Chapter 27 : She didn't believe in the principle 'Boys don't cry.'

As she spoke in an unhurried manner, " I will not be able to come daily but whenever I am free I will join your team"

Hearing this everyone was thrilled. Ren Chuyany came with an agreement and Chi Ai signed it after reading it carefully.

Glancing at the leaving back of Chi Ai and signed agreement Ren Chuyang laughed heartily.

He can't describe his happiness in words today.


Chi Ai exited the building and took a casual glance at her watch. It was 1 pm right now.

She decided to have lunch and then visit an electronics shop to buy laptops.

She searched a restaurant in her near area and went there.

At Little Rocket Group,

Chi Ai watched the restaurant's name with twitching lips and went In.

Since the restaurant is located in a busy area it didn't lack customers. The restaurant was decorated with golden lighting various goodies.

The restaurant was well-off and busy with numerous customers. The table in the restaurant was round with four chairs placed with them, they were arranged on left side mostly., there was a TV placed at the top left of the restaurant in which a Male Idol drama going on. It was clearly a section for ordinary people.

The right part of the restaurant had a partition to A.C room. There was also a stair leading upwards to V.I.P or private room.

Chi Ai thought since she wasn't planning to spend much time here she went to the ordinary section.

She ordered a grilled sandwich and a cup of orange juice.

While waiting for an order for 20 minutes she heard a voice behind her.

" Please help me, if you acquired this company it will...." a deep and hoarse voice said.

"Mr. Lin I am uninterested in acquiring a company who is drowning in the sea of loan." a nasal voice reverberated.

Chi Ai's order came at this point.

She held her sandwich and ate it while hearing their conversation.

"Mr. Wang please try to understand my compulsion..." that deep voice sounded again.

"Lin Jin I have already done a favor by agreeing to meet you and now you want me to buy your quarry company? You are such a shameless man" the nasal voice said.

There was the sound of a chair moving indicating that the man with a nasal voice left.

Chi Ai was not a noisy person but the conversation had a useful point in it, company acquisition?

She wanted to start a company but right now she doesn't have any network, all she had was 150 million and status.

During the past 3 months, she would either submit her work or freelance tasks.

Of course, her freelancing was either small competition or hacking tasks and earn money from it.

This made her accumulate a wealth of 200 million but she bought 20% of the share of Fu Corporation for 30 million while 20 million was donated in an orphanage.

Whenever she earned some money she will donate 10% of her earnings to an orphanage.

After all of this, she was left with 150 million yuan.

When she was lost in her thought, she heard someone's crying voice or to be precise muffled voice it was as if he was trying not to cry.

She turned her head but due to the back of the man, she wasn't able to see him.

She finished her lunch and cleaned her hand.

She stoop up from her place and sat at his table.

She was uncomfortable with her own move, there was a voice in herself telling her to not meddle in others' business but she decided against it.

What came in her view was a man in his 20's in a navy blue formal suit covering his face making muffled voices. He had a well-built body.

As he was hiding his face with his hands Chi Ai wasn't able to predict his features.

She tapped on the table to draw his attention towards her.

When the man didn't pay any attention to her she pretended to clear her throat.

The man quickly removed his hands hoping to see the nasal sounded man but seeing a teenage girl he was disappointed.

He didn't even try to hide his disappointment.

Obviously, he was expecting the man instead of a teenage girl.

Chi Ai now got a full view of his face.

The man had a sharp jawline with a blue eye which was filled with tears, his nose was rounded and his lips were a little bit chapped, yet it looked perfect.

Chi Ai saw the tears in his eyes and handed him a handkerchief.

The man was stunned, one should know if a boy cries people criticize him but if a man cries the people will look at him with disdain.

Chi Ai was still holding the handkerchief seeing this the man was embarrassed and accepted the handkerchief.

Chi Ai didn't believe in the principle 'Boys don't cry.'

The man wiped his tears awkwardly and asked in a neutral tone, "Do you want any help?"

Chi Ai raised her eyebrows and came straight to the point, " Could I know about the company you were talking about?"

The man shook his head and said in a neutral tone again, " Miss it is a private...."

Cutting him off Chi Ai said, " I am interested in acquiring the company. To provide the information start with your name, details and why was your company got bankrupted "