
Queenerra - Confession

That night Benjamin's cell phone lay on the small table beside the bed while he was fast asleep because he had been working all day and was tired after having picked up Joseph's baby after work. Even though the cellphone was on silent, the cellphone screen was on and Queenerra, who was breastfeeding her baby, saw it. She realized that the call came to her husband's cell phone.

Queenerra reached for Benjamin's cell phone and a woman's voice sounded on the other end, "Hello." The voice sounded like it was whispering, but it sounded rushed.

"Hello," Queenerra answered and suddenly the call was cut off. Queenerra furrowed her brows, she put her husband's phone back down. It couldn't be denied that her heart became restless after hearing a woman's voice calling from the landline and it was a woman's voice.