
The Queenerra - Guilty

"Are you all right sir?" Queenerra asked in panic.

That question causing Benjamin to tilt his head to look at the woman with each other's nakedness. Benjamin didn't answer, he just took Queen's hand and kissed it, trying to atone for his guilt for taking Queen's most precious thing without love. Their eyes locked in each other's coldness. Benjamin in his guilt and Queen in pain on her heart.

"Sorry." That one sentence that came out of Benjamin's lips with a look full of guilt.

"This is my best night in twenty-five years sir, don't sorry me" She said. "Or I will feel useless. . ." She continued her sentences.

"Stop calling me sir." Benjamin looks frustrated, because all the bitches he sleeps call him by the same name.

"You're my master after all." Queen asked quietly.

"I'm your husband." Benjamin answered. 

Queenerra smiled bitterly, "In a paper." She answered. "I know that you don't love me." She whispered on her heart.

"How should I call you?" She answered.

"Anything as long as it's not as it was called." Benjamin replied, turning his face away from Queen, while the woman bravely pressed herself against Benjamin's back and wrapped her arms around the man's flat, muscular stomach.

"You know that I'm interested on you but I didn't had any feeling." Benjamin asked Queen. 

"Yes, Sir." She answered. "I don't mind." She added. "I'll give what I have to serve you, as a slave to her master." She wispered.

"Your words make me feel more guilty." Benjamin swallowed, her jaws tightened briefly.

"You've bought me very expensive, don't make me look worthless by not being able to serve you, what ever I called, wife or slave, for me that's the same meaning." Queen whispered behind Benjamin's nape and the man squeezed Queen's hand that was wrapped around his body.

"I shouldn't have done everything to you," Benjamin wishpered.

"You regreted?" Queen's eyebrows furrowed while briefly stared at Benjamin's eyes. "Just pretend that I was the same with another girl that had sex with you. Don't put your heart on it, so you'll not regreted it." Queen tried to find the right sentences, "Or you regreted because you think that I don't deserve you?"

Benjamin took a deep breath, "I feel lost in you. I think it just about the desire, sex, but when everything's done, I feel something wrong just going on beetween us." Benjamin said.

Queen tried to rose, "I'll back to my room." She said, but Benjamin take her hand and looked at her eyes, "Stay with me tonight." He said.  "Lay back." he added then Queenerra do as he wish. There's some moment silence beetween them. 

"You always get what you want, don't you? Why are you sorry this time?" Queen wishpered. "Do you remember your ex when you have sex with me?" She stared at Benjamin face,  "Or you sorry because of bought me that expensive?" She asked couriously.

Benjamin jaw's tightened. He immediately turned around and grabbed Queen's face that was already starting to tear up with both hands. 

"I never regret about my money or about  my desicion to marry you." Benjamin said before kissed Queen briefly on the lips, wiped her tears and then rolled her in his arms. Benjamin seemed to take a deep breath before kissing Gueen's head repeatedly after that.

"We should have met years ago, before I was this depraved and cruel." Benjamin thought to himself. After a few moments of silence Benjamin finally spoke up. "Do you realize that I just ruined you?" Benjamin asked quietly.

"I feel proud for giving my master my virginity, I don't care about being ruined or not." Queen answered quietly. She smiled briefly in pain, "My live has ruined since the first, along ago before we meet." 

The night became so long for both of them, Queen with a pain in his groin but left a very great satisfaction, while Benjamin with his guilt for taking his wife's virginity without love, even he still remember about his ex.

This guilt he never got before because Queen was the only girl who was still a virgin when it came to him, even though Benjamin never asked, but from the movements of the young woman, he could tell which one was experienced and which one was still very innocent.

"I can't promise you anything." Benjamin looked at Queenera. While the woman only smiled briefly, "Don't promise anything then." he said.

"The day after tomorrow I will go with my cousin in about a week, you will stay at home. Don't see anyone if I'm not around." Benjamin said.

"You mean?" Queenera asked confused.

Benjamin's jaw hardened briefly, "Those bastards are still looking for time off to get close to you." said Benjamin.

"They know I'm already yours." Queenera said.

Benjamin looked at Queenerra "Why are you so naive." he said. "For men, they will break through any obstacle to get the woman they want. Even if the woman they want already belongs to someone else." he said.

Benjamin's sentence made Queen gasp, in her mind she immediately thought, maybe Benjamin will do the same thing to get his ex-lover who is now his cousin's wife.

"Are you going to do the same?" Queenera asked.

"Yes." Benjamin answered quickly, making Queenerra's thoughts about the possibility that the man who was now her husband would return to her former lover's arms justified.

But Queenerra chose to remain silent and snuggled into Benjamin's arms. That warmth gave him warmth even though his heart and mind were raging erratically. It had been a long time since someone had hugged her so warmly, that Queenerra had missed her late father's embrace.

"May I sleep?" Queenera asked.

"Sleep." Benjamin replied.

The man enjoyed hugging someone, after so long he was busy watching the horrors on the battlefield. Bomb blasts, lives lost because of a barrage of bullets, even after returning his heart was crushed by betrayal, and had to bleed to rebuild his business. Now he felt there was something he had, comforted him, made Benjamin seem to rediscover that he was needed, to depend on at least someone who was fragile, and that was Queenerra.
