Jim's Lessons

"Aw, man! I'm so screwed…" Jim muttered as he walked out of the main hall, regretting his words. "That bloody bastard, Lei… I won't forgive him for snitchin' me out!"

Finn, hearing his voice, stepped out of the shadows and intercepted him.

Jim, having been blocked, stopped walking and looked at Finn with a raised eyebrow.

"Need somethin'?"

Finn could hear faint footsteps in the distance not too far away, so he asked quietly.

"… Can we speak privately?"


- Within Jim's Room -

"Alright, kid. We're speakin' privately now. So, tell me — whaddya need?" Jim asked, leaning back on his comfortable leather seat and taking a sip of the beer he had poured himself.

"I want to learn the Cardmaster Angelica from you."

"PFFSH!" Jim spat out the beer in his mouth all over the place, staining Finn completely wet. "Cough, cough… agh… s-sorry, kid, I though I heard somethin' bloody ridiculous, so I-"