Chapter 7 : The Rising Sun

The sight of Lucas being pierced through by a large spear, everything went in shock the sight of blood everything went into a flash.

"GRAMPS..!!" Lucia screamed

At the Airship Gabriel kept struggling "LUCAS..!!" he screamed then got muzzle "HMRRGHH...!!"his voice muffles as the airship door closes the last thing he saw was his father-in-law dying and his daugther in shocked.

Lucia caught her Grandpa Lucas on her arms as she gently settle him down on the ground the smoke from the hidden village is dying. Lucia kept panicking "Gramps! Wake up Gramps!" she kept calling, Lucas groans in pain "hey kiddo.." he cough blood "that's not a good sign..."

"shh shh... don't talk everything is gonna be alright" Lucia said her eyes are flooding with tears, "Kid, it's ok..." Lucas said Lucia looked at him "no you're not ok! This is my fault..!" she cried out, Lucas caress her cheek "it's fine kiddo, this isn't your fault" he calmly said "listen... I want you to live on with your life" he chuckled as blood trickle down from his mouth "live on the way you wanted in peace."

"don't say that Gramps..!" Lucia shake her head her mouth agape as she sniffle her tears pouring down "don't die now! We're all family!... Please don't stray off the pack..." her tears trickle down from her cheeks.

"ehehe... I won't kid..." Lucas said "I may not be by your side and I won't be able to be there during your times of hardship..." he cough up "but know..." he wiped Lucia's tears "but know I'll be always be watching you..." he then pull something out from his leather coat a small rectangular white boxs with a red ribbon "I was suppose to... cough cough! to give this to you after the ceremony."

Lucia took the small boxs she pull the ribbon then open up the boxs, whats inside was a ruby pin. "ufu, I saw you staring at it back in Paris..." Lucas remembered that time at Paris the dress shop FlowerBelle's Lucia was staring at the accesories displayed at the glass Lucas notice that Lucia was staring at the ruby pin, right after Lucia ran off to deliver the products Lucas talked to Monsieur Couture the shop owner to buy the ruby pin then made the boxs special. Lucas smiled as soon as he saw Lucia's eyes saw the ruby pin he gifted for her grand daugther. "from the looks of it... you liked it..." Lucas calmly said "I love it Gramps..." Lucia smiled with tears within her eyes, Lucas ignored his weaken state as he took the ruby pin from the boxs then put it up on Lucia's ruffle cravat "it looks good on you."

Lucia kept sniffleling her tears won't stop, Lucas reach out his Lucia grabbed his reaching hand Lucas's eyes are getting heavy the sun rising in the east "ehehe..." he chuckled one last time with his last breath "it's been fun..."

"having an eternity..."

"with my family..."

Lucas smiled one last time his eyes close as if its smiling, the sun has risen the light shines as it reaches out the forest "GUH- kuh... AAAAAAHHH...!!!" Lucia scream her cries she couldn't hold her sorrow as her cries echoes Robert in his wolf form who was just came he saw the scene of his niece crying and screaming in sorrow hugging Lucas's lifeless body, Robert couldn't held his tears back even in his wolf form as he howl louder.


Floriana who was with the remaining villagers help with the evacuation, then she heard the howl of his brother she fell on her knees covering her whimpers her tears flooding, the villagers too heard the sorrowful howl as they morph into wolves then howl for their fallen friends and families.

Robert stops howling as he heard his fellow wolfs were safe yet in sorrow he still see Lucia's state of sorrow he approach her pat her shoulder "Lucia.." he called out, Lucia just shrug off her soft cries and couldn't let go of her grandpa. There standing under the tree shade was Liam who witness Lucia's mourns he was about to approach her...


Lucia shot up with glaring eyes in a blink of an eye she was right in front of Liam then grab him by his neck raising him up "YOU...!" she mumbled then look up "YOU OF ALL PEOPLE DID THIS!!" she shouted "THE KNIGHTS OF THE HOLY ORDER KILLED MY GRANDPA!!" her eyes balled with tears, Liam didn't resist he just dropped his scythe towards the ground as it disperse "Lucia... listen..." he called "I... I know... I don't... deserve... your forgiveness..." he said being choked "but..."

"BUT WHAT?!" Lucia questioned her choking Liam with her right wolf claw "they... they..." she mumbled as her tears cascaded down the ground "they took my Father!" she sniffle "my family was everything for me..."

"We... we lived in peace... hiding from all of you..."


Liam felt Lucia's words pierced through him like swords, he remember his previous missions that he murdered a whole village, he was task to kill and kill and it was non-stop even looking at his father, Albert Van Helsing, he is always satisfied cleansing the world away from fear but never notice the changed of the supernatural who lived in peace and blended through society. Those villages... those people... those innocent creatures who had been slaughtered... everything that he did was a sin killing innocent creatures. Liam broke down in tears "Lucia..." he called.

"WHAT?! Tell me, Liam..." Lucia mumbled "tell me the reason why would you do this?!" she questioned loosen her grip. Liam's lips tighten "it's not like... I've wanted this..." he answer "I never wanted this..." he repeated "I'm sorry Lucia..."

"even if I apologize it won't bring the dead back or your Grandfather... I don't deserve your mercy... just end me here... "

Lucia look deep within his eyes she felt that he was telling the truth that Liam was being honest on his answer, she close her eyes as she lower Liam down then throw him towards the trees with a slamming sound knocking him unconscious. That day everything in Lucia's life has change...

An hour later inside Knights of the Holy Order Airship. At the Prison bay.




Gabriel kept banging the walls while chained up and muzzled, his eyes filled with anger blackened eyes crimson red iris. The sight he saw fueled his anger, he kept recalling seeing the same scene him being weak and helpless, Lucas pierced by a spear and Lucia's eyes filled with shock and horror. He couldn't held his tears his anger still burning knowing that it's unfair...

"Gabriel?" a familiar male voice called within Gabriel's thoughts "Gabriel is that you??"

"Levigne, is that you?!" Gabriel answered within his thoughts. One of a Forest Warlock's ability, Telepathy, Levigne who is being held captive on the other prison still weak from the interegotion. "Gabriel... I'm sorry..." Levigne apologized "I tried to protect your location, but..." he paused then cover his tears "one of them use a spell to make me tell them..."

Gabriel calmed down a little "it's not your fault..." he said "they were after me.." he scan the cell room made of iron "because of that... Lucas is..." his tears trickle down. Levigne touch the wall where Gabriel is crying "I'm sorry for your lost..." he gave his condolonces.

The iron door open on Gabriel's prison, his eyes widen seeing a familiar woman. "brother?" it was Helena she took a few steps forward, Gabriel stood there staring at his sister couldn't speak because of the muzzle. Helena approach then put his hands behind Gabriel's nape removing the muzzle, Gabriel's lips tighten averting eye contact "don't expect me... that I'll forgive you, Helena..." he said. Helena hugged him tight "you fool... did you know for over a century we've missed you..!" she said crying a bit, Gabriel sigh hugging his sister back "forgive me Helena, you know I don't want the throne" he said sitting down on the floor "all I wanted is to live in peace, I was already contented and happy..." he look down. "You don't need me anymore, the generations are changing" he explain "I don't want to be King, I want to be free."

"You know how Mother is? She was just trying to protect you.." Helena said with a worried face, Gabriel growl "you don't know what it's like to be at the top!" he shouted as he look away "I was always alone... All of you just kept saying "I'm proud of you" or "keep it up"" he groaned "but all of you never asked what I'm feeling?!" he shouted.

Helena felt guilty hearing her Brother's words "I'm sorry brother, I didn't realize..." she apologized "I always looked up to you.. but never realize what you truly feel" she finish. "And now... I lost Lucas... my Father-in-law..." Gabriel mourns "you could have just forgotten me I would have been in peace..."

Few hours later at a mansion outside Orleans a temporary Shelter at Orleans. Children snifling and helping their families and friends, other wolves licking their wounds to stop the bleeding, women helping the other wounded people, the wolves return from what they scavenge from their village remains.

"hear drink this" a brown hair man wearing glassess offer a leaf dew. Leaf Dew are warlock made healing potion, once drink it can heal any ailments or wounds depnds on the amount. The lady drinks the leaf dew as few of her wounds healed "thank you, Monsieur Harris..." the lady thanked, "get some rest, I'll go get some more leaf dew for the others" Harris said standing up.

Robert approached Harris tapping his shoulder "thank you for helping us, Harris" he thanked the man. "you were in trouble, the forest and it's people must be protected" Harris said as he saddens "I couldn't connect with Levigne and Gabriel, their mind is somehow close or something is blocking them" he explained then turn to Robert "forgive me, I wouldn't have much help."

"no no, your help is already enough for us" Robert said with sincerety "the others are doing fine, but..." he grip both of his palms "but we lost our friends and families..." he hold his anger, Harris patted Robery's shoulder "I know Lucas's death is too much for you and your sister, Lucas was a great friend to me also a great drinking buddy" he smiled with sadness within his eyes "he always talks about you and Lucia" he then remember "speaking of Lucia, where is she?". Robert look up "she's preparing for a funeral on her own..."

Outside the Shelter of Harris's home. Lumber wood scattered Lucia raise her claw cutting it in one slash, on the side is presume to be Lucas's dead body covered in white sheet of cloth, Lucia assemble the wooden plank as a body about four feet high, she then carry body towards the wooden podium then gently put it there as she surround it with more wood on the side. She glance at her Grandfather's dead body she just gently carress the cloth then slowly lift her hand away taking a few steps backward then face at wooden podium, she gritted then raise her right arm as it burst into blood red flames bursting towards the wooden podium as it started burning slowly.

Lucia just watched the blood red flames burn her Grandfather's remains, her eyes were filled with sorrow. She just close her eyes then remember the times with her Grand father since childhood, she open her eyes the smoke rises as she started to see things like the smoke form into a wolf as it circles around, her eyes started to get flooded she close her eyes for a while the tears flood down the wind blowing up her hair and black noble coat being blown softly, as the sun rises high it shine up as the light hits by the cravat to the ruby pin as it shines Lucia then open her eyes then cover it with her right hand then slide it down, the look in her eyes has change. Then she remember every blood that spilled in her village, the people who she grew and care the every bit of bad memory she use it as fuel to her anger.

"I... Lucia Gabriel Tepes, vow to eradicate the Knights of the Holy Order!" she vowed her eyes are no longer the lively ones, but the ones with desperation and filled with hatred as they became sharpen as the sword who'll eradicate those who despises her kind.