15- ryuu vs. tsunade (part 1)

In the seventh training ground.

There were two people, a beautiful 22-year-old girl and a 9-year-old boy.

"Well, we didn't get to know each other properly yesterday, so I'll start by introducing myself first," Tsunade said while pointing to herself.

"You must know my name but I'll give it anyway. My name is Tsunade Senju, I love my grandmother Mito and my little brother, and I hate perverted people (Jiraiya), and my goal was to become the greatest medical ninja, and I've already achieved it" When she said the last part, She was happy and proud that she had achieved her goal.

Tsunade's goal is to become the greatest medical ninja, because she has lost many people she loved due to serious illnesses or injuries.

"You can introduce yourself now."

"My name is Ryuu Uchiha, I love my clan and my girlfriends Kushina and Mikoto, I hate anyone who hurts the people I love, my goal is to become the strongest in the ninja world to protect the ones I love." Ryuu was hesitant at first to say that he had girlfriends, but eventually told her, Because he doesn't want to lie.

As soon as he said that, Tsunade smiled as if she knew he had more than one girlfriend.

"Look at yourself, you're only 9 and you have girlfriends, I wonder how many you'll have in the future." Tsunade started teasing Ryuu, making him very embarrassed.

While Tsunade was teasing Ryuu, two other people came to the seventh training ground.

"Tsunade-onee-san, sorry I'm late, I've been practicing fuinjutsu with Mito-basan," said the red-haired girl.

[Question: Would you prefer me to continue on honorifics? Like onee-san and ba-san or do you want me to remove them?]

"Then why are you late, Mikoto?" Tsunade asked.

"I've been waiting for Kushina to finish her training" Mikoto replied embarrassed.

"But as far as I remember, Kushina's lesson should have ended an hour ago, are you pretending to be late on purpose?" Tsunade said, embarrassing Kushina and Mikoto.

Tsunade was right, Kushina and Mikoto were deliberately late to surprise Ryuu, but they didn't expect Tsunade to embarrass them like that.

"We're only five minutes late, can you please stop embarrassing us" Kushina's face turned red like her hair from embarrassment, because she was the one who planned it.

It looks like her plan worked, Ryuu was surprised that Mikoto was training with Tsunade, but he wasn't surprised that Kushina was here.

"Mikoto, I'm surprised you've been training with Tsunade-sensei, since when did you start training with her?" Ryuuu asked Mikoto.

"Kushina invited me to train with her a month ago, since then I've been training with Tsunade-nee-san," Mikoto replied happily. During this month, her strength has increased, and her Sharingan has evolved into tomoe 2. In the Uchiha clan, a person who can develop tomoe 2 Sharingan at the age of 11 is considered a genius.

"What about me, are you surprised that I'm here?" Kushina suddenly appeared behind Mikoto and asked Ryuu excitedly.

"No, your presence here was more expected, because you live with Mito Uzumaki and she is Tsunade's grandmother, so I expected Tsunade to train you."

He also speculated that the reason Tsunade accepted him as a disciple was that Kushina asked Tsunade to do so.

In fact, part of his prediction was wrong and part right. The wrong part is that Tsunade accepted him as a disciple because of Kushina. The correct part is that Kushina told Tsunade to accept Ryuu as a disciple.

A week ago, Kushina went to Tsunade to tell her to accept Ryuu as a student, but she didn't expect that once Tsunade was told about it, she quickly agreed.

Upon hearing Ryuu's words, Kushina was slightly disappointed, and then decided to take revenge.

Kushina approached Ryuu and patted his shoulder arrogantly, then said, "Since I was a disciple of Tsunade-onee-san before you, you can call me Kushina-senpai from now on."

After Ryuu heard Kushina's words, veins in his head popped out of anger.

"Mikoto looks like Kushina doesn't want to go out on a date tomorrow, you can go with me instead," Ryuu said to Mikoto with a smile.

Kushina petrified after hearing Ryuu's words.

Before Mikoto can respond to Ryuu, Kushina hugs Ryuu from behind.

"I'm sorry, I was just kidding, don't get mad okay" Kushina hasn't gone a date with Ryuu for over a month because he's been busy with training, so she doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

"I was kidding with you too, so don't worry, we can go on a date tomorrow." Ryuu said.

"Ahem. Kushina and Mikoto, you can stand aside. I want to test Ryuu's powers," Tsunade said because she couldn't watch anymore.

"Then next, it's time to test your strength." Tsunade walked to the middle of the training ground.

"I will attack you seriously, so you have to use your full strength." Although she says this, she will not use her full strength.

Tsunade is close to Kage level, although he has obtained the Mangekyo Sharingan and possesses semi-Kage powers, he is far from defeating Tsunade.

And Ryuu doesn't want to show his Mangekyo Sharingan, because that would bring unnecessary trouble. Without using the Mangekyo Sharingan, his strength is at the level of Elite Jonin, so it is impossible to defeat Tsunade.

Only two people know about the evolution of his eyes to the Mangekyo Sharingan, they are Kushina and Mikoto because they were present when his eyes evolved, and they promised him that they would keep it a secret.

"Now, let's get started." Tsunade's expression became serious

"Tsunade-sensei, be careful," Ryuu said.

Ryuu moved his arm and shot several shurikens toward Tsunade.

Tsunade looked relieved as she avoided the shuriken: "This kind of shurikenjutsu is useless against me."

Once Tsunade evaded the shuriken, Ryuu took the fire out of his mouth, without using hand seals.

"Fire Release: Fireball Jutsu"

The fireball went straight to Tsunade.

The heat coming out of the fireball was so strong, even Mikoto and Kushina at the edge of the training ground seemed to be able to feel the heat.