Queenerra - Guilty

The next morning, Benjamin had breakfast as usual. While Queenerra thought that she should serve her husband despite last night's painful events, she continued to make coffee and bake bread for Benjamin.

He didn't sit at the table with Benjamin at breakfast time, he chose to be busy cutting flowers in the garden. But before he rose from the table, Benjamin said, "Sit down and have breakfast with me." he said.

Queenerra gulped, she stared at Benjamin for a moment, then hesitantly sat down in the chair Benjamin had pulled for her.

"Last night I came home late because I dropped Irina before I got home," Benjamin said, he explained to his wife what happened, though not in detail.

Queenerra who was quite surprised by Benjamin's confession looked at her husband through her eyelashes, "You don't have to tell me anything, I won't question you anything. About where you went and what you did." Queenera said as she looked at Benjamin.

"You deserve to know because you are my wife," Benjamin said, but Queenerra didn't want to have much hope, especially after finding out about Irina.

Queenerra took a piece of whole wheat bread and ate it slowly. Benjamin suddenly said, "You can come with me to the plantation if you want." Benjamin said, for a moment Queenerra looked at Benjamin with sparkling eyes. If he was on the farm he would be able to stop by his aunt's tavern, but of course, the planters who worked for Benjamin would gossip about him.

"Not for today." Refuse Queenerra gently. Moreover, Irina just went to the Plantation yesterday. People would definitely compare her and Irina who was like earth and sky. Queenerra chose to refuse to keep the honor of her husband, Benjamin Duncan.

"I want to tell you something," Benjamin spoke again after a moment of silence between them.

Queenerra paid attention to her husband, she placed the rest of the rye bread in her hand on the plate in front of him. "Say it" The answer.

"Irina was my ex-girlfriend who later married my cousin, Gertrude Duncan," Benjamin said, and Queenerra didn't change her expression at all, as if the news didn't surprise her at all.

"Aren't you surprised?" Benjamin asked raising his eyebrows as he looked at Queenerra.

The woman gulped, then smiled. "I don't think our relationship is a real husband and wife relationship. You don't have to tell me all your secrets." Queenera replied. "As I said, I would never question where you went and what you did," he added.

"Because you're mad at me?" Benjamin asked.

Queeneerra shook her head, "Of course not. You have been very kind to me. Give me a proper place to live, you also give me free food and good clothes. - bother treating me as if we really were husband and wife." Queenerra sighed deeply, "Ever since you married me, I have sworn to devote myself to you. But that doesn't bind you at all."

Benjamin froze for a moment, he seemed speechless. He finished his breakfast then before leaving he said one last sentence to Queenerra, "Wait for me in my room tonight." he said, he even approached Queenerra and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before leaving. Queenera didn't even have time to react because it all happened so fast. But after Benjamin left, it was as if he had just woken up to what Benjamin had just done to her.

Emma walked over to Queenerra and smiled at the woman "I think Mr. Duncan has just shown his concern for you." Emma teases.

Queenerra tidied up the leftover breakfast utensils herself and Benjamin Duncan "You know I can't compare to Irina. We're too different. She's perfect, and I'm completely not. Look at me," Queenerra said as she turned on the faucet on the sink.

"Don't say like that mistress," Emma was about to say something but Queenerra looked at her "Just call me Queenerra. Don't call me mistress, I may even be lower in degre than you, Emma. You won't be able to imagine my life before meeting your master." Queenera said.

Emma, who initially disliked Queenerra, softened after seeing Queenerra's humility and tenderness. She wasn't even arrogant like Irina.

With guilt Emma approached Queenerra "Will you forgive me?" he asked Queenera.

The soft-hearted woman turned her head, "What for? You didn't even make a mistake." Queenerra's hand.

Emma looked down briefly, "I misjudged you, madam." He said regretfully. Queenerra dried her hands and hugged Emma "Thanks for being nice to me, Emma. I won't feel alone after today."