Chapter 26 : Dr. Chi Ai

His attitude became respectful towards her, he said politely, "Please."

Chi Ai nodded when she was about to move she heard a deliberately honeyed voice, "Wait."

The girl said with a gentle voice, "Miss we would not complain about you entering the queue, and we would be magnanimous enough to accept your apology for been rude if you help us to enter the Institute ."

She sounded like Chi Ai snatched their hard-earned effort and was bullying them before the arrival of Ren Han.

She even added, "Miss even though you lied that you didn't have an appointment when in reality you had, we would accept your apology if you say it within ten seconds."

She wanted to create a negative image of Chi Ai in front of Ren Han so that he can cancel Chi Ai's appointment and since the time slot of Chi Ai's appointment is canceled she would request them for an appointment.

She assumed Chi Ai also had an appointment and Chi Ai indifference was her respect for Ren Han

She was indeed a white lotus but with a low IQ because she didn't perceive that Ren Han was respectful to Chi Ai, not Chi Ai.

Ren Han was shocked, is this girl mad? Why would Researcher R will argue with them for being in the queue?

Wait for the queue? when was there any queue? And why did they were unaware of it?

Chi Ai was watching the white lotus with amusement in her eyes.

She wanted to continue the play but when she saw that half-hour is wasted she decided to stop her.

She said, "Miss let's gets straight to the point, there isn't any queue at least officially there is no such queue, the second point I didn't even converse with Miss so how I will get a chance to become rude with you and last thing I indeed don't have an appointment."

Ending her last statement she walked into the Institute without waiting for the girl's retort.

The girl's face was distorted with rage, she wanted to retaliate against Chi Ai but the watchman stopped her and asked to leave.

Having no alternative the mother-daughter duo left in agony.


In the building,

While strolling with Researcher R, Ren Han was timous which was not in accord with his disposition.

When Ren Han arrived at the laboratory with Chi Ai, Ren Chuyang gave him a bewildered look.

He stared at Ren Han as if inquiring about Researcher R.

Chi Ai perceived it but didn't interfere however her complexion was pale a little.

Behind Ren Chuyang there was a group of people, from their outfits one can deduct that they are team members.

The team members too were muddled.

Sensing their confusion, Chi Ai spoke, " Hello I am Chi Ai, my pseudonym is Researcher R.'

Everyone present was astonished.

Ren Chuyang came out of astonishment and politely welcomed her.

Everyone followed the suit.

Chi Ai calmly said," Let's get straight to business."

Hearing this, Ren Chuyang nodded and everyone moved to the laboratory.

Chi Ai performed surgery and wrote the exam.

In her past life, she did countless surgeries.

Except for the patients on whom she was performing, there would be no one present, and Dr.Luo would control her moments.

It was not like she never tried to escape but Dr.Luo had innumerable ways to stop her.

To stop Chi Ai from thinking about an escape route he even fixed a chip in her brain.

Whenever Chi Ai thought about escaping she would be electrocuted which could be described as a mediocre electrocute that will neither kill her nor let her live peacefully.

Chi Ai even somewhat developed resistance towards the laboratory.

She put a stop to her thought and came out of the examination hall.

Her papers were checked within half an hour, appraising the result everyone was shocked.

She got a perfect score in both theory and practical exam

Ren Chuyang was least surprised, he knew if Chi Ai was Researcher R then she would pass the exam without any difficulty.

Chi Ai was also calm she knew the results already.

Ren Chuyang stood up and politely said, "Dr. Chi Ai I would like to invite you to our Du Xiling Institute. We know that your condition is quite special, so we would adjust your schedule with your preference. Do you want to join us?"

Ren Chuyang was nervous, 'what if she didn't agree?'

Because such genius would not be tied to City D they are born to shine.

He even added, "We are even ready to pay according to your preferences."

He was ready for the worst too, 'If she doesn't agree he will beg...ya that is it he will beg.'

Everyone was excepting a drama too, after all, she was a genius among geniuses.

But contrary to their expectations she nodded indifferently.

As she spoke in an unhurried manner, " I will not be able to come daily but whenever I am free I will join your team"