Chapter Twenty Three

Steve Rodger's P.O.V

I watched in devastating silence as Thor disappeared from the world. I looked down, unable to see the remains of one of my closest friends. I heard someone collapse on the floor, and I knew I should go check on them, but it was just so hard; Thor was gone. To be honest, I thought he would outlive us all, the godly bastard. Yet here I was, trying to not let my tears leak as I mourned one of the best protectors that the universe will ever know. One of the best heroes that the universe will ever know.

I closed my eyes as I heard the heart-shattering wail that Loki had just let out. I heard Falcon on the coms; trying to figure out what just happened. Wanda was calling my name, I heard the obvious pain in her voice as well. I clutched my head, it was all too much. Right now, I was Steve Rodgers; a man who was feeling an uncomparable amount of pain. I wasn't Captain America; the idolized war hero. I was suddenly brought back to when I was in the ally getting beaten up before I became the great Captain America. It felt like all my pain and despair was the bully this time; kicking and punching me down until I was laying on the floor. That time Bucky had saved me; rescued me from the bully, but this time, I had to be my own hero. I couldn't rely on some other person to come and pick me up. I had to do it myself. There would be a lot of time to mourn as Steve Rodgers, right now, I had to become Captain America, and become other people's rock.

I grunted and opened my eyes; trying to pay attention to whatever the hell Sam was screaming through the team coms. " Cap, Cap, Cap! " he shouted, trying to get my attention.

I lifted my hand to the coms, and replied " Yes? "

" Ok, what the hell just happened, is everyone ok? " he asked, obvious worry in his voice. I hesitated, trying to gather my thoughts so I respond calmly. I knew that he had heard me scream through the coms a few minutes ago; I had been trying to alert Thor about the fireball. Thor. The name itself was bringing me waves of emotions; regret, sadness, and anger. I was angry at whoever had done this to him.

I took another deep breath, trying to restrain my many emotions, and tried to focus on the task on hand. " The fireball hit Thor, Sam. " I responded, instantly hearing a sharp intake of breath. Sam and Thor had never been that close, too different I suppose. Still, Thor was a member of this team, therefore, he was a part of Sam's family.

" I'm so sorry Cap, " he stated in response to the devastating news. He was aware of the fact that Thor and I had a long relationship, and he knew how much the blonde god meant to me.

I nodded in acknowledgment of the apology, then realized he wouldn't be able to see this. If Thor was here, he would have laughed at this, and patted me on the back. But he wasn't. Ignoring the ache in my chest, I replied " Yeah.... We all are, " in a tone the displayed all of my emotions.

" Who did this? " he then questioned, and all of my emotions were replaced by a single feeling: Anger. I inhaled a long breath, trying to rationalize with myself, but the blinding anger I felt right now was unmatched.

" We don't know, but we will soon. Tony, I want you to continue towards the target, they could have very well been behind the attack. Sam, I want you to scout the sky, try to see if there was any external force who could have launched the fireball, " I commanded in an authoritative tone. I hesitated, but then added " Do it for Thor. "

Iron Man's P.O.V

I sped forward, using Cap's words to motivate me: Do it for Thor. The blonde god had meant so much to me, and I would be damned if I didn't catch the person that murdered him. For some reason, I was sure of the fact that whoever had wiped the town had just murdered a part of my family. Call it a gut feeling.

Sam's P.O.V

I searched every part of the sky around us, and the ground underneath. I was on high alert, ready to defend myself if needed. Yet, no attacks came. I couldn't see a single soul in the light blue sky, wisps of white clouds sprinkled in it. I returned my information or lack of any to Cap, and he agreed with me. It seemed like whoever had destroyed the nearby town, also killed the God of Thunder.