
Two hours later.

I was taking bath inside the spaceship. It was big enough to have several rooms for us to live a comfortable life.

At this time Tech said," Nanobots have sent intel. The nearest pirate hideout is 256 light years from our current position. It will take three minutes to reach there".

I said," what about the forces in this chaotic region".

Tech replied," there are many small pirates in the outer region. As you head inside, medium pirate forces are stationed there, and lastly the core region where the strongest pirates are stationed".

I then asked," tell me about their information".

Tech replied," outer region is filled with early God realm members, a middle region with middle God realm people and in the core region there are mostly late his realm experts. There is a 1% chance of ruler realm expert appearing".

I then said," okay Tech let's head towards the nearest pirates group".