Nighttime Exercise

Elys' jaws almost dropped to the floor when she heard what came out of Aleksander's mouth. Was it not their plan to put the vampire clergy on the spot during tonight's court meeting? If she was to be asked, it was her and Aleksander that got into a pinch now.

How did it actually end up with her husband precariously announcing they were trying for an heir?

They haven't even slept on the same bed ever since the beginning of their marriage! Heck, they even tried to kill each other for almost a month too.

The young queen composed herself before anyone could catch a glimpse of her unease. Cordelia was too shocked by Aleksander's announcement that she failed as well to even notice Elys' initial reaction herself. Even Elys' ladies in waiting were all surprised.

A tiny squeal of excitement rose from Lady Tabitha, and the other three ladies in waiting turned to look at her crazy.