
Joseph Duncan - All Broken

After months of applying for permission to meet her biological father in prison, it was only today that Gwyneth got permission. But who would have thought, the father did not want to admit her as a biological daughter,  Even after Gwyneth showed all the photo evidence of her mother, David who at that time looked thin and old still refused to admit Gwyneth.

David looked old and thin under his prison clothes and grey hair,  his hands in handcuffs when he walked with the guard walked behind him. Meanwhile, Gwyneth, who had been waiting for about half an hour, seemed unable to control the turmoil inside her. The roar of emotion, sadness mixed with happiness mingled into one. His eyes welled up with tears as David walked closer. But they are still enclosed by a glass wall. In fact, they could only talk through the telephone receivers on each side.