Russo's energy was being absorbed, but he burst out energy as Stacy flew back. Russo got up, but the effects of the rounds were taking a toll.
"Everyone! If you can hear me! If you have any ounce of strength! Stand! And give everything you have against Russo!" D yelled.
Russo yelled as he fired a beam at Stacy as she flew away from it as it followed her. Russo flew after her as D tried to stop him. They both clash in the air as they flew around as they slammed each other into building walls as Russo fired rays of light at Stacy as she evaded them, while firing back at Russo. Russo then tacked Stacy as they both landed on the roof of a building as the rolled and recovered back on their feet. Russo bolted up to her to fire a beam at her face, but she quickly ducked down and fired a stronger beam that hit Russo dead on. Russo flew back but recovered in midair as he flew high and charged up an energy beam. He aimed for everyone underneath him as Stacy flew to the ground. Russo fired as he yelled, while Stacy didn't hold back as her wings disappeared and she fired back with all she had. Both beams collided into each other as D noticed she was struggling as he quickly ran up a building from the side that had shade. He then jumped up toward Russo and swung a shadow punch blast. It hit him in the back as he was knocked all the way down to the ground. D landed near him as he ran to him, while Russo was getting up and punched him across the face. Russo swung at D as he dodged his punches as he upper cut Russo. He then spin kicked Russo back, until Ghigau had turned into a wolf and grabbed onto his arm. Jean-Pierre then hurled his giant invisible hammer into Russo as he knocked him away. Then both Mizuko and Lie Yan both elemental kick Russo in the face. He stumbled back as we see Mina and Irons with their fists back. Mina was steam, while Iron's arm was rocket powered as they both didn't hold back and knocked Russo across the block. But he was then stopped as James shoulder tackled into him, forcing Russo to stop. James moved out of the way as Emilia used her jet stream to punch Russo in the face, while Allen bolted pass Russo giving a full speed punch. They both kept hitting again and again, until Russo was disoriented. But he slowly came to as only D and Stacy were approaching him from both of his sides.
"You…I won't let it end like this!" Russo yelled.
But Stacy punched him across the face as she and D both delivered blows and kicks into Russo's body and face. He couldn't fight back as they both didn't give a second to fight back. Until D and Stacy both then fired a light and shadow blast onto Russo as he flew back and slide into a car. But Stacy then fell on her side as D turned towards her as she looking terrible as she was worse from the times she exhausted her ability.
"Stacy, hang in there!" Said D.
But Russo chuckled with a weak voice as D glared at him but saw that he was looking the same as Stacy was.
"I knew Steiner would betray me. I knew he would've done something to stop me. Well, what are you waiting for…kill me, D." Said Russo.
But D only picked up Stacy and started walking away, until Beverly walked passed them. She was holding her Thompson machine gun. Beverly touched D's shoulder, glance and him and then Stacy as she saw her face. Beverly kept on walk as she was loading the gun and cocked it as she stood in front of Russo.
"You're not going to get the pleasure of being killed by any of them. Not by an Enhance. Just by me, a weak human being." Said Beverly.
"Don't you dare! Do you know who I—" Said Russo, until Beverly aimed the gun at him.
"Does it look like I give a damn who the hell you?" Beverly responded with intimidating face.
"WAIT, NO—!" Said Russo.
But Beverly opened fired on Russo as she let all of the bullets spray, until it soon ran out and it was empty. Beverly then dropped the gun and walked away.
"One bullet wasn't enough." Said Beverly.
Beverly then looked ahead as she saw everyone looking at D as he was holding Stacy in his arms. He stopped as Mizuko, Emilia, Jean-Pierre and James approached them. They were crying in their own way. Mina And Allen were crying as Kimberly hugged them to comfort them. But Kimberly ended up cry as Ray comforted her. Irons grabbed her hand as she grabbed his hand, while he took off his bowler hat. Johnny and Lie Yan kept his head down, while staying silent out of respect. The Letters did the same as they were silent, while D kept a straight solemn face. Beverly then felt a droplet of water as it started to rain as the sunny sky was cloudy and full of rain. Stacy saw everyone sadden by her as that made her smile, until the light in her eyes then faded away. And as that happened, Stacy passed away as they all started to cry louder. Beverly watched with sadness as she let out a tear as well. Carlos placed his hand on her as she hugged him. D stood with Stacy in his hands as he was crying with the rain. But it then fades to days later as it was raining at Stacy's funeral. Beverly and Carlos stood together as they were holding an umbrella together. Everyone was there as they were in black as they had umbrellas as well, except for D. It would be later as everyone had gone as D was standing by Stacy's coffin as he placed his hand on it.
"D, can you do me a favor?" Stacy asked in his memory.
"What is it?" D asked.
"Look after the others for me and…when it happens. Please…don't let my death be an excuse for you to stop the good fight. Please, D. And I love you." Said Stacy as D faded to the present.
"I will try, Stacy." Said D as his face was stream with tears.
"Hey, D? If you stay out in the rain like this, you're going to get a cold. Can you get sick?" Said Beverly as she approached him.
"I can. But not as easily as ordinary people. But thanks for worrying about me. Let's head inside." Said D as he looked at her with a sad, but hopeful smile.
It would be later as D, Beverly and Irons were in a separate room with Johnny. The others were talking and chatting and even people from the circus were there as well. Irons was in a suit, while Beverly was wearing a black dress and had her hair done.
"What did they say?" Beverly asked.
"The government wants to try and control this city. They want to segregate the enhance from the normal people." Said Johnny.
"Wow, they make it sound the enhance are dangerous." Said Beverly.
"I mean, can you blame them? You guys are dangerous, technically speak. But I proposed a plan to them. To assemble a team of government agents to help establish this city as a safe haven for those who are enhanced. There will be laws place upon them from forbidding them to use their abilities unless it's for defensive reasons. There's a lot of details, but I'll spare you them for now. They also want to start a team of enhance to work for the government to maintain peace. That way if there are any enhance who cross the line. They can stop them and take them into custody." Said Johnny.
"It doesn't sound that bad." Said Beverly.
"But can we trust the government. Who's to say they won't use the team to try to make more enhances? Or use them against us?" Irons asked.
"I agree." Said D.
"Well, the bright side of all of this is that I've been asked to lead this team of enhance. I was wondering if any of you would like to join. But I'm sure that's not your style. Don't worry, I'll do my best to keep the government off this city. I'll talk to them about a treaty or something. But if I do that, you guys need to make sure that this city is kept under control." Said Johnny.
"We can do that." Said Beverly.
"We?" D replied.
"I don't plan on leaving this city. It's my home and most of my family and friends are here. Let's not forget that I was the one who killed Russo." Said Beverly.
"Yes, with the help of all of us." Said Irons.
"Cymatics." Said Beverly.
"But she's right. We'll do our best Johnny. We'll ask for your help if things get really crazy." Said D.
"Alright. Then I'll be seeing you all. After all this, there's a lot of work for me to fill out. So, until the next time we meet, my friends. Arrivederci." Said Johnny as he left and saluted them.
He left the house they were in as they walked out the room door together, while Irons had to crouch a bit and walk sideways.
"Why was I built so large?" Said Irons.
"We'll you were meant for war. And weapons of war are usually big." Said Beverly.
"Yeah, kind of like how it's weird to see Bev in a dress." Said D.
"Ugh, don't get me started on this damn thing. How do girls like these things. Yeah, their pretty, but I don't know. I guess I'm used to wearing pants." Said Beverly.
"So why did you wear it?" Irons asked.
"Hey, guys! Are you done?" Carlos asked as he approached them.
"The answer is before us, Irons." Said D.
"Shut up. Yeah, we're done, Carlos." Said Beverly.
"Great. Jeez, I can't get over how pretty you look, Bev." Said Carlos.
"Can you not talk like that in front of others. It's embarrassing." Said Beverly, blushing from embarrassment.
"Isn't she cute, guys?" Carlos asked as he side hugged Beverly, while his hands were around her waist.
"As a button." Said D.
"Adorable." Said Irons.
"S-Stop encouraging him! I'm going to eat. Hurry up before I eat everything!" Said Beverly as she left.
They followed after, until Carlos placed his hand on D's shoulder as he stopped.
"Hey, I know we're not close. But are you alright?" Carlos asked.
"Yeah, I am." Said D.
"I'm serious. You don't have to try to be tough. It's okay to be emotion, you know. It doesn't make you less of a man. Just that you're more human." Said Carlos.
"I appreciate, Carlos. But I already had my time to mourn and grieve. I've accepted what's happen and I need to try to move on." Said D.
"Alright. But if you need someone to talk to. I'm here for you. And we can get to know each other. We can drink together. I'll buy the first round." Said Carlos.
"Hmm, now you've caught my attention. But let's get going. Before Bev and Mina eat everything." Said D.
"I'm more worried about James. That guy can eat." Said Carlos.
They entered the room as everyone was there. They were eating and talk, even the letters were there as they had special suits made for them to be around others. Beverly was standing outside as she looked through the window and saw Carlos and C, or Elena, talking as they were catching up. Carlos was emotion as C tried calming him down. D soon walked out and stood with Beverly as he let out a relaxed sigh.
"So what do you plan on doing, Bev?" D asked.
"I don't know. I'm not going back to being a police officer. I don't think I'm meant for that. Got room in the freelance detective agency?" Beverly asked.
"Oh, I forgot about that. Well, we do need a new assistant. Our current one sleeps on the job." Said D.
"I heard that!" Said Mina as they both chuckled.
"Any other spots. Because I'm not doing that." Said Beverly.
"I could use another detective. Train power can do so much when it comes to investigating." Said D as they both chuckled.
"You underestimate train power. And stop talking about me when I'm not around." Said Mina as she stepped outside with them.
"Yeah, but you can't just punch evidence." Said D.
"Not with that attitude." Said Mina.
"Mina, that's not how that works." Said Beverly.
"But we'll be happy to have you, Beverly." Said D as he held his hand out to her.
"Happy to be a part of it." Said Beverly as she shook his hand.
Time would pass as they started their detective agency in a new building. D, Beverly and Mina were carrying boxes as Carlos was in his officer uniform. He kissed Beverly goodbye as he went off to work as she and Mina waved bye. They all went inside and started setting up everything as Mina was looking around.
"It's hard to believe that we're here. Especially after everything that's happened. I won't forget the sacrifices that gave us this chance of life. From now on…we'll make sure that this peace lasts." Said Beverly.