Chapter 6 : Crimson Moon

"EVERYONE RUN!!" Robert shouted.

Everyone in the village ran for their lives as the guns fired, some got hit and died, children crying and wounded women running away. The male wolves defended their friends and family, blood was spilled the scene became red.

"Good job breaking the barrier, Isabelle!" Blaise praise while shootig out, Isabelle smiled gleefully "you know I'm the specialist here, teehee~". Emily fired her arrows left and right then jump around shooting more, Oliver chanting prayers "Just hurry up and do what we're here for!" he ordered.

Many screams, many cries, many deaths and blood... there standing at the field of blood was William still shaking gripping his scythe, he look to the bloodied scene and saw dead bodies of wolves and humans, children scared and crying their cries rang to Liam's mind him getting flashes of blood and child self crying. Two crying children look up and saw a gun pointed at their face, Liam snaps out and was about to stop it.



The figure of black noble coat bloody claws she open her sharpen eyes "Lucia bring them to the shelter!" Gabriel's voice called out, Lucia nodded "come here kids!" she scoop the children with her arms as she make a run, guns pointed at her running as she dodge while carrying the children "tch! Hang on tight!" she threw the children upward then jump morphing into a black wolf with the children landing on her back as she run with her paws. Lucas and Robert fighting off the silver armed hunters, Gabriel using his silver sword slashing a dark wave dividing the hunters bodies into different pieces as blood exploded from their bodies.


Gabriel dodged the bullets like they were nothing as he slide back "you humans are such a nuisance" he said right in front of a brown hair male wielding two hand guns. "heh, sorry but our mission is clean and take you" Blaise said sheathing back his guns "looks like my guns aren't fast enough, then I'll use this baby!" he pulled out an gatling then start firing it up, Gabriel dodge fast as the bullets almost fly through his face the bullets kept flying as he zoom out, left and right dodging the bullets.

"tch, bastard is so fast!" Blaise kept shooting he then saw Liam still standing "tch! LIAM I NEED YOUR HELP OVER HERE..!" he shouted. Liam snap out from his thoughts then rush towards to his brother as put up a slash with his blood red scythe, Gabriel jump back then dodge each step back his eyes flared with anger "YOU!!" he growled his fangs sharpened.

Lucia on the other side of the forest near the river, she put down the children near the river "listen to me, Kay, Hugo. Just follow this river downwards, you'll reach the town of Orleans just find a red door with the symbol of the moon" she intructed "then tell the man named Harris everything that happened here" she finish.

"yes big sis Lucia" the children said "but what about you?!" they worried. Lucia put up a smile "don't worry, I can handle myself, Now go!" she said as the children follow the river. Lucia quickly turn towards back to her village then morph back into wolf form "Gramps, Uncle, Dad, Mom! Please be alright!" she worried in her thoughts.

At the village center Gabriel eyes turn black his iris glowing crimson red "you of the Knights of the Holy Order are such pain! Why not you just leave us alone?!" he shouted. Blaise ran out of bullets hiding by the houses reloading his gatling gun "tch, this guy is fast and strong" he mumbled then look back seeing Liam panting "tch, even Liam is having a hard time on him!". Liam kept panting gripping his scythe "Gabriel Tepes, you can turn yourself in and we'll leave that nothing has ever happen" he offered, Gabriel glared "hah! Like I'll believe you!" he laugh like insane covering his eyes then glared up "all of you Knights of the Holy Order always say that, you're all hypocrites!" he shouted "Albert Van Helsing murdered my father! AND NOW YOU DESTROYED OUR HOME!" his fangs showed then blood red smoke came out from his body "I had enough...!"



Liam quickly defend from the sword he saw glaring eyes towards him "I won't let you take me or terror this village any further!" he push Liam back, then strike again and again. Blaise reload his gatling gun "here we go!" he then fired non-stop but then Gabriel is anger in a few seconds he got pierce by a bullet by the shoulder, he stop backing away as he pressure his wound growling back.

A talisman flies towards Lucas as he dodge, it was Oliver he's serious staring at the grey wolf "tch, just stop moving" he groaned, Lucas kept dodging as he morph back "you kids shouldn't be playing with talismans" he said then dodge another talisman. "it is my duty to cleanse this world, humanity itself has already live in fear" Oliver said then chant then throw a paper talisman. "That's what you only know kid" Lucas said dodging upward "but you won't know the meaning of peace if you don't see it through" he said. "Oi Dad!" Robert's voice called as he approaches "I took care of the little witch girl, she just ran back towards her Daddy" he teased grinning then turn to Oliver who is furious "tch!" he put up a flashbang everything went bright as he disappeared. "he's gone" Robert said "too bad I didn't get the most fights" he groaned, Lucas pat his shoulder "come on we got to help Gabriel, he seemed in a tight spot" he said as both of them ran towards the source of gunshots.

The village is burning blood is everywhere, Floriana is hiding with the other women and children one of the children tripped making the hunters turn to them "there!" they chase them as a few male wolves attacked the hunters. "hm.." a red curly pony tail girl aim an arrow towards Floriana, it was Emily "so that's Gabriel's beloved wolf" she mumbled hiding by the roof of the village "no hard feelings" she then fire the arrow.


Floriana slowly turn hearing a wind sound as she saw an arrow coming towards her, eyes widen in fer as she close her eyes.


Floriana open her eyes seeing "Lucia!" she called out her daugther's name, Lucia snatched the silver arrow with her right hand as her palm sizzles and burns "tch" she turn towards the source of the arrow and her night vision saw the archer, she glared then threw the arrow back towards its archer.


The force of the throw was so strong that it didn't just pierce, Emily's eyes widen as she look to her left arm is already gone and blood was spilling out. She fell on the floor "AAARGH..!!" she screamed in pain her left arm was cut off. "EMILY!" Oliver found her as he carry his sister around his arms "shit this is bad!" he panic as he took out a talisman then patch it up towards Emily's bleeding "this should cover the bleeding, for now we fall back" he jump out careying his sister who is screaming in pain.

Lucia turn to her Mother "Mom! Are you hurt?!" she hugged her. "I'm fine, Lucia" she smiled then look at her "your Dad is still fighting, I can't find your Uncle and Grandpa" she worried. Lucia furrowed her brows "it's alright I'll find them, just remember where to go" she said running towards the sound of guns shots.

Gabriel kept panting his wound heals slowly, Liam and Blaise panting still their opponent still stands with his silver sword on. Liam tried to charge head and Blaise raise back his gatling gun, Gabriel sprint behind Liam as he turn around grabbing Liam by the colar then threw it towards Blaise's direction as the hpuse he's hiding fall towards them then cover them in dust. Gabriel catch his breath his wounds slowly healing, he saw a dead body of a hunter he grabbed it then suck it's blood his thirst was quench but then...


Gabriel's head went blacking and screaming in pain "ACk..!!" he drop his sword fell on his knees grabbing his head. "I knew you would do that" a familiar voice said, Gabriel look up and his eyes widen "Albert...!" he called. Albert grinned "yes, it's been a century, Gabriel" he reminded. Gabriel cane himself up "you bastard..." he called "you just couldn't... defeat me without any tricks..." he groaned. "the blood you just drink was blessed by the church every Sunday" he explained "so if a vampire drinks it they'll suffer severe pain and weakens" he finish as he took out a silver ball he threw then transform into ropes capturing Gabriel the silver rope burns his skin.

"tch you batard!" Gabriel growled his eyes is getting heavy the glow in his eyes turn back to normal red. "come on Gabriel, your family is waiting for you" Albert said turning towards to his two sons who just got out and groaning "you two lets return to Romania" he said "your mother is waiting."

"I heard you old man" Blaise groaned, Liam still sees the fire around him and the sight of many deaths. The Knights of the Holy Order zeplin flew as it drop a rope Albert tied the weakened Gabriel who kept flailing "you bastards! You don't know what apocalypse you'll bring if you brought me back to Romania!" he warned. "yes, whats waiting for you is your family who is longing for you" Albert answered.


Blood trickle down Albert's cheek bone it was Lucia who scratched him, Lucia stood up straight with glaring eyes. "Lucia!" Gabriel called "Lucia run! You can't handle these people alone!" he warned. Lucia growled in anger "who said I'll fight alone?" she said, as two wolves one grey presume to be Lucas and one brown presume to be Robert they morph back into human form with wolf claws tail and ears. "you give my son-in-law back you scoundrel!" Lucas said his claws sharpens, "you messed with the wrong pack" Robert said glaring, Lucia step up "I want my Father back you bastards!" she shouted sprinting towards Albert.

Lucia sprints up then suddenly blocked by a barrier, she got push back landing on her two feet growling. "teehee~ you little puppy" a blonde witch showed up "I won't let you touch my Papa" it was Isabelle casting a barrier spell. "it's that little brat!" Robert called, "Hey who you calling brat?!" Isabelle got angry, "you! You brat!" Robert pointed. Albert smiled "good job, Isabelle. No need to play, we have got what we came here for" he gave a headpats then turn towards the rope "let's go my children" he grab by the rope as it pulls up and the zeplin flying away.

"NO..!! DAD!!" Lucia screamed trying to break the barrier, Lucas and Robert tried to break the barrier but it was futile. The sight of Gabriel being taken away Lucia's mind went dark her eyes turned blood red her fangs sharpen in rage, Lucas and Robert notice as they back away sensing the bloodlust. Lucia fell on her knees the sound of bones cracking, fur growing and grew a lot bigger than her normal wolf form, in rage her blood red eyes the moon turned crimson red.


Lucia's howl echoed like screeching glass as the humans inside the zeplin covered their ears in pain as the barrier breaks like glass, the large wolf chase the zeplin as she grab to lose rope pulling it hard. Albert look down below seeing a large wolf grabbing the robe, Blaise came out and fire his gatling gun "eat this!" he fired, the bullets fly and hit Lucia however the bullets didn't work. Liam step down seeing Lucia in her rage and desperation, Lucia pull harder as Liam got off balance falling, he landed on Lucia's snout he pulled out his scythe he was about to strike her down but then he saw the look on Lucia's eyes "GIVE HIM BACK!! GIVE MY DAD BACK!! I WON'T LET YOU TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME!!!" that's what he understands, Lucia shook off as Liam fell off everything went piercing through him the guilt, the regrets, and the pain, his body fell knocking him unconscious.

The zeplin is getting damaged Albert then came up to his mind "Fire the silver spear!" he ordered, the hunters reloaded a long and heavy large spear towards the bombardment area "Spear Loaded!". Lucas caught up with Lucia as he jump towards her large snout "Lucia calm down! LUCIA!" he kept calling out soon Lucia snaps out from her rage Lucas calmed her down "it's me your Grandpa, calm down my grandchild.." he said, Lucia slowly morph back to her normal size into human form, but...


Lucia's eyes widen blood was splatted on her left cheek she was shaking and couldn't speak a sight of her Grandfather pierced by a spear on his chest she screamed "GRAMPS!!"