Chapter 13 : Luck Market

'Antiques Shop? Great, I had the intention of visiting an antique shop, let's visit them.' Chi Ai thought and fell into the dream.

She had a dream, in the dream, she saw herself in the hospital gown.

Next to her bed was a bed of a girl who was recently admitted.

The young girl was gorgeous yet her beautiful face was looking pale now.

There was a dispute going on about her being discharged since she didn't have money to pay for the hospital bill.

The young girl was pleading to them to operate on her, she had severe anemia.

She was trying to convince them that she was an heir to a rich family in City A and that once her family found her they would pay for the bills.

All of sudden, the girl fainted. As the young girl didn't have anyone to pay for the bill, she was abandoned there.

Chi Ai woke up, it was strange but somehow she was feeling pity for her in her heart.

"Strange dream" Chi Ai muttered to herself.

She followed her routine and went for a walk at 5 pm, made breakfast at 7 pm, and waited for her mother to have breakfast together.

Once her mother arrived they had breakfast together.

Chi Ai informed her mother that she was going for a stroll and might be late.

Ning Bei became worried and said " Are you sure you can go alone? Do you have money with you?"

Chi Ai nodded her head and said " Mom don't be worried I am just going for a stroll, you don't need to be so worried about me. Also, I have money with myself"

She did have 2 million in her hand now before she had 4 million but she donated 2 million for orphanages.

It's not she is a pure kind of person but she knows the feeling of been abandoned and wants to help those children.

Ning Bei said nothing. She trusts her now.

Today Chi Ai wore an oversized pink printed T-shirt, with blue jeans while carrying a white bag.

Since Chi Ai was a rare beauty, everything suits her, even though the clothes were somewhat ragged but yet she was looking stunning.

She gave off a vibe of a naive and innocent girl.

Soon Chi Ai started her journey to Antique Shop.

The Mu family's antique shop moniker was Mu's Antique. It was situated in 'Old Market' which was named as 'Luck Market'.

Here was the unspoken rule of Luck Market. The item bought could not be returned, if by any chance antiques are broken they have to pay a high price for it since they don't know whether the antique is real or fake.

By coincidence, if you are lucky and came across a real antique, the money obtained by selling them is your responsibility and you have to protect it.

Luck Market is a market full of lies, where no one would wish for your good.

Getting down from the bus Chi Ai saw a marvelous scene.

The market was colorful, all the shop was attached to each other, there were various types of light installed in the shops.

On both sides of the street, there were countless stands with numerous commodities. However, authentic antiques were still rare.

Some owners were standing outside of their shop to promote them, while some were busy attending to their customers.

Most of the customers were either old-aged men or middle-aged men.

There was merely anyone of Chi Ai's age. When she arrived everyone was giving her weird looks.

Of course, Chi Ai didn't mind them.

At first, Chi Ai decided to stroll as she wanted to adjust herself while checking out the antique.

Since this market was old, many of the antiques were fake.

Even after strolling for 20 minutes, she didn't get a single real antique. She was somewhat disappointed.

As her eyes were sore she stopped for a while. Luck Market didn't have many authentic antiques in here.

There were many choices for stone gambling, but most of the stones came from Burma and Province Y, and there were fewer quality stones in other cities.

And City F was far away from Burma, which would definitely create trouble for her and alert her enemies.

Chi Ai decided to stop and visit Mu's Antique'. Before visiting the shop she stopped by an alley to change her get up.

She opened the white bag, after changing her clothes she turned into a mature lady about 22 to 25 years old.

Chi Ai had a good height and a mild temperament which makes her suit every piece of clothing.

At Mu's Antique,

Chi Ai stood at the entrance, right now she was having looks that were indicating her as a rich second-tier generation's young lady.

She entered the shop, the shop was decorated with yellow dim light giving off the vibe of a luxurious shop, the antique was shining and each of them was so detailed making them appear an authentic antique.

Mu's antique was quite famous as 40% of antiques are real and many people have witnessed them personally. Helping the Mu family to build a reputation for them.

But the problem is, all people witness is a drama rather than reality.

25% of the people are hired by the Mu corporation to fake the person who got a hand on real antiques, making people believe in them.

In other words, 25% of antiques bought are returned to the shop. The Mu family is indeed a family full of cunning people.

Mu Lan invented this trick after years of experience.