
Queenerra - Gertrude

Irina had just finished taking a shower and was combing her hair in front of the mirror. As he looked in the mirror, his memory drifted to Benjamin Duncan. After all, the man still controlled his heart and mind.

During his marriage to Gertrude, all that was left was regret. Especially after knowing Benjamin Duncan is back alive and well. But because she was already engaged to Gertrude Duncan, of course, Irina couldn't pull herself back from the inevitable marriage.

Until now they have not been blessed with children, not without reason. Irina deliberately took contraceptive pills to avoid pregnancy, she still hopes that one day she can be with Benjamin. Having a child from Gertrude would only make his life more chaotic, that was what Irina had in mind.

Meanwhile, Gertrude was in his room. He seemed busy with his work. As a potential heir to the family company, especially considering Angelique's age, his mother is no longer young, Gertrude must take full responsibility for the operations of the family company which will soon fall into his hands.

Suddenly Angelique knocked on her son's study door and entered after receiving Gertrude's answer, "Come in." the man answered from inside.

Gertrude was quite surprised because it was quite late but his mother was still awake, "Mom, why are you still awake?" Gertrude asked confused.

Angelique didn't answer right away, she walked over to Gertrude's desk and sat down in the chair opposite her son. "Why don't you rest, it's getting late," said Angelique instead asked back.

Gertrude smiled slightly, "I'm still checking the financial statements." he said.

Angelique sighed deeply, "Think of your health after all. Think of Irina too." Said the mother with a worried face.

"I'm fine and Irina is also very good," he said. "We're both living very happy lives, don't worry." Gertrude tries to please her mother. After all, Irina was her mother's choice, although it was undeniable that Gertrude was also captivated by her beauty.

Angelique sighed deeply, "That's not the problem." She said in a low voice, "You've been married for almost a year, but Irina hasn't gotten pregnant. I want to have grandchildren soon and make sure that you have an heir." Angelique said.

Gertrude's jaw tightened for a moment, she seemed to take a deep breath, "Irina doesn't want to rush to have children, mom." The answer is short.

Angelique's face suddenly turned sour, "What's the reason your wife doesn't want to have children from you right away?" Angelique asked curiously.

Gertrude smiled slightly, "Irina is still young, it's only natural that she doesn't feel quite ready to have children." Gertrude answered, he got up from his seat and went around the table then pulled out a stool and sat down next to his mother. He took his mother's hand and kissed it, "Don't worry, when the time is right you will have a grandson from me." Gertrude said followed by a sweet smile.

Angelique frowned, she seemed to sigh in heavy, "We both know that Irina is the ex-lover of your cousin Benjamin." Angelique shifted the conversation to the main topic that had been bothering her lately. Plus some people say that Irina and Benjamin visited the plantation while Gertrude, her son was taking care of his business overseas.

Gertrud's jaw tightened, he looked away for a moment. It seemed that Gertrude was also quite disturbed if everyone still remembered his wife's past relationship with his cousin, Benjamin Duncan. "That's in the past, can we not talk about it anymore?" Gertrude said reluctantly.

"To make sure that Irina has completely forgotten about Benjamin, you have to force her to have a child from you," Angelique said.

"Mom..." Gertrude seemed to object.

"Why?" Angelique's brows furrowed at her son, "You're also not sure whether your wife loves you sincerely or is she forced to marry you?" The middle-aged woman got up from her seat and walked towards the door. Arriving at the doorway, she turned her head, "I will not die in peace until I make sure that my son gets what is rightfully his." She said again.

Although Angelique finally left Getrrude's study, those words resonated in the young man's mind. His mother's suspicions were well-founded, moreover, Irina and Benjamin had many opportunities and many reasons to meet each other, be it in front of Gertrude or behind him.

Coupled with various reasons that are often given by Irina to refuse to make love to him even though they are husband and wife.

During a year of being in a relationship, Gertrude and Irina engaged in sex in just a matter of fingers. The rest Irina always reasoned that she was menstruating, or not feeling well. 

If she doesn't use those two reasons, she will stay at her mother's house with the excuse that her mother is not feeling well. And for Gertrude, it was no big deal. He is also so busy with his work, sex is not the only thing that is important to him.

Sometimes Gertrude is even too soft on Irina. sleeping by her wife's side and being able to just hug her is enough for Gertrude to feel that Irina loves her as a husband.

Gertrude showered Irina with touches, kisses, every inch of her body, while Irina couldn't resist. She accepted it even though her heart was screaming in pain. Plus she hoped that Benjamin Duncan who touch her body, and not Gertrude Duncan.

This wasn't the first time Gertrude had sex with her, but it was the first time Gertrude had done it so passionately and unusually. Like there is anger, jealousy, and revenge mixed into one.

When Gertrude began to stab himself into his wife's body, it wasn't pleasuring Irina felt but torture. While Gertrude was busy enjoying his peak for a moment, Irina was crying silently.

And as soon as Gertrude collapsed after finding his release, Irina shuffled down and ran to the bathroom. She turns on the water tap loudly and cries there silently. 

Gertrude who was satisfied didn't think about Irina anymore. He chose to sleep so peacefully, while Irina felt like she had just been raped by a man she didn't know at all, even though that man was her own husband.