Disney movies

As soon as I open my eyes I regret all the events that happened last night. As I see the sunlight entering my room an enormous headache takes place in my head. I groan and pull the covers over my face in a weak attempt to keep the headache at bay. Which is absolutely pointless of course. I can hear a soft laugh coming from my left side. "What." I mumble. "I warned you about drinking Lidiya, didn't I?" Wanda's laughter fills the room again. "Well why on earth did you let me drink so much?" I accuse her, still keeping my head hidden under the covers. "Tsssss milyy, when you are old enough to drink you are old enough to deal with the consequences. Now why don't you go and take a shower, Natasha will be waiting for you." "No!" I whine, not wanting to face Natasha feeling the way I do right now. Wanda laughs at my reaction, she probably saw it coming. "Yes. What would you do if you have a hangover and you are attacked? Tell them that you drank too much so you need to have some sleep and they can come back later?" I smile at the idea. "They would probably respect it more than you are doing right now." She giggles and before I know what's happening the blanket flies off of me, covered in a red glow. Sunlight hits my face and I try to hide my eyes behind my hands. "Wanda Maximoff I swear to god that I'll kill you!" I threaten her, but I can feel that she is not impressed at all. "Before you can do that though you need to move these hands away from your pretty face, don't you?" I simply groan and sit up, still protecting my eyes. "If you get up and take a shower, I can grab some painkillers for you. That should help." "I'm sure that sleep will also help." I mumble and I'm not sure whether she heard me or not, but if she did she's not letting me know. Slowly I remove my hands from my face and squeeze my eyes. "Fine I'll go." I throw my feet over the side of the bed and get up. Immediately I can feel dizziness and nausea take over. I stumble over to the bathroom and it's just on time, because when I arrive immediately I throw up. Thank god I made it to the toilet. I can feel Wanda squat down next to me. With one hand she keeps my hair out of my face and the other hand is drawing soothing circles on my back. "Glupaya devochka, kotoraya dumayet, chto mozhet obrashchat'sya s alkogolem tak zhe, kak supersoldaty. Konechno, ne mozhet. (Stupid girl, thinking she can handle alcohol the same way the super soldiers do. Of course she can't.)" I want to reply with a sarcastic comment but a new wave of nausea hits me and renders me speechless. When it finally calms down a little I sit with my back against the wall and try to breathe in and out. Wanda places a cold washcloth on my face and gives me a glass filled with cool water. "Thank you." She nods at me with a sweet but judging smile. I take a sip and groan, my stomach still being upset. "Never again." I mumble, but Wanda starts laughing when she hears me say this. "Right, you say this now. Wait until the group is holding the next drinking game." I squeeze my eyes at her. "If I remember correctly, and honestly I'm not sure if I do, you also drank quite a lot." "Yes, so?" "So why aren't you sitting next to me feeling miserable?" She chuckles. "I just know how to handle my alcohol better than you malyshka (little girl)." "Liar." "Liar?" "Yes." "Why do you think I'm lying?" "Because you are playing with your rings." She takes a look at her own hands and stops the fidgeting. "So? I play with my rings all the time." "Not true." "No?" "No. You play with your rings when you're lying, when you're nervous or when you are concentrating. You are not concentrating right now, and I don't think you're nervous. So that only leaves lying." Wanda stares into my eyes for a couple of seconds before she gives me one of the most honest smiles I have seen on her. Warmth fills my body and I recognize it as Wanda. "Fine. I use a magic spell that keeps me sober." I can feel my mouth falling open. "What? That's cheating!" She gives me a boop on my nose. "Maybe, but I don't really like the feeling of being drunk. And I dislike the day after even more." I groan with agreement. "Do you also use the spell on Nat? Because she looked perfectly fine to me." Wanda shakes her head. "Nope, I only take care of myself." Somehow this hurts me and she must have felt it. "And you of course, I also take care of you." I decide to let it slip and instead ask her: "Then how does Natasha stay so sober? Or is she just good at hiding it?" "It's really hard for Natasha to get drunk, one of the side effects that came with the serum she got. Her metabolism is much faster than ours." "Trust me, sometimes I wish I could get drunk. Then situations like this wouldn't be so awkward." I look up and see Natasha standing in the doorway, hands resting on her hips and she is giving me a judging look. "Owh."

I think about what Natasha must be seeing right now. Me sitting next to the toilet, back resting against the wall. A glass of water standing next to me, a washcloth on my forehead and Wanda sitting across of me. What a great scene this is. Especially since I was supposed to be at practice 30 minutes ago. "Nat, I can explain…" I softly say, but Natasha holds out her hand, a sign for me to shut it. "Let me guess. Yesterday evening was the first time you actually drank alcohol and the first time you got drunk, and today you are paying the price for it. How close is this?" I sigh and mumble: "Pretty close yes." One of Natasha her eyebrows go up. "Then please inform me which part was wrong." I want to reply but Wanda is first. "I guess the part of it being the first time drinking alcohol. When Pietro and I were young and were living on the streets of Sokovia, we often stole alcohol. A few sips warmed us up completely and helped us fall asleep during the cold evenings." I think back to my own youth. I didn't spend it on the streets but I remember my parents giving me some vodka during the winter. We didn't have a heater in our apartment because there was no money for it, and somehow my dad managed to get his hands on vodka. As a child I disliked the taste but Wanda was right: it did warm me up. "Wanda is right." I whisper quietly. "Also Hydra sometimes used it to pour into my wounds, but I guess that doesn't count as drinking alcohol does it." Natasha her expression softens a little bit. "Well at least get out of the bathroom, you didn't throw up in the last couple of minutes so I think it's safe to say you've got it under control. And I can't imagine this being the most comfortable place in your apartment." I give her a nod, and Wanda gets up first, holding out her hand to help me up next. We go to my living area and when Wanda sits down on the sofa I lay down next to her, my head on her lap. Before Natasha sits down on the other sofa she gives me a glass of water, maybe the same one from the bathroom I wonder, and places a pill next to it. When I look up to her in confusion, she says: "A painkiller, should help with your hangover." She sits down after saying this, throwing her legs over the arm of the sofa. "You're not going to scold me about missing training?" I ask, while sitting up a little bit so I can take the pill. When I did this I lay back down again, and Wanda immediately continues playing with my hair. "I thought about it, and I swear to god if I would have found you sleeping you would have gotten it. But then I thought about last night and realized that you would not be prepared for your first hangover ever. So yeah, we might just skip class all of us together." "She must really like you." Wanda says in my head and I can't help but blush a little bit. "She's a good friend yes." "So Nat, what do you want to do while skipping practice?" I ask her. She simply raises her shoulders. "I don't really know, I'm not an expert when it comes to that. Normally I stay on my own and train until it's dark, so I'm open for suggestions." Natasha her feet are dangling of the side of the sofa. "Well devochka, what do you think?" Wanda asks me while giving me a playful tug on my hair. I do have an idea, but it's stupid and childish. I'm not sure about speaking out loud. "It's okay sweetie, go ahead." I take a deep breath. "How about we watch a movie?" "Which one?" Natasha asks. I raise my shoulders and drop them. "Maybe a Disney movie? I've always loved the Lion King." For a minute the room is silent, and I can't help but feel uncomfortable and anxious. "I mean, if you don't like it, we can watch something different…" "No, no milyy, I would love to watch it. You too, right Nat?" Natasha sticks her tongue out towards me. "I don't care, as long as you have some vodka here." I raise my eyebrow. "Vodka? It's only morning Nat." "No time is a wrong time for vodka Lidiya, that's part of being Russian." I laugh at her. "I don't know, I haven't looked in the kitchen yet." Before any of us can say anything else, Wanda snaps her fingers and a bottle of vodka flies in from who knows where. It lands on Natasha's lap. "There you go Romanoff, it's all yours." Natasha gives a thankful smile and puts the vodka against her lips. I roll my eyes and put my attention towards the TV. I go to Disney+ and select the Lion King movie. After pressing play I lean closer to Wanda, snuggling against her embrace. I breathe in her scent, and notice how it calms my muscles.

When we finish watching the Lion King, we go on to Lilo & Stich and then Big Hero 6. None of us have the slightest urge to get up, we're all comfortable in this silence, only the TV is making a sound. When we also finish watching Cinderella, Natasha is the one getting up. Slowly getting up. "I don't know about you guys, but I could go with some food." Only then I start noticing how hungry I am, and I realize that I haven't eaten anything all day. "Yeah, me too. Wands?" I turn around in Wanda her arms and then I see the reason for her being so quiet: her eyes are closed and her breathing is slow and steady. She is asleep, still holding me close to her while doing so. I look at her with adoration in my eyes. Natasha is standing up, her arms crossed and a smile on her face. "I've never seen her sleeping so peacefully." She whispers, and I can't help but smile when I hear this. A lock of Wanda her brown hair is in front of her face, her head resting against the backrest of the sofa, her mouth a little bit open. "I won't wake her up Nat, but I really am hungry…" Natasha smirks at me. "I'll be right back." She leaves the room and I use this time alone with Wanda to look at her closely. Her breathing is steady and she has a relaxed expression. The muscles in her face are no longer tense, there is no stress to be found. I want to trail these muscles with my fingers, all the way to her beautiful lips. But if I do that, there is a chance she will wake up and I don't want that. She deserves this rest, she has been taking care of me non-stop. I lay back into her arms, snuggle my head underneath her chin. Before I know it, Natasha is back. She hands me a double sandwich with cheese and salad. "Thanks Nat." I accept them and immediately take a bite, it tastes amazing. "I'll leave you be Ivanov." She places her hand on my shoulders and gives it a small squeak, followed by a smile. I don't need to talk to Natasha to understand her. She leaves the room and I make myself comfortable against Wanda her chest ones more, eating the sandwiches Nat brought me, and putting on Pocahontas. I love the movie, but not as much as I love my company.

"Lidiya, moya prekrasnaya devushka (my beautiful girl). Open your eyes baby." A soft voice is speaking to me and it takes a great deal of effort for me to listen to the command. I'm so tired and I don't want to wake up at all, I just want to continue sleeping. "Lemesleep." I mumble and the voice laughs softly. Wanda, my tired brain registers. "You have to get to bed milyy." I turn around and make myself even more comfortable. "NoIwansleep." I can feel her soft arms pick me up like it's nothing, must be her magic, and she places me into the big bed. The moment her arms leave me I try to grab them "Tay." (stay) "I'm not leaving sweetheart." I can hear her move around for a little bit, and very quickly she joins me in the bed. Immediately I wiggle towards her, and she places her arms around me. A cocoon of warmth and safety. I rub my nose against her collarbone and whisper: "YA lyublyu vas (I love you)…" I fall into a deep and comfortable sleep.