
Queenerra - Intervene

This morning Angelique, Irina, and Gertrude were enjoying their breakfast together at one table. Even though this was done every morning, they weren't the warmest type of family. Everyone was busy with their own food. Gertrude and her mother still had time to chat, but Irina looked pale and completely lost her appetite. She just stirred her food without putting it in her mouth. 

"I'm meeting Ben today." Angelique said breaking the silence. Gertrude immediately turned his gaze to his mother and asked, "What's so urgent that you have to see Ben?" asked Gertrude.

Angelique raised her eyebrows briefly, "Is there any need for trouble to come visit my own nephew?" She asked while glancing at Irina. While the young woman did not dare to lift her face, let alone retort.

Gertrude smiled, "I was thinking about inviting him to dinner too. We haven't seen each other in a long time because we've been busy with our own business." Gertrude brought out his idea.

Angelique glanced once more at Irina, "What do you think?" Angelique asked and Irina looked awkward, "That's a good idea." She answered with a fake smile.

"Very well, I'll come visit him and invite him to dinner as well. I'll also invite Mrs. Markle and her daughter Margareth. I think Margareth will get along with Ben." Angelique said, she glanced at Gertrude and Irina in turn.

Gertrude's brows furrowed, "Is Margareth back yet?" Gertrude asked, he thought that Margareth had time to continue her studies abroad.

Angelique nodded, "Yes. She even grew up to be an educated young lady and so graceful. She's passed down her mother's beauty, and of course she has a classy attitude." Angelique emphasized the last part of her sentence while looking at Irina.

"Ok. I totally agree. Since I'm already late, I'll be leaving soon." Gertrude got up from his chair and gave his mother a quick kiss on the forehead then went around the table and kissed his wife on the forehead then left the dining room. Meanwhile outside the driver was waiting to take his master to the office.

Leaving Angelique alone with Irina, "Why do you look like you don't have an appetite?" Asked Angelique. "Are you sick?" She added.

Irina gulped, she shook her head, "I'm fine." She answered with a low voice.

Angelique smiled, but behind her smile was honestly the hideous look she gave her daughter-in-law. "I'm going to visit Benjamin." She said as she rose from her seat,

"Finish your breakfast, as well as your duties as the wife of my son. If you don't want me to finish it." She added as she passed. And that really gave a jolt to Irina's mind. Why was her mother-in-law being angry with her?

Angelique Duncan was not a friendly woman, nor was she a warm mother-in-law, but this was the first time Irina had sensed that there was a side to the middle-aged woman that wanted to intimidate her. 


Meanwhile at Benjamin's house, the man is still curled up under the covers while Queenerra is in his arms. Both of them opened their eyes but still didn't want to get out of bed. After last night they had made love with passion, although for Queenerra it was the first time, this morning they were much closer.

"Let me get out of bed. I'd be very embarrassed if anyone saw us like this. It's already quite the morning anyway, I have to prepare breakfast." Queenerra looked at Benjamin, but the man tightened his grip instead.

"I don't care what people think." he said sortly.

Queenerra bit her lip "What if your family finds out that you married me secretly?" Suddenly the question crossed Queenerra's mind and she spontaneously asked it.

"I don't have family." Benjamin stared at Queen. 

"But you have aunt." Quenerra guessed.

Benjamin's jaws tightened shortly, "Oh." He took a deep breath, "She is quite dificult and oldschool, but I don't need to explained to anyone about us." He answered.

"What if she refused me?" Queenerra asked with a very low voice.

"There's no reason to refused." Benjamin answered.

"Our family is indeed an ancient family because they still think about social status and others, even though today's era is getting more advanced." Benjamin explained. "Our ancestors wanted this family bond to be preserved forever. But I guess it just stopped in my father's generation and his brothers." Benjamin stroked Quenerra's bare arm with his index finger.

"Why so?" Queenera asked.

Benjamin gulped, "They even have the heart to kill each other to fight over the inheritance from my great grandfather." said Benjamin.

"What's that scary?" Queenerra looked taken aback by Benjamin's statement just now.

"Not exactly like that. But they cheat on each other and can even hurt their own brother to benefit themselves and their little family. Like Aunt Angelique, she does look nice and respectable. But I can't take it for granted. interfered in my life, after what she probably did to my mom and dad when I wasn't here." he said.

Queen sighed deeply, "I don't really know her. But my aunt always said that she was a very powerful woman and owner of the whole plantation." She said.

Benjamin's jaw tightened, "She can do anything for Gertrude, her only son." For a moment Benjamin's mind drifted to Irina's image. The woman who was deliberately taken from him to be given to Gertrude, because Benjamin recently discovered a surprising fact, that news of his death on the battlefield came from Angelique's mouth. Benjamin suspects that the news was also used by Angelique to bring down Benjamin's father and his business. But it was a thing of the past anyway, Benjamin didn't mind anymore.

Blood receded from Queenerra's face, "But won't we meet her sooner or later?" Queenera asked.

"Yeah, she'd be pretty bored if her life wasn't a lot of drama. Maybe she'll get into trouble with me, but I won't let her hurt you." said Benjamin.

Queenerra chose silence in the end. Benjamin tightened his embrace and kissed his wife's lips again. Passion in the morning is sometimes even greater than at night. And Benjamin had just intended to fuck his wife one more time before he got busy with his work. Until suddenly his room was knocked by someone from outside.

"Benjamin, it's me. Aunt Angelique." The voice came from outside and instantly made Queenerra and Benjamin who were starting to warm up freeze and stare at each other.

Benjamin's jaw hardened, "Put on your clothes and stay in bed." Benjamin said as he got off the bed. He took his pants and put on his shirt then walked towards the door. Before opening it, he made sure Queenerra was dressed and still on the bed. Queen did as Benjamin ordered her.

Angelique was suspicious when Benjamin opened the door of his bedroom then closed it again.

"We'll talk downstairs, aunt," Benjamin said as he led his aunt downstairs.

Angelique rolled her eyes "Which other bitch did you bring into your house, Ben?" Angelique asked annoyed. "Stop playing games and marry an honorable woman." The middle-aged woman scolded. But Ben didn't seem to care what his aunt said. To him, his personal life was his business, and Angelique had no right to interfere. But the woman seems to have big plans in mind for her son, daughter-in-law, and nephew.