Simple Battle

"Whew… we sure got a lot of money from that, huh?" Iris giggled. "We're like millionaires now."

Finn nodded. Money was definitely not a problem for them anymore, now that he had secured enough to last a lifetime, basically. As long as he didn't try to start up a business or just throw all the money out into the trash, he should be ok.

"Just remember," he warned. "Do your best to mimic a boy's voice."

"A-Ah, right… ahem…" Iris cleared her throat, dropping it as low as she could, then continued. "… Is this better?"

Finn nodded in approval. "Could use some work… but should pass in front of the other Ghost Hunters we are blending in with."

As if on cue, clouds suddenly gathered high up in the sky, indicating a sudden storm. Thunder could be heard, and lightning struck down on the skyscrapers' lightning rods. In the matter of a few seconds, what was once a bright, sunny day, turned into a cloudful dark storm.