
Queenerra - Harm Her

Queenerra lay weakly on her bed. Her temperature was high and she couldn't get out of bed because her fever was going up and down. She had been lying in bed all day doing nothing. She just kept on shivering and huddled under the covers while her face was deathly pale and her eyes glazed over. Let alone going downstairs and cooking food, Queenerra had a hard time even lifting her head.

By late afternoon, Queenerra was so thirsty. She wanted to go downstairs to get some water in the kitchen. No one in the house could help her. Finally, Queenerra staggered out of the room and down the stairs one by one.

Several times she had stopped and leaned on the banister because she felt that he was so weak. At the last two steps, Queenerra couldn't take it anymore so she had to sit down for a while.