Chapter 8 : Trust

Inside Harris's mansion a bedroom there Liam in his unconscious state his hand twitches and slowly open his eyes, he see himself to woke up in an unfamiliar place a tidy warm bed at his right side a glass of water and a bowl of warm water with a small cloth he slowly sit up and notice he was shirtless and bandaged up on his chest and forehead, he recall himself being choked up by Lucia in her rage and was thrown towards a tree knocking him unconscious.


Liam look up the door open it was a brown hair woman showing her brown wolf ears and tail, it was Floriana wearing a blue dress carrying new bandages she look up "oh, I see you're finally awake" she got surprise then create a warm smile approaching the bed, Liam touch his nape with a confuse look "who are you?" he asked. The brown woman smile "I'm Floriana, Lucia's mother" she introduce herself "do you recall everything before you got unconscious?" she asked.

"I remember... Lucia..." Liam answered with a sincere tone "she was..." he couldn't continue. Floriana sigh knowing what her daugther did to Liam "I understand" she said then look down "you were unconscious for three days now" she explain, Liam got shock hearing that "three days?!" he exclaimed. Floriana nodded while taking some bandages "please sit up" she ordered then Liam sit up "after that, we stayed at the shelter to recover. But Lucia changed..." she pause while unwrapping some bandages then wrap new ones around Liam, he felt guilty knowing what happened "she's right..." he mumbled.

Floriana looks up "I can't blame my daugther.." she barely said "she couldn't save Gabriel... she also mourns for her Grandfather" she finish the stood up "stay in this room for a while, I'll go bring you something to eat" she then left closing the door behind her. Floriana sigh "how is he?" Robert ask who is just standing beside the door, "he's recovering, I think it's best to keep him inside" Floriana suggested "I don't want to upset Lucia any further."

Meanwhile outside Harris's mansion. Tents are settled children helping their friends and families some helping and feeding the injured, Harris checked another tent "seems like you're recovering" he said towards the male wolf, another wolf has high fever and breathing hard "just take these medicines it'll help your fever go down" Harris said.

"Harris!" Floriana's voice called, Harris turn to see her with Robert "oh Floriana" he smiled "hows our little guest doing?" he asked. "he's awake" Floriana answer, Robert let out a sigh "good thing the boy didn't die from a head shock" he relief "Lucia almost killed him."

"Where is Lucia?" Harris asked, "she's on watch duty alone..." Robert glance at mansion roof seeing a silhoutte of a person, looking closer it was Lucia lost in thoughts her brows furrowed eyes full of hatred yet calm she slowly close her eyes but as soon as she close them kept recalling the same scene where her Father was taken and Grandfather died right in front of her, her childhood home then kept glitching to a bloody scene her heart beating very heavy breathing very heavy..


Lucia snaps out of her thoughts she glance down she see her Uncle Robert is waving at her signalling for her to come down. She stood up from the roof then jump as she landed softly on the ground walking towards her Uncle "Lucia go take a break, we made steak for lunch" Robert smiled but "thanks.." Lucia walk away, Floriana's lips saddens "even if it's her favorite food she's still like that"she worries, Robert pat his sister's shoulder "she's still a kid..." he said "she loved us, but what she's feeling right now is rage" he pause "I can tell she's gonna do something very dangerous with those eyes of her."

Meanwhile at the Knights of Holy Order Airship.

"come on brother, you need to drink" Helena said towards her brother who is completely in chain restraints "I won't drink a blood-bag's blood" Gabriel refuses turning his head aside "the blood stinks!" he finish. "you know human blood gives us strength" Helena said holding a bowl filled with blood, "and I don't want to drink it either way" he refuses, Helena sigh sliding her hand across her brother's long hair "just how long will you able to refuse?" she questioned. "as long as I get you off my skin" Gabriel said in a rude way "you're gonna take me back to Wallachia" he said, "not yet, Mother is still busy on her own. Passage towards Romania is tight" Helena explains "it'll take a long time for that, for a while we'll keep you in Roma" she finish.

"tch, hell no! I hate priest, they're annoying. They still believe about garlic is one of our weakness" Gabriel groans, Helena started laughing "ehaha! Yeah like one time a human tried and it became very awkward on his death" she reminded.


The two look up then the iron door open "Madam, your time is up" the guard said, Helena stood up with a sigh "alright, I'll be out in a moment" she said turning towards her brother "I'll just bring you some animal blood later."

"Helena?" Gabriel called. "what is it brother?" Helena reaponded, "is Mother still controlling you?" he asked. Helena just smiled "what are you talking about? Of course not!" she answer, "I know you're lying" Gabriel said sighing closing his eyes "you're my sister, I can tell you're lyin."

Helena just turn her heels away "we'll talk about that some other time" she walk away closing the door, Gabriel is once again alone in an empty iron prison "Floriana... Lucia..." he mumbled his lips sadden "I miss you both..."

Inside Harris's Mansion.

"hmrr..." Liam groans as he stood up feeling the pain from his bruises, he saw his grey shirt and black coat neatly hangered. He quickly put it on a few groans then finally shirt and coat up "guh-!" he weakly groans as he manage to hold himself up on the nearest wall "I must..." he remember Lucia "I must find her...". Liam slightly open the door check for any passerby and it was all clear, he then slowly walk while caning himself by the wall on each step as he catch his breath. He glance at the window seeing many of of the wolf clan lining up for food, he caught sight on Lucia eating alone then stood up returning the plate then jump back towards the roof.

At the roof. Lucia gaze whats beyond the forest seeing the mountain view quite interest her however her goal is not to see whats beyond it, but to eradicate those who despise her kind. She clench the ruby pin by her cravat closing her eyes remembering her Gradfather, she smiled a little but turn into a frown soon as she remember Lucas's death she sigh then open her sharp eyes "how long are you gonna kept spying on me?" she questioned. Whats behind her was Liam who was standing by the window "hmm.." he felt nervous to say anything, Lucia sigh "if you have something to say you better say it right here beside me" she demanded.

Liam slowly lift his leg up to the other side of window cane himself then lift the other leg as soon both of his feet are on the roof he lost his balance as started to slip his face turn pale, however...


Liam eyes widen he turn to see Lucia grabbing the back of his coat collar, she sigh "you idiot, I can still sense you are still weak by now" she said with her eyes blink close then slowly open them with such sharp iris. "Lucia... can we talk?" Liam asked, Lucia just stare for a bit then gently put him down "we can.." she answered then she put Liam's right arm to her shoulder and her left arm to his waist "I'll help walk you to something much private."

After sitting down on the rooftop what surrounded Liam was the awkward silence and also the feeling of guilt. "Lucia, again I'm sorry for everything" Liam apologizes while Lucia just sitting silent watching the horizon "I know you've hated me ever since we came to eradicate you and your village, I know you can't trust me after what happened, but..." he pause "I want to help you."

Lucia turn to him "you help me? How ridiculous" she commented sliding her palm to her eyes down to her chin "like you said you know I can't trust you for everything" she said with such angry tone "why should I need your help?" she questioned.

"it's because where the Holy Order will be keeping your Father" Liam answered, Lucia's eyes widen that goes the sign she'll listen. "I'll tell you everything, if you promise me I'll following you on this mission" Liam offered a deal. "if I did let you come with me, would you just escape and kill me in the end?!" Lucia pointed as growls "you know what I am! I'm a half-breed of both Vampire and Werewolf."

Liam tried to pat Lucia's shoulder but she just avoided it "I won't do that" he said "I promise you, I won't try to fled or attempt to kill you" he vow "for everything I've regretted every bit of it... the lives I took and the people who've suffered under the Holy Order." he face Lucia's eyes full of hate "if I tried to kill you, you're welcome to end me."

Lucia stared at Liam seeing his eyes was telling the truth about his words, she close her eyes lowering back "alright, I'll let you come..." she finally answered as William let out a sigh of relief "however..." Lucia added "not because we're gonna travel together doesn't mean we're friends" she said with her eyes furrowed "you'll be my Prisoner for the rest of the journey."

"that'll be fine with me" Liam said confidently, Lucia then look back at him "now tell me everything" she demanded. "alright.. "Liam cleared his throat "our mission was only to take your father, Gabriel, back to Rome" he explains "Vatican City the Cathedral there's an underground Organization. Albert Van Helsing believes he's the key for Catherine Baron Tepes's to free the enslavement of Romania."

"wait, my Grandmother enslaved Romania?" Lucia repeated, "yes, she closed all borders of Romania believing she'll find your Father" Liam continue "she's looking for the key called "Seraphim"."

"Seraphim?" Lucia touch her temple "I think I know what she's looking for, that's why" she remember the silver sword Gabriel was about to inherit her, she then check her waist on the sword sheathe then pull it out "this sword is called Seraphim, this sword has been passed through generations right after the past generations died in battle." she then remember the surprise inheritance ceremony "it all makes sense now, Dad didn't just left Grandmother because she hated their love, but also escape with Seraphim."

"My Dad told me that Seraphim is not just a sword or a key, he said the sword has infinite energy to eternal use" Lucia has gotten curious then look back at Liam "does Catherine knows the shape of the key?" she asked, Liam shake his head "no, as the matter in fact we have no knowledge what Seraphim looks like" he said "but this knowledge must be protected, I don't know what Catherine's schemes to use Seraphim. But I think your Father knows..."

Lucia nodded "yes, but we need to rescue my Dad before Catherine gets to him first" she planned. "when are we leaving?" Liam asked, Lucia's look at the horizon "In two days, I'm not gonna travel with you still injured" she pointed "also you got to go back to your room, I can tell you just snuck out just to apologize to me."

Liam scratch his nape chuckling "I won't be able to sleep properly without apologizing and making sure you're safe..." he worried, Lucia became surprise him being worried she shrug off raising an eye brow "worry too much it might kill you."

Not knowing Robert and Floriana were watching at the two by the window smiling, "I really thought Lucia would be like ready to tear him to shreds" Robert said closing his eyes smiling, "ufu~ even tho she hates the boy she still has a heart" Floriana said looking at her daugther who is talking to a boy, she then turn towards her brother "they remind me when I first met Gabriel, I was pretty hostile back then" she mumbled as she smiles "why don't you have a lover yet, brother?" she asked.

"ahaha, well it's hard to choose between all women... I'm fine leading the pack by myself" Robert said as he glance at his niece "but watching those two reminds me that I'm wanting to have a family" he chuckle "but that can wait once we found a safe haven, huh?" he saw Floriana's worried look "whats wrong sis?"

"she'll going on a dangerous trip soon, she'll be far away from us" Floriana worried then glance at Liam seeing him to someone very similar "ufu, but I know she'll be fine, I trust this man..."