Chapter Seven

I shuddered as soon as I got my first real glimpse of the bunker. The only word that could even begin to describe the interior was cold. With its dull grey walls, all black furniture, and ironically, low temperatures, the bunker could easily be replaced as a set for a horror movie. I suppose the designers were trying to reflect the somber mood outside of the bunker as war was currently taking place. However, in my own extremely professional opinion, I would have gone for a more comforting color scheme, perhaps one that didn't make all the occupants feel terrified? I felt truly sorry for any past residents in the place, although I suppose that even this was better than facing an actual war.

My hands ran the length of a smooth wall while I listened intently to Sersi. "The wall across from you features the names of every individual that ever used this bunker. This wall holds over a thousand names; names of mothers, fathers, and children. With over four floors and plenty of residential rooms, this bunker was a safe haven for many during the war. It was made to keep innocent civilians away from the horrors of war, and it completed its assignment to the best of its ability." she said fondly patting a black leather couch as if she was thanking the impressive structure for its service.

My mouth opened in surprise as I looked at the wall filled with colorful signatures. Orange and pink, blue and green, yellow and purple were all there like a colorful painting of loopy signatures. Each bright color represented a strong ray of hope that came shooting out of the signer's hearts. Compared to the rest of the bunker, this wall was as different as a rose in a sea of thorns. It was safe, nestled deep in a place that filled you with unease. In this case, the bunker was the same; It provided a sense of home and comfort in the midst of a dangerous war.

Sersi had given us free rein of the bunker, apparently, she trusted us enough to let us explore this majestic piece of architecture by ourselves. I'm sure she will regret her decision soon enough. Sighing to myself, I depart from the rest of the group, not wanting to lose even more brain cells by standing next to these people. There have only been a few times in my life in which I have wanted a partner. It doesn't even need to be a romantic partner, I would be so happy with just a platonic relationship as well. I think this would have this moment would have to top the list. The sight of an endless grey hallway and an unlimited amount of white doors unnerved me. This seemed like the exact spot the dumbass protagonist of a horror movie would get murdered.

Goosebumps started to appear on my arms as I shivered, the low temperatures of the bunker finally getting to me. It felt like I was moving deeper into the solar system, far away from my colorful wall of a sun. I desperately wished that I could turn back time and wear a sweatshirt instead of the cotton, blue t-shirt that I currently wore. I also wished that I paid more attention to those self-defense my parents always forced me to attend. Perhaps it was just me being paranoid, but an unsettling feeling grew in my stomach. What first was a seed of doubt, had now blossomed into a fearful aconite. It grew so tall that it began to tug at my heartstrings, trying to influence me to turn around and return to the warmth.

In the past, my gut feeling had always been right. Whether it was during a test or trusting a person, I had always regretted not listening to my instinct. Maybe I should change the cycle, after all, I was trying to start a new chapter in my life was I not? However, before I could make the decision, the option was taken from me. Exactly like how candy is snatched from a child's hands.

It happened so fast. One second I was in the hallway trying to make up my mind, the next second I was pushed into one of the many white door rooms. The door slammed shut behind me, cruel laughter coming from the other side. I tried the handle, hoping with all my heart that it would allow this barrier to spring open. Just like I expected it didn't budge. Fear started to seep into my heart, replacing the unease that had been the previous tenant.

The situation become worse as I heard Sersi rounding up all the students, and for once in their lives, my classmates decided to listen to authority. Seriously, this had to be the day they decided to become good students? I shouted and slapped the door, hoping that their hearts would unthaw. All my efforts were useless as their footsteps slowly faded. I whimpered like a kicked puppy, my hands shook, my jaw trembled, and a salty liquid filled up in my eyes, threatening to overflow in a rapid succession of teardrops. I tried to take some deep breaths as my brain engaged in a battle with my heart. Logic trying to reason with my emotions.

I willed my body to side with my brain, making it see the stronger argument. I didn't need to be emotional right now, I need to know how to get out of this fucked up situation. I closed my eyes, making the tears retract back to their hole, their patient wait continuing as they rested. Now with steady hands, I looked at the door again, urging my mind to think of a solution. It seemed like luck was on my side as a distant memory entered my brain; it was of my self-defense teacher coaching me on how to kick down a door.

The rapid beating of my heart was heard as I got ready for my badass, black widow-style moment. I tried to execute the crucial move, but instead of the door breaking, I fell flat on my arse. This was repeated. Multiple times. I'm not sure about the door, but my non-existent ego will definitely be in a heap after this. I gritted my teeth, trying to summon my inner bad bitch. Muttering encouraging words to myself, I tried the move one more time. I expected the familiar sting of my back making contact with the hard steel floor, however instead I found myself staring at the creepy hallway again.

Even though I definitely wanted to punch the air a few times, and attempt to rebuild my ego, I knew that I had no time for this. I needed to catch up with the group, then report who locked me in the stupid room in the first place. I sprinted the length of the hallway, grinning at the irony. The universe really wanted me to burn those calories today, didn't it? First, it gave me the deranged idea that running was actually good for you? Bitch every part of my body would beg to disagree. Then forcing me to run so that I wasn't locked in this creepy ass bunker for the rest of my life, or until Sersi came back with another group. I wheezed, clutching my stomach as I turned the last corner, expecting a lot of shocked faces. However, what I found was even worse...