Chapter 5 : Ethereal Moon Festival

March 20 1906, 1 week after the incident from Paris.





Orleans Forest everything is nature silent, the wind blowing the animals running, eating or hunting. Here Lucia panting while holding a wooden sword, Gabriel kept smiling naturally he's training his daugther on the art of swordmanship.

"the secret is to keep calm and not let anger take over you" Gabriel advised holding the wooden sword aside "focus on what surrounds you, you have both senses of a vampire and wolf."

"hm..." Lucia's lips tighten. "I'll try the shadow trick again, if you manage to hit me I'll make steak after this" he made a deal.

Lucia grinned "you better keep your deal old man" she teased. Gabriel chuckled "and you better take this seriously, Lucia" he then started to turn black as a shadow then disappeared in thin air. Lucia scan the area her eyes are everywhere she breath out "I got this, use your senses Lucia..." she mumble to herself closing her eyes using her wolf ears, everything she hear are animal sounds.





Lucia gritted her teeth she close her eyes tightly then breath out more "come on I can do this..." she mumbled, then...


Lucia open eyes then turn here heels around then the sound countering the attack behind her with the wooden sword then push back her Father's attack hitting a tree as it fell, "cough cough... damn Lucia... you sure pack a punch" Gabriel coughs standing up. "I wasn't intending to, I was suppose to push you back not the tree thing" she apologized. Gabriel just gave a headpats "you did great kiddo, and that's the last lesson I'll teach you" he finish. Lucia's eyes widen "wait, last? There must be more?!" she said following her father.

"Nope, you've already learn the tricks I had on my sleeve" Gabriel chuckled "you're strong Lucia, tonight is the festival the anniversary of the village" he explained "when we first found this place, it's the perfect place to raise you and start a new life hidden from the humans and the Knights of the Holy Order."

"how come Grandma never change after you left her?" Lucia asked while following. "your Grandmother is insecured, she's a great mother to me. However her beliefs are outdated" Gabriel explained then sigh "when I first met your Mother she was injured because hunters shot her while stuck on a bear trap" he said "I was young and I couldn't ignore her cries, so I killed those humans..."

Lucia felt uneasy and new hearing that kind of subject from her father, "what happened next your Mother was hostile, but I patch her up and soon she open up to me. And I was surprise that day that she was a girl" he laugh embarassly giving Lucia and cringe. "but even so she kept me going, she taught me a lot. Even with the difference between us we love each other" He smiled "what I hate the most is someone harass her, your Grandmother didn't consider her as a family. And I didn't told her that your Mother was pregnant..."

"besides... if she doesn't care then it's best that I won't tell her any further" he sigh "I still hope she just accept us, with the proof that vampires and werewolves can co-exist. And the proof is you, Lucia" he pointed.

Lucia smiled "well, I'm glad I was raise here at France rather than Romania" she said laughing scratching his nape.

Inside a cabin Floriana is humming while making clothes with her sewing machine she then stop taking breath cutting the thread then show up the black noble coat, she smiled seeing another of her work "fufu, it'll look good on her tonight" she mumble her eyes all calm.

Meanwhile Above the sky. A black Aiship flying towards France the symbol of blue crusader shield, red heart and a silver sword, the symbol of the Knights of the Holy Order. Inside armed humans of heavy and modern technology, there a room with a rectangular table and six people are seated, Albert Van Helsing the eternal hunter, Isabelle Van Helsing the blonde witch, Emily Van Helsing the red sniper, Oliver Van Helsing the exorcist, Blaise Van Helsing the sharp shooter, and last the commander of the siblings and the eldest, William Van Helsing.

Albert threw a photo of a black haired male Vampire, file name : Gabriel Dracula Tepes.

"A Vampire, Father?" Liam repeated as he scan the photo. "oh please, vampires are kind of a bloodsuckers. Except for Mama which gave me the weird vibe whenever she drinks blood" Isabelle said polishing her nails. "but why him, Father? Is he related to Mother?" Blaise asked.

Albert sigh "let me explain" he closes his eyes for a few seconds then show some other photos of wolves sightings "it happened one century ago..." he explain "these wolve aren't ordinary, they're werewolves.."

"wait werewolves, just like the one Liam and I saw back at Paris?" Blaise repeated as he stood up from his seat. "yes, werewolves. They're the creatures of the night who were once humans who turn into wolves to the night of the full moon" then show a photo of a dead body "a sight that they hunt for any human or animal, but through generation they evolve to become wolves during the day and live on society without any humans noticing."

"then what does it have to do with Gabriel Tepes?" Emily asked. "Gabriel is your Mother's elder brother" Albert answered "he's the strongest vampire." he then look down "however he changed as soon as he fell in love with a wolf." he showed a photo of Floriana around a century age "her name is Floriana, the alpha's daugther. The Alpha accepted Gabriel as his own son while Catherine your grandmother didn't..."

"after that, Gabriel rebelled against his family and of course I was there to stop him..."

"however he got the best of me and escaped. We tried to find any traces of him but no avail same goes for the wolves."

"I see, so the wolves and Gabriel worked together to escape" Oliver said with a book under his nose then close it "not until you sighted him back at Paris." Albert nodded "yes, and we have a lead to that" he snapped his fingers. The door below the table opend there rise a crucified Levigne he's all wounded and beat up "you.. you won't... get away with this... Van Helsing!" he shouted.

"hush hush now, Levigne. You're the warlock of the forest" Albert taunted "you were the only who knows where Gabriel and wolves are hiding" he then got a few steps closer "now tell me where they are."

Levigne spits "go to hell.." he spatted "I'd rather die than telling you anything..."

Albert look at Isabelle "daugther would you mind?" he said. Isabelle grinned "sure Papa, allow me" she stood up then her her yellow eyes glow "now be good boy and tell me everything..."

Levigne groans in pain "grr... I refuse..." he kept fighting "I won't... betray him..." he kept fighting and fighting the pain as his body gave out "GUH...! ... f... forest... grr... forest... or... leans..." he stops as he passed out. Isabelle grinned as she stops her witchcraft "and there you have it, they're at Orleans Forest."

Albert grinned "set course to Orleans, all hunters armed yourself with silver class weapons" he announced then turn to his children who are listening "that goes for all of you, Gabriel is dangerous vampire and watch out for the alpha wolves."

"yes father" the five nodded.

Liam kept looking at the photo of Gabriel "Hmm... Gabriel, huh?" he mumbled then remember Lucia with her Grandfather and father back at Paris, his eyes sadden "..."

Inside the Knights of the Holy Order Airship, Albert took a drink of wine then stop "I know you're there" he said at the shadowed corner. A pale woman black hair blood red lipstick wearing black gothic clothes came out from the shadows her tapping heels echoed "I was listening by the door earlier" she said, Albert furrow his brows "of course you are, he is your brother after all Helena" he mentioned. Helena felt uneasy "if only my Mother would have accepted him and his love this wouldn't happen" she mumble clenching her chest "he's a great brother, he left us for his love. I understand, but it was too much for Mother" she finish.

"Catherine still see me as a threat, if I gave her your brother back it might pleases her" Albert said walking towards to his wife "my love for you is eternal, that day I changed because you were different from the other vampires. My curse as the eternal holy knight might be a threat, but I won't hurt you no matter what."

Helena hug him "I know, and that goes for me" she smiled a little "just promise me you'll bring him back, but do not to kill him" she said "no matter what, I want my brother back."

"that I shall promise, my love" Albert vowed.

Meanwhile it was 9pm at the Hidden Wolf Village. Lucia slump down on her bed landing on her belly hugging her pillow "dinner is so good~" she smiled closing her eyes then turn face the ceiling "the Ethereal Festival is tonight, huh?" she mumbled then turn towards the window the full moon is shining brightly "at 12am, I'm a 100 years old. A century..." she smiled then notice something hanging on her closet, she stood up then approach it there was a note she read "happy birthday our Ethereal Child by Mom and Dad" the note says.

Few minutes later Lucia is already wearing the black noble clothes her parents made for her, she turn around checking the black noble coat "It looks great" she smiled then twirl around jump as she morph into a wolf then look at mirror she morph back "so it's also imbue with morphing thread. I'm gonna cherish this clothes forever" she said smiling.

Later at the festival at the village central, it's full of children running around and people helping preparing the decorations and food, the men bringing back boars and preparing the bon fire. Lucas talking to Robert, Gabriel helping with the hunting and Floriana talking with women. Lucia glance around the street seeing a lot of lanterns "wow" her eyes glimer like stars, "oh there she is" Robert's voice was heard.

Lucia focus on the bonfire as she walk towards it seeing her family, Floriana covered her whimpers "oh my daugther, you look so beautiful wearing that" she said. Lucia scratch her nape "thanks Mom, I really love it" she said, "tonight is your night kiddo" Lucas headpats his grand daugther "Robert will be the one who'll do inheritance since he's the alpha now" he finish. Robert smiled "yep, and you better be prepared since it's a tradition" he grinned. Lucia felt awkward "yeah... drinking a bowl of your blood" she felt nervous.

"come on now, let's celebrate!" Robert raise his hand as the people cheered. Everything went to an uproar as the people featesd on the roasted meat they're brought, children running and playing games Lucia help then children and give away sweets. Floriana and Gabriel dancing together by the bonfire with such romantic moments, Robert being asked by the women to dance with him, Lucas drinking beer with the other wolves, and some other boys asking Lucia for a dance but then Gabriel scared them off with his fangs and glaring crimson eyes while Lucia sweatdrop while Floriana and Robert just laugh about it.

Outside the Hidden Wolf Village there gather in the shadows are silver armed men and six highly combat executives of the Knights of the Holy Order. "alright we're in position" Emily whispered wielding her crossbow, Blaise click his guns, Oliver has his talismans, Emily preparing spells, William gripping his scythe, Albert just watching from above the zeplin "by the strike of 12 all of you surround and engage" he announce.

At the bonfire Robert filled a bowl with his blood "Now tonight we are celebrating reaching the first century of this village" he raise the bowl then poin his niece "also the night we celebrate my niece, Lucia. Tonight you'll share the power of the alpha" he explained "Lucia, step forward..."

Lucia stood up from her seat then walk towards the bonfire right in front of her Uncle. Robert grinned "once you drink this blood, you'll also became an alpha" he said then give the bowl to Lucia. Lucia look at the bowl of blood ignoring the awkward feeling she put her lips on the bowl then drink in one gulp, Robert smiled and so is the crowd but then Gabriel suddenly came up front wearing his black noble clothes from a century ago with his sword on his waist "Lucia..." he called.

Lucia look up to her father very surprised, Gabriel unsheathe his sword "Lucia..." he smiled, Lucia then kneel down with her right hand on her chest bowing down with her eyes close. Gabriel then made a pledge "Lucia, you are the new generation, as one of the old generation I hereby pass this sword and it's authority to you" in both side pledge "you may rise as the new generation."

Lucia raise her head with both of her hands was about to reach the silver sword...


Everyone looked at the explosion and the rune field was destroyed what awaits outside the village was surrounded by guns and armed men. That night many died...