The Dark Side

Ariadoa said," are you sure, the news you have got is correct".

Evelyn nodded her head and said," I am dead serious".

Then Ariadoa said," then follow me", saying so she led Evelyn inside the spaceship.

Then she said," Robin, there is something important to discuss".

I looked at her and said," Okay, I am listening".

Ariadoa then said," she is my friend and also the goddess of life Evelyn. Her talent is bestowing life", saying so she stopped and then continued," now I am going to talk about something serious. It's related to our universe. The people from another universe invade our universe. So it was sealed by a Destruction Realm expert. But after he died the seal had already shown signs of breaking. If this goes on then we may not have enough time when a universal war breaks through".

I then asked," who were the people and what is their purpose".