Third Person's P.O.V
Loki stared down at the mortals that were prancing around in the busy streets of New York. How innocent and careless they seemed to look... It was strange to think that his niece could be one of them. A person who knew nothing about the true horrors of life that many people, including himself, faced daily. As surprising as this thought was, it was definitely better than thinking about what could have happened to her. She could have grown bitter; like him when she realized she was given up. Loki knew that he had made many mistakes in his life and the resentment that he had held for his father was not truly gone, but over time it had diminished. Similarly, the desire to be king had reduced, but it had never truly left his mind, even after Asgard was destroyed. Part of the reason why was because he knew he would make a better king than Thor, after all, his elder " brother " was a warrior and he would always prefer to storm into the battlefield, rather than take a diplomatic position. His rash behavior had definitely changed for the better when he started to come to mudguard more often, but he was still a very impulsive person. Odin had foreseen what would happen if Thor was made king, but he still couldn't bring himself to crown his adoptive son when he knew he was part frost giant. Though, that hadn't stopped Frigga from loving Loki as one of her own.
" Oh, mother, " The god of mischief whispered as memories from his dearly departed mother came rushing into his head. While Odian had always favored Thor, his wife had always treated both of the boys equally. The All-Mother had also been one of the only people that Loki loved, and the person in the nine realms that could chastise him, and not get stabbed. He had always looked at her for guidance and could always go to her for help on any aspect of his life. She had also been the person to teach him magic and Loki had always treasured their time together when no one was around to bother them.
Loki had been so lost in his thoughts about his beloved mother, that he had failed to see his brother come into the room. An occasion like this was extremely rare as Thor tended to be extremely clumsy when he was not in battle. He had wanted to see his younger brother, even if he knew that he would be shut out. While Thor was were merry and happy, his brother tended to come off as cold and shut off from everyone except their late mother. Thor knocked on the door loudly and watched as Loki spun around instantly with a dagger in his hand, which then he proceeded to throw at his older brother. Thor just stepped calmly towards one side and dodged the dagger as it embedded itself in the opposite wall. He had gotten extremely well at avoiding these weapons, as he had been in the receiving end of many over the years.
Thor too had spent most of the day thinking; about his unknown child and his late mother. He had still been in shock that Jane had hidden such a thing from him, but most of all she had given his daughter away and he didn't know if he would be able to forgive such a thing if she was still alive. In his long and ancient life, Thor had never felt so betrayed, and it was shocking the betrayal had come from two of his most trusted people on the planet. Heimdall and Jane had done something that had completely shattered his heart, he at first had taken some time to fully comprehend what his most trusted advisor was talking about. But then the pain had sunk in, the raw pain had left him unstable for some time. But now his main focus was finding his daughter, the mission that each and every one of his friends was helping with.
" What do you want Thor? " Loki question, shaking Thor off his chain of thoughts. Loki had almost called Thor what he usually called him; an oaf, but the troubled expression that his brother had on his face had stopped him. He knew that his brother was worrying a lot about his unknown daughter, and truth be told so was Loki. He desperately wanted to know his niece and just hope with all his heart, that she was different than his brother and that they would get along well.
" I just wanted to see how you were doing, Loki " replied Thor as his eye burned with turmoil and worry. While Thor had no shortage of worries of his own, he knew that it was a difficult day for his younger brother.
" I'm perfectly alright " muttered Loki, resuming his position of staring out the window at the arguably most bustling city in Midgard. The god of thunder just sighed in response, as he had anticipated his adoptive brother's statement. He knew better than to argue with him on this somber day and with a last glance turned and proceeded to walk out the door.
Just as he was out the door he turned around and said " Oh, by the way, the man of spiders is set to arrive soon, Captain Rodgers thinks that he will be useful in helping to find m-her. "