
Queenerra - The Gown

Queenerra was at home with Emma. They looked cool to see some models of wedding dresses in a fashion magazine that was bought by Emma near the supermarket.

"I would love to wear a beautiful dress at my wedding, madam," Emma said.

Queenerra nodded as she continued to turn the pages of the magazine, "This is great." She said pointing to a white dress that showed the curves of the body plus the bottom had a mermaid and backless model.

Emma held her breath looking at the dress, "The tailors around here won't be able to make it." Answered Emma. "Even if it could, it would be very expensive," she answered with the blinked eyes.

Queenerra nodded once again "How about we make it ourselves?" Queen's suggestion.

"You can sew, mam?" Emma asked curiously.