Chapter Twenty Four

Iron Man's P.O.V

" Target spotted, " I relayed to the team gathered back at the quinjet. I furrowed my eyebrows as I saw an old man approaching the target, and soon enough he started screaming profanities at her. The sight brought me many emotions; some that made me ashamed of myself and some that made me want to sigh. I felt anger coursing through my veins, fueling my hatred of the blonde, but I also felt like I wanted to save her from the extremely aggravated man. I guess the latter were the dad instincts that I seem to have grown while Morgan was growing up. While my internal debate continued, Cap relayed his orders, cough suggestions cough, back to me.

" Good, now Tony before you do any rash decisions, wait for us, " he said in a tone indicating that he was in no mood for any of my predictable behavior. I scoffed, trying my best not to retort back. How dare he act like he was better? It seemed like his usual better than thou attitude was back. But he was right in one way, I should definitely wait for the rest of the team, after all, I had promised Pepper, and Morgan that I would be back. Thor had done the same to his loved ones, yet he wouldn't be able to keep his promise. The remainder of the death of one of my best friends instant washed away any anger that had gathered after Rodger's comment. He was doing the best he could; all of us were.

I turned around to watch the approaching quinjet come to a stop before me. If only, it had come a moment later, I would have watched the young girl getting slapped in the face; I would have noticed how scared and frightened she looked. But I didn't; none of us did. We just continued to view her as the ruthless person we believed her to be.

" Ok, Tony, I want you and Sam to test what her powers are, and how strong she is. Wanda, and Vision will be your backup, " ordered Cap, staring at the girl and man. She seemed to have gotten her strength back and was staring down at the much older man. " Till then, the rest of us will land and assist, " continued Cap in a very patriotic voice. We all nodded looking at each other, and at that moment the absence of the blond god was very obvious. It felt like something was missing, and the wave of misery that washed us down after that realization was so strong it felt like it could have knocked us down, and dragged us into the ocean. Along with the waves of misery, there was the fire of suspicion. It blazed high and mighty as we all indiscreetly looked around, our high heart was revealing how truly apprehensive we were. We had all witnessed someone being killed, it came with the job, but a fireball.... shot out of a cannon or maybe a gun? It had been a long time since I personally had experienced that.

" Let's do this. For him, " I said as everybody agreed with me in respect for our fallen teammate. Sam and I shared a look, and then immediately started to fly at the girl. I could feel the rest of the team following behind me, as the quinjet tried to find a place to land. Anybody who would try to jump out of the plane right now would face horrible injuries because of the destruction that this girl had brought.

" Tony you try to blast her first, and then I'll swoop down and knock her out with my wings, " said Sam in an authoritative tone which was a perfect representative that he had been hanging around with Cap way too much. Still, I replied with a hum, there was no use of arguing right now. Oh wow, I've finally matured.

I kept my eyes firmly focused on the target as I got closer and closer to her. Huh... most people would acknowledge that I was here by now, and would say some incredibly stupid sentences that they thought were witty. The girl still didn't acknowledge me, but the man did. He looked scared, but it seemed fake somehow. Like, he wasn't really scared but was pretending to be. That's when my eyes caught his finger movement; morse code. " Friday, what is the man trying to say? " I asked the AI, not daring to take my eyes of the two people.

" It seems like he is trying to say " help " in morse code, " replied Friday in her robotic tone. Her words sprung me into action, I flew a little bit higher into the air and turned to when I would blast her, the man wouldn't get hurt. I raised my palm ready to inflict harm on her; the reason one of my oldest friends had died. But for some reason, I hesitated. Something didn't quite seem right in this situation.

" Tony, what's wrong? " asked Cap, and in the background, I could hear Loki's quiet sobs and sniffles. His silent cries of misery made me shake off the hesitation that had consumed me a few moments ago. She had caused so many people to die, she needed to be taken down.

" Nothing Cap, " I replied, raising my palm again, this time ready to do what needed to be done. With a deep breath, I blasted the girl away. Watching how she flew and landed a few feet away. I watched how she lay unconscious on the rubble of the destruction that she had caused. It was a bit ironic.