Chapter 12 : Antiques Shop? Great

Having their hearty meal, the siblings were quite happy.

Ning Zhou, then asked " Sister Ai, Tang Li was harmed too, is she targeted too? "

Chi Ai said, " No and yes, she was not the target."

Ning Zhou asked, " Then why did you not alert her? And why did you all of sudden changed"

The three brothers wanted an answer too.

Chi Ai said, " What if I tell you that they are one of the enemies who is targeting us?"

Ning Zhou and the three siblings were shocked.

She then added, " The point is, I heard there a conversation of how they were going to crush us."

Everyone became quiet. They were fuming with rage inside.

Ning Zhan changed the subject," But I don't get a point why don't you bankrupt their company, I mean hacking in their confidential data and all."

Chi Ai was expecting this question, after all, Ning Zhan was always a genius in the technology field, right now he is only 18 years and had yet to make a name for himself.

Chi Ai said, " I can but making their company bankrupt won't break their network, and neither their hidden wealth can be destroyed."

After a short while, she continued, " These people will disappear after bankruptcy, but the real danger lies after that, not only they will retaliate but we won't be able to track them."

Ning Zhan asked, " Then what we will be able to do even after running away from here, it is somewhat similar to a rat hiding from a cat"

Chi Ai laughed, " Yes, for now, it is because after moving out from here we won't have to live like a rat, and we would be able to build our identities without many obstacles."

Ning Zhan was still confused, " Even then we would be facing a problem and you will use your hacking ability there, and even here..."

Before he could finish, Ning Zhong said, "If she used her hacking ability over here, those enemies will become alert and target her, right now she doesn't have the power to protect us, so how can she use it here freely?"

Chi Ai nodded, yes even if she protected herself while bankrupting those companies, she will be discovered and get caught.

The problem which makes her tense more is she can't protect her family member now.

She was sure that if she goes all out she will destroy them, but the consequences? she won't be able to bear.

Everyone understood that she has planned everything out.

Ning Zhen, who was in deep thought asked," But how will we be able to leave from here?"

Chi Ai answered," Simple at first, I and Brother Zhong will do the preparation to settle there, Brother Zhan, Zhouzhou and you will report us the problem one by one."

Everyone agreed. Ning Zhen couldn't hold his curiosity and asked " But Ai don't you think that we all are just teenagers, after all, won't we get caught?"

Chi Ai said," This is the reason why I asked for your help because we are teenagers they won't doubt us. One more thing you all have to give each other cold shoulder in front of outsiders until we leave from here."

Everyone again agreed. Before leaving Chi Ai asked to not panic about the recent problem and handed them their stolen design and software reassuring them.

Ending their discussion they returned to their home respective home, each one of them got the biggest shock of their life.

Even after discussing their plan they still have some lingering fear in themselves.

If Chi Ai was not able to sense the danger, they don't know what will happen.

Reaching her home she went to her room, turned on her computer.

She opened her email, there was an email from Dun Xiling Institute. It said as follow:

'Dear Researcher R, we first want to inform you that your thesis is indeed a noteworthy discovery. It will for sure provide a great breakthrough in the medical field. This is why we would like to invite you to meet in Dun Xiling Institute.'

She typed them a message and mailed them.

They wanted to meet her but she did not want to, in fact, she loves to be low profile.

And then she started to find more about her enemies.

When Ning Zhong asked her who was their enemies she didn't tell them, there was a total of Five big families after them.

The Su, the Chen, the Li, the Song, and the Feng Family. There was also the Ning family. On the top of it, there was a mastermind.

If there was someone else, she might have been frightened senselessly but Chi Ai was the one who got the information.

Chi Ai wanted to return their gift to them, so she hacked into their company by fake identities and stole their confidential data.

She did not want to release this information for now.

After all of this she dug out information about the Mu family, she wanted to know about them.

Before shifting from here she wants to teach them a lesson.

Mu family has a young master Mu Long and a young mistress Mu Yan. There was also an illegitimate child Mu Yang who was mistreated by Mu Lan, his father.

Mu Long is a jerk, most of his time is spent in the bar and Mu Yan bootlicks every rich heir.

The Mu family is a third-tier rich family, they are engaged in the shipping industry, and they mainly focus on Antique Shop.

'Antiques Shop? Great, I had the intention of visiting an antique shop, let's visit them.' Chi Ai thought and fell into the dream.