A Price To Pay

Aleksander bolted for Elys the moment he heard her took another step towards her chambers. The vampire put all his strength into his feet, and jumped literally ten steps up so he could block his Queen from escaping him.

The young King had an evil grin plastered to his face, to which Elys didn't appreciate.

"Get out of my way, King Aleksander," she said as a ball of light energy started to gather around her open palms.

It was meant as a warning to her vampire husband, yet Aleksander's grin only turned wider and cockier.

Her magic began at the tips of her fingers, like tiny fireflies dancing around her hands. Aleksander understood she was vexed about what he said to the High Courts. They actually didn't have the time to actually discuss it.

There was indeed that time during their first night at the shared chambers that Aleksander joked about the topic, but Elys didn't pay attention to which he ultimately decided to let the topic go.