Chapter Six

Allison gazed out the window of her apartment, she had finally calmed herself down with a nice big cup of hot chocolate, a pile of her favorite chocolate chip cookies, and a copy of the Temple by Matthew Reilly. She had focused on the protagonist's adventure to save and Identify the lost Incan idol. While she was reading she had made sure to not even glance out the window at any time. Her stomach had twisted and turned with the idea of her, a normal and ordinary girl to have powers! The idea itself seemed ludicrous to her, but when she went down memory lane, she could remember certain instances when it had suddenly started raining or even snowing. One time when a bully had been about to take her lunch, while she was in elementary school, it had suddenly started pouring heavily during the bright and sunny day. 

She sighed closing the book, finding herself unable to concentrate on the novel. With a sigh, she stood from the nest she had made on her couch and started to walk around after feeling that her foot had fallen asleep again. " The Nest " she had made on the couch was really just a bunch of her most comfortable blankets and pillows, while the table in front of her contained a used cup for the hot chocolate and a decorative plate that had previously hosted 10 chocolate chip cookies. After all, sometimes the best way to feel better was to eat. While this was supposed to be the most important thought circling through her head, it actually wasn't. The identity of her parents was also an important issue for the young woman. Allison thought that she had decided to not care about who her parents were, but she remembered every birthday, holiday, and other important moments where she wished she had her parents by her side. But at the same time, they hadn't been there, not when she needed them the most. The worst part is that they made that choice by themselves. So why on earth should she care who they were? For all she should care was that they could be dead, but she didn't, she wanted to know who gave birth to her and why they decided to think that she was a mistake. But what if they were someone she should never meet? Like a drug dealer or a thief that would rob her and never look back. These Ideas in her brain kept shooting and trying to outdo the other like they were in a heated debate. 

Finally, she sighed, her brain was throbbing and she had an awful headache that made it seem like someone was bouncing a ball in her head. She still hadn't been able to decide between contacting them or not, she had made a pro and con list to help her at least organize her thoughts and Ideas. She had debated whether or not she should call Ms. Abbott, but she had already made her viewpoint very clear at dinner. Emma wouldn't really understand either, after all, she had two loving and caring parents, that had raised her along with her older brother. Allison sighed again, she seemed to be doing that a lot these days. This time it was because she knew that she needed to take a break from thinking about this decision that might just be one of the most important ones in her whole life. Besides, she still needed to pick up her supplies for the camping trip that she and Em were going to go on. With that thought in mind, Allison strode to the door confidently and walked right out. Then she walked right back in because she was wearing her pajamas. 

Eventually, when she had prepared herself for the world she walked down the stairs of her apartment building, with her head held high and her shoulders squared. She pushed open the door of the apartment building confidently, not at all prepared for the blinding flashes or the questions being thrown at her from the numerous reporters. Allison just stood still in shock as the reports edged closer and were practically in her face. Suddenly Spiderman reappeared in front of the reporters and instantly all of the attention was reverted to him. Allison watched in wonder as he did a few flips and leaps, which made the crowd surrounding him cheer and follow him as he swung from buildings. Before she knew it she was standing alone in front of the building. She shook her head to clear away the last few remains of shock and blinked rather rapidly as she gave a smile towards the masked hero who was still swinging from buildings.