
Queenerra -Doubtful

It seemed that the conversation between Irina and David was not limited to Gertrude that night. David is very curious about Irina, and her enigmatic past. Like David's past, which was also so dark because he was often abused.

Born from a woman without knowing who the father is. His mother worked odd jobs while at night a different man came to her mother's apartment and made love to his mother. It was only when he was a teenager that David found out that the men were not his mother's lovers, but paid sex lovers.

Teenage David was bullied by his school friends when he found out that his mother's profession was a prostitute. He even transferred to another school to protect his pride. The quiet David finally graduated from school even though throughout his childhood to adolescence he kept bitterness in him. And all that makes the seeds of revenge always strong in his heart.