16- ryuu vs. tsunade (part 2)

"How can he use jutsu without hand seals?" Kushina was surprised, she didn't expect ryuu to become so skilled in jutsu that he wouldn't use hand seals.

"Not only that, the jutsu is more powerful than usual," Mikoto exclaimed. This jutsu is famous and often used by the Uchiha clan, even Mikoto knows how to use this jutsu. But when ryuu used it, his jutsu powers more than doubled.

The powers of this jutsu have surpassed the C rank and reached the B rank. There are two reasons for this. The first is because Ryuu had chakra control at the Grandmaster level, so no chakra is lost when using a jutsu. The second is because in the skill Fire Release: Fireball Jutsu, he has reached the level of Grandmaster.

Kushina and Mikoto are happy with Ryuu's improvement. And at the same time, because Ryuu's strength increased so quickly, they were under pressure, and they felt the need to train more.

When the ball of fire hit the place where Tsunade ran away, Tsunade had disappeared from the place she was in.

'Where did she go' Ryuu was looking around to find Tsunade's whereabouts.

"Where are you looking?"

Suddenly a voice came from above Ryuu. When Ryuu looked up at the sky he saw Tsunade descend towards him.

"Heavenly Foot of Pain"

Tsunade concentrated all her strength into her heel. Then she quickly swung her heel toward Ryuu.

Ryuu's body was instantly hit by Tsunade's kick, but there was no feeling of hitting his body.

A cloud of smoke came out, and Ryuu instantly turned into a wood log. Tsunade's kick smashed the wood as well as the ground and the surrounding structure.

"Oh, a quick Body Replacement Technique."Tsunade turned to look at Ryuu and said with a smile.

Then Tsunade approached Ryuu very quickly. Then she jumped and sent a horizontal kick towards Ryuu's head, Ryuu lowered his body to avoid the attack. Then she attacked Tsunade with her other foot, Ryuu blocked her with his arm and then retreated.

Tsunade chased after him and punched him in the face, Ryuu tilted his head aside to avoid Tsunade's punch, then punched her.

Tsunade dodged the punch. Then she sent a kick towards him, which he blocked by putting his arms together, sent Ryuu into a tree, smashing the tree trunk.

'Damn, it was crazy to fight with her in Taijutsu without using the Sharingan,' ryuu thought.

Although Tsunade didn't use all her strength, her taijutsu skills are very high.

So Ryuu didn't dare to continue being careless, opening his Sharingan.

Using a body flicker, he got close to Tsunade very quickly. Tsunade couldn't see him move. Ryuu suddenly appeared behind her.

As soon as ryuu appeared behind Tsunade. Tsunade punches the ground using Chakra Enhanced Strength.

The spider-web-like cracks on the ground centered around Tsunade's fist spread with great speed.

A huge crack spread straight towards Ryuu who was behind Tsunade. Wherever cracks appeared, boulders flew, and rubble was fired at the ryuu like a cannonball.

Looking at the rocks and pebbles heading towards him, it wasn't easy for Ryuu to avoid them.

"Chidori Stream"

Endlessly violent and fierce lightning appeared from Ryuu's body. The lightning was bound to Ryuu's body, making him appear to be wearing a layer of armor wrapped in lightning.

All the rocks and pebbles that were fired at Ryuu were blocked one by one by Chidori Stream.

"It's a very good defensive ninjutsu, but I've never seen it before, where did I learn it from?" Tsunade lauded.

"Well this is a ninjutsu I developed called Chidori Stream." Upon hearing Tsunade's compliment, Ryuu's face also showed pride.

Although he stole Sasuke's techniques, he developed them from scratch because of his high talent, so he deserves to be proud of himself. So, Ryuu tells Tsunade that he is the developer of Chidori.

"Did you develop the ninjutsu yourself? It's really amazing."

'No wonder I've never seen this powerful ninjutsu before, it turns out that ryuu developed it. He can develop ninjutsu at such a young age.' Makes me think, What will he do when he grows up?' Tsunade's face also showed a look of surprise, Tsunade looked at the ryuu in front of him, thinking how strong he will be when he grows up.

Although she goes to check on Ryuu once a month since he was young. But after he graduated, you didn't go check him out once, so you didn't know that he had developed Ninjutsu.

"Thanks for the compliment Tsunade-sensei, be careful." He looked at Tsunade and warned her, then very quickly approached her.

When he approached Tsunade he used a Rasengan، Unlike Naruto, he can use it without a shadow clone.

When Tsunade saw him, she felt threatened by the Rasengan who was in the ryuu's hand but it was too late to dodge it, so she used a punch to hit the Rasengan using the enhanced chakra power.

A strong collision occurred between Tsunade and Ryuu, after a while Rasengan faded away. The hand that Tsunade used after the impact was badly injured and had been twisted in the opposite direction.

After Ryyu saw that Tsunade had been injured by his attack, he was very worried.

Tsunade saw that Ryuu was distracted, and she punched him with her other hand in the stomach, expelling air from his lungs, then he fell to the ground.

"Don't get distracted during the fight because it will put your life in danger if this is a real fight," Tsunade said seriously, but when she saw Ryuu worried about her, she felt happy.

Ryuu got up from the ground and said to Tsunade anxiously, "I'm sorry Tsunade-sensei for your injury, are you okay? Can you heal your injuries?"

"Don't worry, it's just a minor injury that I can fix in five minutes, but the ninjutsu you just used was really strong and you were quick to use it," Tsunade said while sitting to treat her injury.

'I was so careless, I didn't expect Ryuu to be this strong' Tsunade sighed in thought.
