What! I am Fat?

"I hate to admit it but every time I look at my bestie she is slender and I can't find an ounce of fat"

My mom used to tell me when you were a baby, you never laugh at anyone who teases you, and you don't even smile with your uncles and aunties who give you treats. You only respond to me and your dad!!!!

Wow! I told myself I was a snob from the beginning or something is wrong with me!!!

So, I grow up not bother about unnecessary things like what other people say. For me, I only care what my mother and father say. They are the people that I value in my life.

I never thought about my figure before, after all, I can move freely, run, swim and jump. I am good with it.

My favorite place in school is the herb garden, I love to sit there and lay my back resting on a big Narra tree that hides me from the sight of the people. This secluded part of my high school is my little haven.

Today I sat at my favorite place eating my lunch. My packed lunch is homemade sausage, pride rice, and 1 piece of banana. Then I overheard a group of four girls chatting about school activities than they have this ridiculous list of top ten cutest guys on campus, then I heard the top ten list of chubby girls, and I was shocked that my name was mentioned.

I told myself what is wrong with this girl's they talk without sense at all!!!! What stupidity!!!!

My class ends at four pm and I usually stay for half an hour in the library reading or look for books that I can borrow, but today I skip that routine and run home. My mom opened the door for me and I ask her.

Me: Mom tells me the truth, do I look fat?

Mom: Sweetheart, you are not fat.

Me: Are you certain?

Mom: Of course!!!! what is this fat nonsense your talking about, go look in the mirror?

I went to our bathroom and look at my face in the mirror. The thing is we don't have a full-body mirror. How I was to know just by looking at my face and the top part of my body. I pinch my cheeks, my chin, trying to find how much fat in theirs. Then I look closely at half of my body reflection. I saw a young girl who doesn't care how she looks before, but now all I can see is her round face and her heavy top and I shriek...Oh! my!!!! I am fat!!!!!

My mom runs to the bathroom and said what happened? Why are you making a frightening sound? My mom looks so worried, and so I assured her "I am good mom, sorry for troubling you".

The next day I look at every girl on the campus, and I was surprised that most of the girls in this school are thin and their top body parts are flat. I hate to admit this but every time I look at my bestie she looks so slender, and I can't find an ounce of fat. Only a few girls are fat like me. I was thinking maybe they too are on the list.

I became conscious of my big top, so I hug my books to cover them and the bad thing is it keeps getting bigger.

I promised myself I will lose weight. My first thought I need to reduce my food intake especially rice and I did that for 3 months and still, my face looks round, and the top part of my body still big.

My mom was observing me for a long, and she finally talks to me at dinner time while my dad is busy slicing his steak.

Mom: For 3 months, you're not eating your full serving of rice, what is going on with you? My dad who is now cutting his steak look at me.

Me: Nothing is wrong with me, I just want to lost weight. My dad laughs almost chokes his food.

Mom: Sweetheart you are not fat, you are just heavy on the top. My dad smile at me and said it runs in my family, maybe you didn't observe but all of your aunts have the same build as you are.

Me: Why can't I be like mom, she is thin everywhere in her body and my dad laughs so hard upon hearing this. Then I saw mom smack my dad, and he just keeps on laughing.

Finally, my dad settle down and my mom said"You never bother about this insignificant stuff before, why now?

Me: I overheard some girls placing me as the number 1 fat girl in the school.

Mom: Since when did you care about what other people say? Always remember we are here to take care of you and if you are fast, I will stop making dessert and make you run every morning but since you are not, walking to school and your school activities is good enough exercise to make you fit.

Always remember Mom and Dad love you sweetie, and we are here to support you and take good care of you.

I went to bed thinking what my mom said to me, so yeah what if I'm fat on the top I can easily cover it with my books and wear an oversize t-shirt and uniform... The most important thing in the world is that I have great parents that love, support, and listen to me. What more can I ask for.....