The City of Technology

After that incident, Finn and Iris were now more painfully aware than ever that the guilds—not just the Phantom Slayer Corps but most likely the four others as well—were willing to do whatever it took to capture him. Was it simply because he was a Ghost? No. It was because he was part-Ghost, and that's what made him dangerous.

A powerful Ghost, packed with human intelligence. To the Ghost Hunters, an entity like this was called a Sentient. Sentients were highly dangerous Ghosts who usually worked alone and were capable of intelligent thought rather than just power and hunger like other Ghosts. Neither Finn nor Iris were Sentients, as they weren't full-Ghost, but to the Ghost Hunters, they were all but the same.

There was no doubt more forces would be sent after them after those five paladins never return, but for now, Finn and Iris had a little bit of a break. They could explore this city to its fullest.