How To Become a Cardmaster

"Alright, kid, pick any of the 21 cards ya want, and focus on it!" Jim instructed, folding his arms. Finn did as told, concentrating on the Magician Card, symbolizing arcane power and magic.

"… What next?" He asked, a red glow surrounding his body.

"Mm, the Magician, eh? Not bad," Jim said, recognizing the red glow. "But the hard part comes now. Raise yer hand in front of yer face, holdin' yer middle n' index fingers up, then pour mana into it."

Finn raised his right hand in front of his face and put down his pinky, thumb, and ring finger, then directed his body's mana flow into his hand. Slowly, a card, glowing red, appeared between his raised fingers. However, it wasn't a normal playing card. It was a tarot card — and the figure of a Magician was imprinted on it, glowing red just like the rest of his body.