Chapter Six

Who came up with the brilliant idea that running is good for you? I'm telling you from personal experience, it's not. I had decided that for my first action in this new chapter of my life, I would go running outdoors. I think I must have had an aneurysm. I hated every bit of it. The clothes clung to my body too much, my feet were hurting, I was panting so hard that it felt like my chest was about to fall off my body, and worst of all, people kept giving me very judgemental looks whenever they passed me. Which was often. Let's just say that it wasn't the best start to this new chapter in my story.

I fell on my bed, red-faced, sweaty, and dead from the inside. I felt like I was in the Sahara desert, and while the solution to the problem could be found a few feet away, it felt too extreme a task for me to actually get up and walk to the shower. During this time, I also decided that I could no longer trust anybody who actually liked running.

I stayed on my white fluffy cloud in the same position for more than an hour, unable to physically move my limbs. However, eventually, my get-up call came in the name of my phone ringing. See my phone was on the other side of the room, it was neatly perched on the desk. At first, I tried to move it with my eyes, hoping, praying that I had suddenly had the ability. But after a few minutes of intense glaring, I decided to move my arse to the device. I know for a fact that this incredible act of heroism will go down in the history books as an unrivaled accomplishment, after all, what could possibly beat this?

My joking mood instantly vanished like the sun on a stormy day, black clouds and thunder rolled into the picture as I stared at the caller ID. It was my mom. While on a normal day it would have brought me great happiness to receive a call from her, this time it brought back all the fear I had felt last night. After he who must not be named woke me up, I immediately focused on him, forgetting about the cause of his arrival. I knew that it had to have been a nightmare, but it still felt so real like it was a long-forgotten memory returning to one of its favorite haunts.

I shook my head, trying to physically deny the conclusion my mind had thought of. Perhaps, I had just watched one too many horror movies. Yet still, I let the phone ring, until eventually, it stopped.


I lagged behind my group, unable to take my eyes off the war artifacts. We were currently at the main highlight of our trip, the cold war museum. So far, we had only visited a few exhibitions, but my interest was already sparked. The past had always seemed so much easier than the present, at least my past did. Hugs, and bedtime stories traded for tests and anxiety. Why did we ever want to grow up?

At least our guide was good. She, Sersi, was a quick-witted, old woman that had managed to make quite an impression with her British accent and endless bounds of knowledge. Her analysis and explanation of every display was a feat to be acknowledged. However, the best part was how quickly she dismissed any sort of social standing in our class. She seemed to view every person as an individual, not the stereotype they were associated with. Even though it was a basic courtesy, unfortunately, I had not met many people that practiced it. So, her point of view was refreshing like a spring of water in the middle of a hot and dry desert.

Her sarcastic comments also helped make her a favorite in my book. With the bright smile on her face occasionally getting replaced by a smirk, one could only begin to imagine the sheer amount of responses left bitten by her tongue. Her heart too afraid to express itself fully because of society's judgment. Just like me. Just like every single person in this nightmare-filled world.

I sighed a bit, desire filling me to touch the priceless relics, my inner history nerd taking over my body. As if she could sense my longing gaze, Sersi suddenly appeared by my side as if she was a sorceress. " It's tempting isn't it, " she said in her foreign voice that seemed that delicately hit my ears. Her words seemed to hold hidden knowledge between them as if she was reminiscing about the events of her own life. I simply nodded in response, feeling that my own words would not be able to make as much of an impact as hers did. I almost felt envy creeping up inside me, my heart yearning to hold the power of her eloquent words.

Based on the limited time I had spent with her, she seemed like a person who had their shit together. Which is a stark difference from yours truly. Or even any other teenager in the world. Was it truly possible to have everything under control when new storms were discovered every day? Storms that would wreck the calmness of the tide and would flood the new sandcastles built on the once dry sand. Storms that would make everybody run from the beach until once again you were the only person left standing. I just want someone to hold my hand and wait out the storm with me.

As if she could sense my thoughts, Sersi gave me a hopeful smile, providing maternal comfort through her expression. I once again nodded, this time with a beam of my own, answering her unasked question. Sensing that I was in fact alright and not having a mental breakdown in the middle of the museum, she addressed the group once more. " All right everyone, I hope you enjoyed this special exhibit. Now on to the main attraction: the bunker! "