Allison's P.O.V
I smiled as I tapped my foot to the rhythm, I had just come back from my lunch break, which coincidentally happened to end as soon as the after-school rush started. We would get customers from all the different high schools in New York because they wanted to try our famous mega double chocolate chip cookie, which was amazingly huge. Over the last week, I had seen many happy occasions take place, in fact, one of our regulars, had celebrated his 80th birthday here and had given an emotional speech! At the end of his speech, everyone's eyes had welled up and Martha had been openly sobbing. True to her word, Hayley had indeed stopped by. We had ended up having coffee, at this really cute cafe, that was just around the corner. I had even ended up inviting her to the camping trip that Em and I had planned, Of course, I would check with Em again, but I was pretty sure that she would be fine with it. After all, it's always nice to make a new friend!
A snap right in front of my face quickly pushed me out of my thoughts and I glanced up at the young woman, that did the action. " Hello? " she said in an annoyed tone, the smell of her perfume reached my nose and I barely resisted the urge to gag at the horrible smell. The woman was also loudly chomping a bright blue piece of gum, and on her right hand, was a purse that looked like it costed more than my yearly salary.
I regained my composure and replied " Hi! How can I help you? " in a perky voice, hoping to make up for the distracted state of mind. This was usually my greeting to every customer, except the ones I knew. The woman started to rattle off her order, and honestly, I had never heard an order that was this complicated!
As I bustled around the coffee maker, adding various ingredients suited towards the woman's long order. When I glanced back to the horrible-smelling woman, I noticed that there was now a girl in her teens, wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses in a poor attempt at a disguise. I'm pretty sure that everyone knew the famous young heiress, just like everyone knew her father and her mother. After all, it's not every day you get Iron man and Pepper Potts as your parents! She had been introduced to the whole world at a press conference when she had turned twelve and had become famous overnight. The girl had been spotted many times with the avengers, but it seemed that she shared the closest bond with Spiderman (aside from her parents), as she was spotted almost every day with him. That had led to many speculations, with many fans hoping for a relationship, however, the ship was quickly discarded because of the repulsed expressions that the Avengers wore when they heard about it.
By the time, those thoughts had finished running around my head, I had served the annoyed women and was nervously biting my lip; a habit I had tried to give up many times before. I took a deep breath to calm myself down and to forget the smell of the horrible perfume that the women had worn. With a small smile gracing my face, I said " Hi! Welcome to Cafe Glaciar, how can I help you? ", thankfully I said it without stuttering or messing up my words! I glanced around the cafe, and except for Martha who was talking to a customer and a few other people milling around, I was alone. Suddenly, the Cafe door flew open with a bang, and a man that looked like he was entering his 30s appeared.
" Hey-Hi," The man says to Morgan Stark first, but cuts himself off mid-sentence and practically shouts the rest at me. Morgan just smacks her head with one hand, while the other hand rests at her hip. She then continued to drag the man over to the other side of the cafe and they start to talk in whispers, with their hands waving around in the air. I glance away from the strange duo, not wanting them to think that I was eavesdropping.
Eventually, they got back in line, just as I finished helping the customer in front of them. " Hi," says the young stark carefully observing me, as if expecting me to jump at her with a knife. I suppose having the Avengers as a family would do that to you.
" Hey. " I respond in an easy tone of voice, with my eyes flicking to the man beside her. I didn't know what, but it felt like I had talked to him before, his voice felt so familiar. Shrugging it off, I turned my eyes back to the famous girl. It looked like she had seen me staring at the man, but she chose not to comment on it. Instead, she said, " I will take a caramel frappuccino with a mega double chocolate chip cookie, " as her eyes went from me to the small menu that hung above me. " Also, I would appreciate it if you don't tell anyone about me meeting Pete-this person " she continued, her eyes widening her bit as she almost spoke the man's name.
" Of course, " I simply replied turning around to start preparing her order. Before I turned, however, I saw her posture sag in relief and heard the man emit a long sigh. Suddenly, rock music started to play from the speaker I had brought with me. I spun around my heel to look at Martha, who just gave me a thumbs up. Chuckling, I turned around to the pair and saw that they were both nodding their heads and tapping the foot along to the beat. As the singer got to the chorus, I say the words along and was a bit surprised when two voices joined me. Morgan and the man were basically shouting the words along with me as I prepared their order.
By the time the song had finished, I had finished making their order. " That will be $11.99," I say, a little short of breath by all of the shouting. The man moves towards his pocket to try to pay for the drink and the snack, but Morgan was too quick as she handed me a 20 dollar bill. I took the bill and tried to give her back the change.
" Keep it, you are my favorite waitress now. " she simply stated as she spins on her heel and confidently walks out the door. The man simply smiles and shakes his head a little, he then proceeds to give me a beaming smile and calmly walked out the door.