys." Said Carlos.
"What's going on? Shouldn't you be fight?" Beverly asked.
"We're in the middle of a…dilemma." Said D.
"What is it?" Carlos asked.
"If I use my power, I will die." Said Stacy.
"Oh…" Said Carlos.
"Okay, so what?" Beverly replied.
"Bev…!" Said Carlos.
"Out of all of the time that things got bad. Now's the time you're being cowardly? Why? What happen to that determination to kill that bastard once and for all?" Beverly asked.
"Like you'd do the same, Beverly!" Stacy yelled.
"You bet damn well I will! If it means to give Kim a chance to live. If it means Mina can live. If it mean all of my friends can live and have a life. I would gladly give my life! I don't mean to sound like a heartless person. Stacy, I…I've come to admire you. As much as I don't like how you dress and how you show off to much of your—" Said Beverly.
"Bev…" Said D.
"Right. I've always respected you. And losing is something I don't want. But only you can take out that asshole. You are literally our only hope of defeat him! But if you don't want to fight, it's okay. You've done enough. More than we could ever ask for. We'll manage. Somehow. Right, Carlos? D?" Said Beverly.
"Right." Said Carlos.
"Got that right, partner." Said D.
"Let's go. Look after her, D. No matter what she chooses." Said Beverly.
She and Carlos ran off as D watched them leave. He then turned towards Stacy as she was tearing up as she had faint smile on her face.
"Stacy…?" Said D.
"D, can you do me a favor?" Stacy asked as she looked at D.
Meanwhile, Kimberly slowly came to as she got up as so did Ray as they saw that the letters were still down, while Russo was floating in front of them all.
"Is that all you have? I'm guessing the fight with my capos took a lot out of you all. But is this really all you have? To think it was this easy to take care of you. Like they say, if you want something right, do it yourself. And I plan finishing all of you off." Said Russo.
He charged his hands with light energy, until something hit in the back. Russo touched his back and felt to rounds in his back, while he saw it was Beverly and Carlos who had shot them.
"What is—!" Said Russo as he felt something strange.
"Let's just say it's a bit of a taste of your own medicine." Said Beverly.
Suddenly, D ran and jumped to Russo. He covered his arm in shadow's and rammed him down to the ground as he hit the ground hard. He was about to get back up but he saw Stacy in the air as she had energy wings that sprout out of her back. She then dove and landed hard onto Russo's body, making the ground crack. She then placed her hand on his chest as she was absorbing his light energy as he was shocked to see she was able to do so.
"You have my ability. But what you don't know is that Steiner specific made this necklace to give me the ability to absorb all forms of light energy. Even yours. And as of those rounds, Steiner was very careful about making that body that you love so much. What you didn't know is that he left a specific compound that is harmless. But once you add a specific element, it causes a chemical reaction in your body that weakens you. What are you going to do now, Russo?" Stacy asked.