
It was a normal morning at a school as a car arrived across the street as Irons was driving. Inside was Beverly as well, while Allen and Mina going and were dressed for school. It had been a year after the battle as everyone was slightly different and older.

"Have a fun day at school. And behave yourself. I don't want the principle calling me again, understood?" Said Beverly.

"Okay, Bev." Said Mina.

"To be fair. I started that fight because of those bullies." Said Allen.

"Yeah but aren't you Mr. Fast. Next time, don't get caught." Said Beverly.

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind. See ya." Said Allen.

"Bye! See you in the afternoon!" Said Mina.

They left as Mary, Margert and even Albert were going as well. They all walked inside together as Irons drove off, while Beverly looked out her window.

"A lot has happened after that day. Emilia, Ghigau and Jean-Pierre started working for Lie Yan at her restaurant as cooks. Mizuko is the head cook of the restaurant. Which is a good thing since it gave Lie Yan's sons and daughters a chance to go to college. Mizuko and James also had triplets. Two boys and one girl. Johnny keeps contact with us to make sure everything is well and to inform the government. Irons here started a new bar with Kimberly and Ray. They called it Stacy's for obvious reason. They run it together as Irons works behind the bar, while Kimberly and Ray can play to their heart's content. They even moved into an apartment together. And if you're wondering about what happened to Russo's empire. Well, a lot of their men were arrest. All Capos were placed in a high security prison and there's no way for them to escape. Since they get injected by a serum that's similar to the special rounds Steiner made. What happened to Steiner? We don't know. He just disappeared out of thin air. The letters are all live and well and they're actually a part of Johnny's small team. But they live in the city. Right now, they're being treated to actually have stable physical bodies. They even were given a chance to see their families. That was an emotion and happy day for Carlos and his family. And if your wonder about D, he's doing well. I think. It's hard to tell when it comes to this guy. He's been working hard in the freelance work, which worries me. But I make I'm with him whenever he's working. Stacy's death did do a number on him. But I think we've been able to balance him out a bit. His reputation has grown more since he's been helping a lot of people. People thought he was a myth, but now they're calling him a hero. They also call him Steel City's guardian. And me…well…me and Carlos have been dating for about a year and it's been amazing." Said Beverly.

They soon arrived at the bar as Carlos was waiting there for them. Beverly and Irons got out of the car as Beverly ran up to him and kissed him on the lips. They both looked adorable as they were happy to see each other.

"I'll give you two some room. I'll be inside." Said Irons.

"Sorry, Irons. Also good morning." Said Carlos.

"Good morning." Said Irons as he went inside.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Beverly asked.

"Yeah, but I was placed in this area. So it's okay to see my girl." Said Carlos.

"Well, let's go inside. I'm sure Kimberly can fix something up for us to eat. I'm surprise she's gotten better at cooking." Said Beverly as they started walking.

"Yeah, thank goodness Irons is a good teacher. But…there is something I want ask of you." Said Carlos.

"What is it?" Beverly as they stopped.

"Bev, when we first met. I won't lie. I did have a crush on you. But I pushed that aside because I knew you wanted to be an officer more than anything. And then we had some ups and then downs as friends. But I'm glad we were able to talk again. Which lead to us being together. Bev, you're the most brave, compassionate and most beautiful girl in my world." Said Carlos.

"Carlos, what are you doing?" Beverly asked.

Carlos smile and stood on one knee, while pulling out a small box from his pocket. Beverly immediately got emotion as she covered her face, while Carlos opened the box. It was silver ring that had a white diamond.

"This past year had been the best year of my life. Besides the war we fought in. But that's besides that point. Um, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So…would you like be my wife?" Carlos asked.

"…Yes…Yes!" Beverly shouted as she hugged him.

Carlos spun her around as he then placed the ring on her finger. It would be later that day in the bar as everyone had come to celebrate their engagement. Everyone was eating and drink together as Kimberly hugged Beverly and Carlos.

"I'm so happy for you both! And that ring! Carlos, how much did you spend?" Kimberly.

"For Bev, the price doesn't matter. But it was pricey." Said Carlos.

"A simple ring would've been fine." Said Beverly.

"No, it has to be a beautiful as you." Said Carlos.

"S-Stop." Beverly replied, bashful and blushing.

"Aw, look at you turn so red, Bev~!" Said Kimberly.

"Shut up." Said Beverly as Kimberly giggled.

"Let's hear it to the future married couple! To Beverly and Carlos!" Said D as he held up his glass.

"To Beverly and Carlos!" They all cheered together.

Ray then started to play music on the piano, while Kimberly song as everyone started dancing. Beverly and Carlos danced as well, while D stood by a picture that had Stacy on it.

"Wish you were, Stacy. All of this wouldn't have happened if it weren't for you." Said D.

It would be that night as we see D and Mina at the top of a building, looking out to the city. Beverly was watching them from the street, until the radio went off as a crime was going as she whistle at them.

"Crime is happen. Let's go!" Said Beverly.

D used the shadows to scale down the building, while Mina landed on the street as it cracked. D and Stacy looked at her and the crack as she chuckled nervously.

"I'm sure no one will notice." Said Mina, rubbing the back of her head.

They then got in the car and drove into the city as Beverly was behind the wheel, Mina was on the passenger seat and D was in the back.

"Let's stop some crime!" Said Beverly.

"Let's go!" Mina shouted.

"Why are you sitting in my seat?" D asked.

"Because you love me." Said Mina.

"(Chuckles) Whatever. Let's go." Said d.

Beverly stepped on the gas and drove off in a hurry as they heading into Steel City.