Unwanted Meeting

- The Next Morning -

The members of Squadron 154 and the Big Five (Four) gathered in the front hall once again, where Lei, Elder Hua, and Jim were. It was the day of the Temple Raid, the day to get rid of this accursed Emperor-level Ghost hiding within District A once and for all.

Raiju was now residing within Finn's body, since he would be coming along for this mission as a final trump card. He normally hated doing this since it 'gave him no leg space', but Finn did not want the other teams they would be working with to find out about his 'pet' if possible. There would be no reason to bring a baby tiger to a Temple Raid, so this was the only way to do so without getting questioned.

"Mornin', fellas," Jim called out cheerily once they arrived, completely relaxed as usual. "How y'all doin' this fine day?"