Chapter Five

Avengers P.O.V 

A few of the earth's mightiest heroes watched as the God of Thunder walked inside, his eyes were red and everyone could clearly see the tear marks on his face. His appearance was to be expected, after all his mother had died today. While Thor would at least come out of his room to get food and water, Loki would stay in his room all day. This routine had happened every year on this day after Asgard had relocated to earth. While their mother had been an extremely important person to both boys, she had also been the queen of Asgard for as long as anyone could think of. The thoughts in everyone's head continued as they watched Thor grab 2 boxes of pop-tarts and stomp out of the room. Each stomp making a loud sound, which eventually led to the heavy sound of the door being slammed shut the door. 

Steve Rodgers emitted a loud sigh as he turned his piercing gaze to the rest of his team. " Any news? " he said, asking the question on everyone's minds. 

" We contacted King T'Challa and he said he and Shuri will do what they can to help. " Bruce replied strolling in with a cup of coffee in his hands. 

" Isn't Tony also checking in all the orphanages close to where Jane used to live ?" questioned Rhody as he nodded to Bruce in greeting. Bruce just nodded in his response to the question. Lately, the tower had started to feel bigger and bigger, rarely more than 5 avengers were present inside the massive building. Natasha and Clint mostly spend time with Clint's family in the farmhouse or on missions. Tony lived in his lakeside cabin with Pepper and Morgan. Thor and Loki were mostly present in the new Asgard, helping around and doing their royal duties. Bucky had moved in with Sam in his house and Steve, when he was not on a mission, lived there as well. Wanda and Vision had bought a house together in the Uk and were rarely seen in New York. Scott Lang would sometimes drop by to check on everyone. Mostly only Bruce lived here full time, he said that he preferred the solitude and the labs were amazing. Peter Parker, also joined him sometimes when he wasn't with the Stark family or in his own home. The group meetings that took place once every month, were really the only time when the Avengers were together. Now with the shocking news of Thor having a daughter, there were more people present inside the lonely tower. In a way, it had brought them together again, after all, they all cared for the big blond god. Suddenly a beep sounded from one of Tony's laptops, Bruce quickly got up and stared at the machine. 

" It says that Jane Foster was spotted taking the 6:00 flight from London to New York, " said Bruce in disbelief. 

" So, she has been right under our noses, this entire time? " questioned Rhodey 

" She could be anywhere though, I mean Jane could have used New York as a pit stop to try and throw us off her trail or she could have moved away if she was adopted," replied Bruce staring at his fellow team members. After the shocking news had been told, he had done his best to support Thor, after all, he had rescued Bruce in Sakaar. 

" It gives us a place to start though," said Steve moving towards Bruce. His eyes shined with determination as he glances at the laptop that gave them their clue. 

" Should we run a search for anyone associated with Jane or any Jane sightings in New York?" asked Rhodey. 

" All ready on it," said Tony Stark strutting into the room. 

" Stark " stated Steve in greeting with a tip of his head 

" Cap," said Tony replying to the gesture with a nod of his own. Everyone in the room noticed how the tension in the air rose, with how the two men regarded each other. The past 20 years had been vital to Tony and Steve as they started to repair their relationship, however, Tony had still not completely forgiven Steve. He usually did his best to avoid coming into the tower when he was here and sat at the opposite end of the table when the monthly meetings occurred. He had been devastated when he realized that Steve had known. He just couldn't look pretend that everything was okay between them anymore because Steve had broken their friendship and he didn't know if he would ever completely trust him again, even after 20 years.